Reviews from

in the past


I liked when Nuts said "It's Berserking time" and he Berserked all over Griffon.

I have never played a Dynasty Warriors game, so this was my first glimpse into the franchise. I can't say I'm much inspired to seek out and play any of the other titles, but for all I know this could be quite a bit worse than the others.

Berserk is a manga series I very much love, and this game is a butchery of everything that makes it special. The story is retold through terrible looking in game cinematics combined with sections of the anime ripped out and spliced in.

The game's biggest sin is how repetitive it is. It is viscerally satisfying to cleave through hordes of enemies, but that is literally the whole thing - the gameplay never advances beyond basic combo attacks. There are boss fights that try to mix things up, but they all feel clunky and don't so much alleviate the boredom as they do introduce frustration in its place.

As if the game wasn't long enough, they frequently add filler sections to the plot to further pad the mission count. With classics like the three mission section where Guts protects local villages from thieves during Golden Age - this literally never happens. It's not as if Berserk as a story lacks enough battle scenarios to fill a game like this, so I don't understand why they felt the need to put the plot on hold to make you do even more identical battling.

If you like Berserk, there is some cheap fun to be had here, but there is nothing of substance to this game. It's ugly, overlong and is a disservice to the quality of Miura's original work.

Mais um "musou" de anime mas vale a pena jogar, me diverti bastante revisitando a era de ouro e alguns capítulos após ela nesse jogo, infelizmente ele sofre de alguns problemas de repetição quando você vai atrás de completar o modo "eclipse sem fim", mas ainda sim vale se você curte uns jogos de anime e principalmente Berserk

Incredibly fun and surprisingly challenging musou. Frenzy Guts build absolutely carried me.
However, this game has the worst bosses in any musou I have ever played. The bosses alone hold the game back from getting a perfect score, I loathe them that much.

The same with kcd i finished the game but stilly trying to get 100%.

Just another Musou game. Soulless, but as a Berserk fan I played through and unlocked everything there was to unlock. Mostly just a few characters as notable unlocks. It just doesn't do the series justice. I mean sure, you'd think hacking through hundreds of enemies as Guts would be fitting, but the environments feel lifeless and not like real medieval battlefields. And that just comes with Omega Force's design of Musou games. The enemy force just moves as a giant lump of meatbags to kill, there's no independent thinking or believable AI behaviour. I honestly think the boss battles are the only redeemable part of this game, that and the visuals are really nice actually; the artstyle really fits Berserk. It's not too "anime". Nice semi-realistic character designs and a grounded colour scheme and tone for the visual side of things. But yeah, back to the boss battles. You can think of this game as a Souls-like title if you turn up the difficulty to maximum. The challenge that comes with it is what keeps your mind out of the fact that this is a pretty boring snooze-fest to actually push through. And the character roster really gives you not much to work with. You got Wyald, Zodd, Schierke, Serpico and some of the more iconic Hawks such as Judeau. What the hell? You gonna add Judeau but skip out on Corkus and Pippin? Interesting, but you go off I guess. In addition to the story mode that covers most of the manga, you've got Eclipse Mode, which is just boring and unimaginative. Anyway, talk about eclipse. They absolutely dropped the ball on that one. Yeah you see Caska and the bad stuff happening to her; you get that Griffith has betrayed you. But you see none of the suffering inflicted upon your best friends and all of the Hawks. No wait, you do, in a cutscene that's just a clip from the third CGI film.. I think that's enough said. They just crapped out a Dynasty Warriors game and decorated that Christmas tree and called it a day. They knew we'd take any breadcrumbs thrown our way!

This game made me feel like I was being raped by Griffith while all my friends watched at my graduation party the day before I go to New Jersey to open a hoagy shop.

This game doesn't do much to break the mold of other musou games, but there is plenty of nice content for fans of the manga to sink their teeth in and there's nothing wrong with the game structurally. If you've already had your fill of Dynasty Warriors and you're unfamiliar with or don't care for Berserk I'd say pass on this. Buuuuut if you enjoy Berserk and don't mind mashing the X-button a LOT I'd say give it a shot.

Fez uma fase fez basicamente todas,tem que ser muito fã pra aturar o jogo todo que é divertidinho até

Fun Musou game. Grinding out the platinum was utterly dull just grinding out the same missions with each character so probably stop when you get bored.

tried for around 2 hours if i didnt love berserk so much i would have probably played it for 5 minutes lmao

this game's endless eclipse is a rush of serotonin towards its end levels and i have to give it credit just for that.

This game is so fun to play but the upgrade system was kind of wack and I got bored but It is super fun!

It's a Berserk-themed musou, you get what's on the tin i.e. grey sludge that looks/feels nice in the moment. Sword feels good to swing which is the most important thing to get right in a Berserk game.

I am a HUGE Berserk fan and was warned that even if you are a big fan this game sucks. I did not listen. The story and gameplay are executed so poorly.

musou game but with peak fiction, just wish it wasn't a musou game, Guts and Berserk deserve better in this day and age

Gameplay boa e divertida mas todos os arcos foram adaptados com a bunda, o mais tankavel é o Falcão Milenar. As bossfights são bem medíocres e a dublagem eu achei tenebrosa, principalmente a do Wyald. O jogo é bem mediano e me deixou bastante a desejar, se quer consumir algo bom de Berserk, vai no mangá mesmo.

Was it amazing? Not really, but I got to eviscerate thousands of enemies as Guts so, I had fun.

Мусо. Жирным минусом дешёвые катсцены. пол игры были вставки из анимы, пол игры максимально неанимированное 3д, вплоть до того что если персонаж должен двигаться, его не показывают. но в геймплее плюс минус весело, но вся игра на Гатсе, в отличии от других мусо.

Será el mejor juego de Berserk pero eso no quiere decir que sea sobresaliente. Le falta ambición.

i fucking love guts i want him to pin me against a wall wwe style

As a Berserk fan this was amazing to see, and I really did enjoy the game, even though I wish there was a little bit more of the story, but still this was an amazing game.

Dogshit. CGI Anime for the cutscenes is just the icing on this shit cake.

I know the Warrior games are simple but this was so fucking boring with how little options you have.

lo podría disfrutar si no fuera que lo optimizaron con el orto

its a Warriors game but it fits i guess