Reviews from

in the past

- this one needs tinkering before it can run on steam deck. Deck Verified is hugely misleading.
- there are more jp than voice en lines. So select the jp option from the start
- Anime girls. Kinda of cool tho
- VN first, jrpg second.
- Some VN parts are really well made and i can give it that while most are trash to fill up the 40+ hr playtime mark
- dungeons are poorly made
- combat is fun but gets boring quickly
- AI enemies are super dumb
- i find it so discouraging to continue.

Dude this game is so fucking stupid but this is an extremely positive stupid I love it so much
It is definitely a 7/10 overall but I have to give it a pure 10/10 out of respect
It’s peak
Mizunashi is truly the protagonist of all time

Man I haven't seen this many deaths and bad ends since corpse party.
checks writer

...yeah, no that checks out now

A game that starts with an interesting premise, but ultimately fails to live up to its potential.

There is an interesting mechanic where you switch between a VN style ‘real world’ and the in universe video game. The idea is that things that happen in one universe would change something in the other one, but all of these events are required for gameplay progression, taking the fun out of the idea.

Another mechanic that’s neat in theory is that enemies can bounce off of walls and each other, depending on far your attacks launch them, making take more damage. But a majority of the time the enemy is dead before the damage bonus comes into play.

There’s another mechanic that claims to change the game to a different genre, but they are all just unfun mini games.

The ‘real world’ characters are fine, and talk about interesting things pertaining to the plot. The ‘video game’ characters on the other hand, are mostly annoying waifu bait anime girls that drone on and on about things that usually don’t pertain to the overall plot.

As for the plot itself, it starts out simple enough, with an interesting premise too, but it kinda falls flat at the end. The ‘game world’ constantly brings up supernatural real world phenomena, but is actually completely unrelated to anything, other than getting the ‘real world’ protagonist to investigate certain areas.

Sometimes plot events just happen with little to no build up. There’s a random fourth wall break near the end that tries to make some kind of meta narrative (think Bravely Default but with awful writing), but it’s pretty meaningless.

Just don’t bother with this game.

Death end re;Quest é um jogo que é excelente mas foi limitado demais por conta do orçamento da produtora, igual todos os outros jogos da Compile Heart, ele tem ideias geniais que poderia ser melhor desenvolvidas, o combate de turnos é o mais único que eu já vi até hoje, vc pode simplesmente transformar o jogo em um FPS, Luta, Plataforma, no meio da batalha usando poderes de hack, se isso não é criativo eu sou uma geladeira Eletrolux de duas portas. A história também é sensacional, te prende do início ao fim. Infelizmente ele tem os mesmos vícios que todo jogo dessa empresa, ou seja espere um grind maroto em alguns momentos do jogo. Mesmo assim eu recomendo fácil pra qualquer fã de RPG e Visual novel.

Compelling characters and a story that, while cliche at its core, employs quite a few original twists and utilizes the concept extremely well.
Gameplay can be quite fun in bursts but gets old quick during the latter half where enemies become extremely tanky and prone to healing, all while the balance between Gameplay and VN tilts massively towards the former. The early game has a bit of the opposite problem where it felt like for every 10 mins of gameplay they were throwing 30 minutes of VN at you. Doesn't help that it lacks a ton of polish, mostly noticeable in the VN portions. Feels very low budget, rushed, or both.

Honestly, I first played this game about a year ago? I don't know why but I was so quick to judge the game from the first few moments of the prologue alone and just ended up hating it to the point I dropped it

After playing through the Mary Skelter trilogy Death end re;Quest 2 caught my eyes and of course I HAD to play it however this meant going back to actually play through the first game before that since I'm not a fan of skipping things. I was kind of dreading this since I did initially really dislike the game... However upon starting up the game again after a year on a fresh save I can say that it's quite possibly one of the most creative JRPGs I've ever played albeit held back massively with a low budget

The gameplay starts off fairly average I guess? Nothing remarkable but the story is what hooked me. But the gameplay does present a lot of interesting mechanics like the genre changing mechanic which as awesome as switching to action gameplay mid turn based battle sounds it's unfortunately pulled down by the budget like I mentioned

The characters are all a lot of fun and all have interesting dynamics which definitely plays into the overall enjoyment I had of the story as a whole (which I won't get into any detail of since I'm not a fan of spoiling things so go play it yourself!)

