Reviews from

in the past

I didnt think it was thaaaaat bad

Pretty dang charming and fun take on the series. Has some odd design decisions, but overall I had fun with it.

how do you even come up with this

The game would be inoffensive if not for the terrible roulette system used to pick a level. At least the amiibo it came with is good.

as soon as i finished the first level and saw the destination wheel i returned it

this game blows

"This game blows!"

Zip Lash is a generic 2D platformer with some interesting ideas. I liked the pressure of the battery timer and the cute, but admittedly distasteful, product placement. On the other hand, some of its ideas, like the randomized stage select, are so baffling that's it's hard to see how this game made it out of testing.

Even less fun than I could imagine it’s actually impressive how soulless it is

Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash is the first game that I played where progress through levels is determined by luck. I think it’s a dumb and stupid mechanic that is a complete disrespect of people’s time. 🤢🤮

Scott, why didn't I listen to you?

I'm almost impressed at how little of this game works. Every idea here is a failure both on its own and as its place in a greater whole. This game is a tedious, overlong mess that has no idea what it's trying to be.

Let me guess most of the reviews are Scott The Woz references?
Edit:Someone give me a gold star.

The only good thing to come from this game is an really cool amiibo

sucks soooo bad scott the woz was right

i only finished this game so i could be fully informed on hwo bad it was. felt like they had no faith in this project even up until the last boss where they basically just told you how to win the fight


An actual fucking nightmare of a game. Every single last choice made in the design of this game is flawed. This game is basically Nintendo just spitting on the grave of Chibi-Robo. It’s a shit stain of a game in every conceivable way. The only positive thing to come out of this game is an Amiibo. That’s literally it. Nintendo sucks sometimes.

When a game demands you replay levels based on a spinning wheel to progress, I don't feel like it respects my time. That's a shame, because I feel the core game loop itself is decent enough. The loop is sadly surrounded by strange decisions, all of which seem to try to tear you away from its main pull (pun intended).

Chibi-Robo Zip Lash is the definition of mediocre platforming.

It's an ordinary mascot platformer like we have seen a thousands time but also some odd decisions later on in the game.

You could literally slap any character on this and it would be the exact same game

Pretty standard 2D platforming game with the cutesy Chibi-Robo.

It's good enough, even if some level design is basically bullshit.

Don't take the other scores into much consideration, since they're mostly bandwagoning on some dude's unfunny video.

The most memorable part of this game is that Scott the Woz hates it.

Don't tell him I thought it was a good game, please.