Reviews from

in the past

jogo mais realista do ps2, foda

O melhor FPS dos anos 2000, mas muito difícil, um dia eu termino

Shooting is great fun, but the dearth of checkpoints and bullet spongy enemies make this a bit of a frustrating experience.

O jogo envelheceu bem em alguns aspectos, sobre principalmente o ambiente sonoro. Os controles são meio duros, mas da para ver como evoluímos a partir daquilo. Graficamente falando, ele é um primor para o console.

Black é um pouco mais fácil do que eu lembrava.

O que eu MAIS gostei foi que essa era de jogos de FPS conseguia ser divertida, mesmo um jogo mais realista como esse sabia que era mais importante entreter o jogador do que fazer ele sentir que tava realmente matando alguém. :)

O que eu MENOS gostei foi que tinha um montão de balas na capa da versão do PS2 e o meu pai ficou bravo comigo quando eu quis comprar ele. :(

Surprise comes in many forms

I have a very specific attachment with Black as I own the demo disc for the PS2. I played the hell out of that demo disc but never played the full game until now. I have to say I am pretty damn impressed with the game overall and had a good time despite its flaws.

Ahead of its time

When you play this game it doesn’t dawn on you it's an OG xbox/ PS2 title as they really pushed the hardware to its limits. To explain, The game looks VERY good for the time when you once again consider what platform it's on. Guns feel great to shoot and sound great and the area by area gameplay is just fun even though repetitive. Attached to all this is a nice little story that we will sadly never see a continuation of which is sad since I do feel this game deserved way more than it got. Playing through Black makes me wish Criterion would make another story driven FPS game because the potential was unreal with Black through and through.


Sadly the game does have some issues that held it back for me but not overall ruining the experience completely. To begin , While the gunplay is fun the levels become extremely repetitive as they never try to break the formula. Most levels play out the same exact way making you go through the same exact hordes of enemies only adding very few new types of enemies along the way. It's a blessing that the core gameplay is such a good time because this issue doesn’t fully ruin the game for me personally. However , what I felt DID hold the game back was its very high TTK. To explain , you will notice how magazines are extremely large for every gun ranging from 60 - 90 for SMGs and assault rifles which sounds like a lot. However, you will quickly learn this is due to the fact that enemies have an insane amount of health and if you don’t focus shots onto their head you will be dumping most of your clip into one enemy. You will need to mix grenades into the mix as they will shred enemies and shotguns will as well shred enemies. Furthermore , keep an eye out for special guns in each level as they are the most OP weapons during the game. I just wish they balanced out the TTK with the regular weapon pool because some sections were annoying due to this. As mentioned before the enemy types are very limited and this hits extremely hard when you get into sections where you are supposed to take out a specific person. Due to how bare bones the enemies are, some sections which should feel epic end up feeling like every other section. “Go and defeat this person!!!” okay cool but why do they look like enemy #93328 doesn't aid in its story when the section by section gameplay doesn’t add specific bosses or unique enemies for specific characters. Maybe I seriously missed it but I as well didn’t see any way to change camera sensitivity which quickly annoyed me as the camera moves soooo damn slow. I can bypass no jump ,and sprint but having to drag your camera from country to country to aim at a damn enemy becomes annoying sometimes.

In the end

As I said , despite its flaws I honestly had way more of a fun time then I would have ever expected with this game. I am glad I finally got around to it and do recommend it as it's pretty cheap to buy and is on xbox game pass. With games like Dead rising , GOW1 , Oblivion and Saints row 1 coming out the same year it's no wonder this game failed. I never understood why they left it to rot on the previous gen consoles. It's truly a shame. If they could remake this game and modernize it I honestly believe it would be a hit.

Those were the times when I thought this was a fantastic game

Black is one of the FPS games that can be considered good by the year of release.It has some good weapon modifications and a pretty good physics engine for its year. On the other hand, the story , plot and main tasks are quite boring.The fact that the FOV is very close and the weight of the gameplay also makes the controls quite difficult and uncomfortable. As a result, Black is not a very successful game, but it is an FPS game that can be considered quite good for the Playstation 2 era.

