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in the past

Very good DLC! This is how you connect two franchises together! It was cool!

It is okay. I was expecting a little more.

Juzgar a un par de DLCs despues de varios años de jugar al juego base es medio dudoso sin duda, pero qsyo. Estan piola, The Foundation me aburrió un poco y no me interesó tanto pero el de Alan Wake está entretenido, sobre todo sabiendo maome que onda la historia del juego. Tiene gameplay divertido con lo de evitar la oscuridad pero tampoco nada excepcional. Que haya pasado tanto tiempo de jugar Control hizo que esté re frío con los controles (cuack) y el gameplay loop en general. Igual, están piola qsyo. Control me gusta mucho.

This was the lesser of Control's two DLCS for me, but it's still just more Control so it's solid by default

I kind of went into this expecting more of a full on set up for Alan Wake II than is presented here, so I was little surprised by how little Alan Wake involvement there really is.

The strongest part of the DLC for me was the first 20-30 minutes or so of it where the more emphasized horror tone of it sticks out. Once you get into the actual meat of what you're doing that sorta dies out, which I guess is kind of a given in a game where you play as a character as strong as Jesse

Incorporation of the light mechanic here was also pretty cool and creative but not much is done with it

A luz que se mistura ao controle me mostra como esse jogo tem um poder especial.

Apesar de não ter tido o melhor momento do jogo, AWE traz a experiência mais concisa de Control. Control se ilumina temos uma adição aos puzzles que, a essa altura, já eram cansativos, mas agora têm um gosto novo sem se estender demais.

Essa luz também ilumina o que faz Control ser mais significativo. A narrativa estar amarrada ao destino de Alan Wake faz Jesse em sua tomada de controle algo muito mais poderoso.

Entendemos que nesse ambiente de caos, controle é escasso, inclusive, pessoas estão perdendo sua consciência para ruídos ininteligíveis (que talvez tornem suas mentes presas em trabalhos mundanos, isso por si só é um tópico interessante). Porém, quando adicionada a variável Alan Wake, o controle tem um outro significado, semelhante ao traduzido no seu jogo que aborda controle em uma perspectiva de destino e caminho.

Jesse talvez nunca tenha conquistado pleno controle, ou pelo menos, seu controle nunca foi algo inesperado. Tematicamente, adoro isso, mas evidencia ainda mais o esvaziamento em mecânica desse jogo. Como eu gostaria de não ter controle, também, de minha gameplay e conseguir encontrar meu caminho da mesma forma que iluminamos aqui, o caminho com o “controle” que adquirimos (vide nossos poderes). Infelizmente, o simbolismo de controle ainda se resume a uma tradução de mecânicas comuns em jogos de ação em terceira pessoa.

Ainda assim, sinto que minha experiência foi tomada, de fato, pelo Alan Wake. Sua simples presença traz mais sentido à minha experiência em Control e até para Jesse como personagem em uma perspectiva segmentar (no sentido de muitas camadas). Jesse é mais uma peça para que Alan Wake consiga iluminar seu caminho à tomada de controle, e isso resume essa boa DLC.

"...and Thomas Zane was with him. The poet. No, wait. He was a filmmaker. I always remember that wrong."

More of the same aber mit besseren Boss Fights und Alan Wake. Kleine Ausnahme ist der End Fight, welcher schon etwas frustrierend war.

doesn't feel too different from the core game, slightly less compelling than it but still good fun

story is arguably less interesting/complex than the og story but like I love alan wake a shit ton soooooooooo.... I can only imagine what this was like for alan wake fans back when the DLC came out and this kinda teased AW2

I highly recommend this one for those who love the Alan Wake franchise, because this story is mainly based on AW's universe. It adds also a whole new area to the map, the story is a bit long, but it didn't feel as long as the other DLC one. It adds new upgrades both for Jesse and the weapon, and there is this new mechanic where we can destroy the darkness with a light, pretty much like in the Alan Wake games.

The ending intrigued me a lot, and since recently Alan Wake 2 was released, I have the feeling it might be connected, at least I hope it is, I still haven't played it yet.

Bah c'était super cool, un vrai bon teaser a Alan Wake 2 !

The better DLC. Makes me retroactively like Alan Wake even more. More of what Control is good at with Alan Wake tie-ins.

This so much better than the foundation dlc but I had a tough time beating that damn boss.

I liked the stuff with Alan Wake in it! I did not like the stuff without Alan Wake in it as much

I've been on a binge of replaying the Alan Wake games leading up to 2 and its so cool to see all the hints that Remedy was dropping for imagery that would later show up in Alan Wake 2. It feels natural for Jesse to investigate this and ties in perfectly. Love the way this DLC takes more of a horror approach playing with darkness and the enemy design, so worth playing.

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"Hartman was Stetched! Devoured by hungry darkness!"