Melhor jogo FPS no PS2 e que apresenta os melhores gráficos dentro das limitações do PS2. Jogo que não enrola e que te coloca direto na gameplay para começar a atirar sem cerimônia alguma. O jogo tem uma trama ok que dá mais detalhes nas cenas de live action no início de cada fase.

Certas mecânicas do jogo envelheceram mal como os comandos que não seguem os padrões dos FPS atuais com Iron Sight e gatilho no R2 e possui certos bugs que podem atrapalhar a progressão do jogo. Outro coisa que é meio estranha no jogo é o sistema de dano dos inimigos que as vezes tem que gastar um pente inteiro para derrubá-lo.

Ainda assim o jogo não perde o seu brilho e ainda ostenta a fama de ser um dos melhores FPS da geração do PS2 e com proposta muito convicente.

Black (2006): Sin ser la gran cosa, entretiene y se ve muy bien para su época, diría que top gráfico de Xbox. La jugabilidad es aceptable aunque anticuada, pero la historia es tan mala que me molesta. A día de hoy no aporta nada, y hay mil opciones mejores en su género (6,15)

Só falam desse jogo por que Halo era do xbox que não tinha o peso comercial que o playstation tinha, falam tanto da importância dele mas se for comparar a contemporâneos ele não tem nada demais. No fim não é ruim, porém da pra entrar no "overrated" pelo simples fato de colocarem ele a um pedestal nunca se quer atingido, com tudo espero que tenha um remake ( apesar que acho dificil ja que teria de mudar a estrutura inteira e ainda sim se manter fiel)

Espero achar um desse ate hoje

lembro de ter jogado com meu primo quando era criança. fui jogar novamente depois de mais velho e continua bem maneiro.

é surpreendente para um jogo de tiro de 2005.

infelizmente, agora depois de mais velho, joguei um pouco e não consegui passar da segunda fase kkkkkk. acho que é realmente difícil mirar num jogo antigo (ainda mais com controle de PlayStation 2).

It can be hard to go back to the games of old, especially if you never played them in the first place, but I had a chance a few years ago to play Black for the first time and I think it was a great FPS of its era. Wish I had dipped my toes in back then.

Still doesn't make sense how this game ran like it did on Playstation 2

Excelente jogo com uma boa pitada de dificuldade.

Joguei as 4 primeiras fases mais pra ver se eu gostava por que era bom ou pela nostalgia mesmo. O jogo pra 2006 é do caralho mas pra mim os FPS que sairam no meio termo dos boomershooter e COD4 não pegam mais pra mim hoje em dia, mas reconheço o valor.

everyone at the time used to say that this was the pinnacle, and tbh I think they were tripping HARD

uma pena q não consegui terminar ele na maior dificuldade pq o disco riscou... :(

it's a kind of mid 6th gen console shooter with really good dressing it feels very good to shoot things until they explode

Jogo de fps muito a frente de seu tempo.
com gameplay sólida , gráfico bons para sua época.

‘Black’ is an FPS from the mid 2000s from EA (booo) which seems to be the cool forgotten game, well not completely forgotten about, the Xbox backwards compatibility team certainly did not forget about it. This was before the days of online play, loot boxes and grinding for unlockables.

I always prefer playing FPS games on PC as mouse and keyboard are far superior to a controller for accuracy, so much so that FPS games on consoles now have aim assist. Black doesn’t have aim assist so I found myself flailing around struggling to hit enemies unless I was sneaking up on them for a headshot, which is VERY satisfying with a silenced gun. Even when I was able to hit enemies unless I could get a headshot they are bullet sponges, even on easy mode. The grenade throwing is very frustrating as I could only throw it 2 feet in front of me which was very inconvenient (was I doing something wrong?). Movement is what you would expect from an FPS of that time but not being unable to jump over small walls and obstacles is very frustrating. Each objective has multiple paths to it and can be approached in different ways leading to a flexible game experience.

One of the major downsides this game faces in 2023 is the lack of save points. You get checkpoints throughout the game, which are few and far between but are there but you cannot save during a mission which means if you power down the console you face to lose 30-60 minutes of gameplay. This turned me off the game itself doesn’t outweigh the cons of me having to replay sections over and over because I died or had to do something else.