Why'd i play expansion 2 first? I dont know! But this is clearly where the bones for Alan Wake 2 were set. The style is all there: Alan's writing, the way the darkness acts, the deep horror vibes, it's all started here. A bit of a follow up to Alan Wake (and maybe american nightmare? I dont know), Hartman dives into Cauldron Lake and is taken by the darkness. The FBC brings him back, but then the hiss mixes with the darkness.

Story's a bit straight forward but once again Remedy KILLS the presentation aspect. Wake's hotline calls are fantastic just as they are in Alan Wake 2 and the way they show the darkness mixing with the hiss is really damn cool. On top of that, Hartman's design is genuinely terrifying. Especially when they have just his silhouette in the dark halls of the Investigations sector. He's such an unnerving threat, and him repeating Wake's writings in that distorted voice? It just hits right.

Gameplay side of things, nothing really new. Darkness is very one dimensional. Turn on generators and run from light source to light source or else Hartman will get ya. Or pick up a light to burn darkness. It's not the best, i'll be honest. Hartman's boss fights play around with the darkness aspect so well though. The game loves to put you in situations where you need to run into the darkness with Hartman right on your trail. It's so tense and i love it to death.

Overall, pretty fun lil expansion to a pretty dang good game. If you like Alan Wake at all, i urge you to play this if you haven't. Also love the lil foreshadowing to Alan Wake 2, they seriously had this all written out for so long, eh?

One of the primary reasons I'm doing this Control replay is that I wanted to play this DLC before diving into Alan Wake II. It seems like the Remedy fandom is pretty negative on this one, but I quite liked it. I think they did a really good job incorporating the atmosphere and some of the gameplay concepts of Alan Wake into Control (a game that is, let's be honest, a hell of a lot more fun to play than Alan Wake). The design of the Not-Hartman monster is great body horror, and I really dug the survival horror approach to those encounters. I do think Control's lighting system makes the darkness sections a little harder to read than I think they're supposed to be, but that's my only real complaint.

Some great additions to the Control lore too. Fra Mauro is just a little subplot in this story, but it's a concept so interesting and unsettling that it could be the basis for an entire novel or screenplay.

It's interesting how it connects the events of Alan Wake with the lore of Control, alongside just teasing Alan Wake 2 at the end.

Me lo he acabado porque habla de Alan Wake, que sino ahi se hubiera quedado, he terminado demasiado empachado.

Both Foundation and AWE are a little short and don't really explore anything too notable in their universe (mostly just setting up Control 2 and Alan Wake II, respectively), but those who enjoy Control's loop shouldn't miss out.

It's better than the other dlc (not by much tbh), the monster is cool looking, and it's a neat little teaser for Alan Wake 2. I feel like this could've also just been a sidequest.

More Control!

This was a lot less Alan Wake-y than I was expecting. After playing The Foundation earlier in the week, set in a warren of huge caverns, I'd assumed that this would also be set in a brand new area, different from the usual grey office trappings of The Oldest House - maybe I'd be taken to a different version of the Dark Place, I thought, or I'd be transported to Bright Falls and Cauldron Lake.

But no: Jesse gets a call to look into the 'Investigations Sector', a long-lost wing of The Oldest House where most of the assets and geometry are simply re-used from the base game. From there, you're tasked with chasing down a big monster and using light to weaken him, but it was all a bit underwhelming, with no new powers, no new locations and not much to really set it apart from what I'd already experienced. Some of the foreshadowing to the events of Alan Wake 2 were quite cool, especially when you consider this came out over three years before AW2 did, and there are new horde survival and time attack arcade modes which are good fun. Overall, however, like The Foundation, this felt pretty forgettable. That said, it might just be that, having played Control, Alan Wake 2, The Foundation and now this in quick succession, I'm a bit Remedied out, so your mileage may well vary.

managed to beat this DLC before beating the main game, i fangirled at alan wake, as you do.
the only bad part of this is how dogshit the last boss is, and how little i got from alan. but thats ok, i know where i can get more alan


the way this ties back to alan wake is really cool. probably the best piece of content for this game

Boss meio chatinho, mas o tanto de informação q ela traz sobre o lore desse universo compensa demais, tô maluco pra começar o AW2

El jefe final es tan malo, que todo el dlc me parece una poronga ahora. Lo unico bueno fue alan wake.

Ótima DLC pra jogar no hype do Alan Wake 2. Além de várias conexões e adições à lore do Alan Wake/Control que já são uma coisa só, as novas mecânicas envolvendo a sombra são bem legais e adicionaram um elemento de "terror" que eu achei que estariam no jogo base assim que comecei a jogar Control, mas que foi bastante pra ação logo no começo.

Simplesmente sensacional como eles colocaram a mecanicas de luz e explicaram bright falls de um jeito """logico"""

I just want to play Alan Wake 2 hurry up