The Xbox backwards compatibility team has done an absolutely fantastic job with this game. Comparing it to how it looked on the original Xbox to how it looks on a Series X is night and day, like a proper remastered game. Running at 4k 60fps it looks and feels absolutely fantastic.

‘Black’ goes for a cinematic approach with the cutscenes and music and both are incredible, even in 2023.

I played this game until the halfway point but like I said the lack of save points is turning me off from wanting to dedicate any more time to the game. If only it had come out on PC I would have wiped the floor with this game. I did have good fun with it and the gameplay performance is smooth as hell. I wonder if they will ever remake this game? But no doubt they would turn it into a Call of Duty with loot boxes and unlockables.

Felt very ahead of its time in terms of shooters, aged very well no doubt.

Amazing shooter that has some of the most satisfying weapons and particle effects ever made. Does get a little stale after a while, but going back every once and a while never hurts. I do have beef with them blurring everything when you reload, I get it.

Before I started playing this, I thought this was gonna be a B rank FPS, one that wouldn't blow me away but one that would give me a good time. And after playing, I was exactly right. This is one of the most B rank games I've played. That isn't a bad thing, I really did enjoy it, but I knew what I was getting into with this. If I played this when it first came out, I probably would have been blown away, but I wasn't alive then, so I'm judging it off of right now.

First off, the Levels were the highlight. I really though they were very well put together and were intelligently designed. They were fairly memorable to me as well. Don't ask me what the names of those areas/missions are because those are very unmemorable names.

I'm just gonna get the story out of the way because it is one of the weakest parts of the game if not THE weakest part of the game. I honestly don't really have a single clue what was going on in the story and I didn't try to. I don't think that it's convoluted, it just isn't good at telling the player exactly what's happening. Maybe it's just me. I thought the Cutscenes were cool for like 1 minute then they were just kinda lame. Having real people act felt like I was watching one of those true crime TV shows. After playing Max Payne on the Original Xbox where I played this as well, these kinds of cutscenes were just not hitting the same in any way.

The gameplay is good but not great. I feel like the game wants the player to be a little more tactical, but I think the best way to play is to just run in guns blazing. It makes things way more intense and fun, and I'm sure that's how most people play anyway. The shooting itself wasn't anything special and was honestly just average.

I will say, this game is very technically impressive for the time it came out. There was so many explosions going on when I was playing and I had no frame rate issues. Literally zero. Also graphically it is very impressive for it's time as well. It's lacking heavily in its color pallette, but I really love that retro style of "trying to look real but can't".

I mentioned it already, but the amount of explosions really made this game a lot better. It honestly does get really crazy, throw one grenade and you can blow up a house, fire a rocket and you can blow up two buildings.

The Music score really surprised me, it was really damn good, but sadly for some reason didn't play the music very often. It's a shame because when it was playing it was really good.

One of the things people mention always mention with this game is the sound design, specifically the sound of the guns. They really are very good, and very loud so don't turn up your TV to loud. The sound in general is great, breaking windows, blowing things up, reloading, the sound is the real crowning achievement of this game.

Now my absolute biggest problem with the game. The Checkpoints. My gosh these things can get bad. These levels are long, like 30 minutes long. With long levels like this you'd think there would be a lot more checkpoints, but nope, there isn't. You could play for like 7-10 minutes and die, and when you expect to reload, the game only gives you the options of, "Restart The Mission" or "Quit". This honestly gives a the overall score a decent hit.

Overall, I liked this game. It's a damn good FPS, and a game I'm glad I played. It's fun and worth a try. If you like shooters, I'd give this a try, but I wouldn't recomend it to everyone.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

Tenia muy buenos graficos y fisicas para su epoca

I often see this game called "ahead of its time". But considering what's ahead of it is a far too long era dominated by the most boring, bland, brown and gray modern war-battle shooters of all time, is that really saying anything?

The game is graphically impressive for the console it released on, and the shooting mostly feels pretty good, but almost everything else about this game is drab. The levels are ugly, the enemies are way too goddamn spongy, and the story is so boring, I just stopped listening during one cutscene and just listened to podcasts for the rest of Black's runtime. This is the kind of game that when it was over, I didn't hesitate to hit the delete button, get it off my console and out of my memory.