The writing was surprisingly pretty smart and self aware and ACTUALLY utilised the gaming + internet aspects of the story surprisingly well Those aspects actually being utilised well was one of the big highlights as well since most stuff that pull the "trapped in a video game" plot line kind of quickly dribble into it becoming a generic fantasy whole DerQ utilises this aspect all the way through with the ability to swap between reality and the video game as you uncover the many mysteries the story presents you with

This is more just a write up on some of the thoughts I had on the game so I'm gonna end this off here but I'm looking forward to the sequel with how it looks to delve fully into being a full on horror JRPG which is something I've been wanting for as long as I've been into JRPGs

Performance was bad on switch but otherwise a fun rpg/visual novel

La gente de Digital Foundry se harían el harakiri si tuvieran que analizar este juego en Switch.

- Existe un intento por darle un toque más maduro a su historia, con eventos más gore, pero todo esto pierde fuerza cuando meten peluchitos todo el tiempo y diálogos de puro fanservice.
- El sistema de transformaciones en base al daño recibido es una idea muy interesante, ya que permite un potente sistema de riesgo-recompensa.

- El framerate y la resolución en Switch son denunciables.
- Algunas decisiones de diseño, como los Game Over al elegir opciones para las que no tienes contexto alguno, parecen haber salido de la mente de un psicópata. Especialmente cuando no hay autoguardado.
- No deja de ser otro juego genérico de Compile Heart.

This game was amazing, I bought it on a whim just by how it looked, what actually made me get it was i thought the RPG combat would switch genres in certain ways, I mean it does but it acts like a mini game, BUT as I was playing I got really into the story and the characters and atmosphere and everything, this game definitely a gem, granted it does come with a warning, despite it being a anime-like game and made by the same people who made Neptunia, this game gets DARK like disturbingly dark...

An interesting visual novel RPG that contains a lot of really good ideas that aren't utilized well. While the battle system is fairly interesting and stands out among other action RPGs, it is also fairly unbalanced in that your party can become easily overpowered (on Normal difficulty) and enemies aren't necessarily made more"difficult" but rather just "annoying" as they focus on healing themselves more over trying to take you out.

The biggest faults in Death End stems from its lackluster writing and boring dungeon and monster designs. Plot elements are thrown in wildly and many are dropped with zero fanfare to leave players more confused than invested. Additionally, plot elements are just seemed to be forgotten for the sake of forcing the "normal route" down a single story that contradicts established (or rather, hastily shoved-in) elements previously shown. This flawed writing style is only heightened with insufficient use of its concepts, generic and predictable plot twists, and strange B-Plots including one about randomly running around the map to locate specific flags to trigger conversations with a minor character that doesn't actually contribute to the game in any way.

The game's amazing character designs, cool concepts, interesting battle mechanics, and (sometimes) catchy music can not save a game like this. It one that was bound to either be an A+ role-playing game or a game that completely squandered its potential to become a forgettable mess, and unfortunately Death End falls into the latter.

As someone who was actually fairly excited and interested in this game before it was released (though only getting to play it a few weeks after launch), it's unfortunate to me that this game was just mediocre at best.

It's messy as an RPG, but it felt like Compile Heart really succeeding in areas they'd struggled heavily with in the past, and I ultimately enjoyed the story so much that I was completely hooked. I only wish it went in a little more on the horror elements.

I genuinely love this game, It's certainly not perfect but I love it's vibe and characters

I think the game had some interesting ideas with its story and combat but by the end I just wanted to see the back of it.

felt like a rushed game and genuily the only thing going for it in my opinion is its story which is rather unique.

Never thought a VN would have kaizo traps at this level

Death end re;Quest é um JRPG/visual novel, possuindo muitas similaridades com os jogos principais de Neptunia e não é por acaso, ambos são da mesma desenvolvedora, mas diferentemente da franquia principal nada convidativa da Compile Heart, esse daqui pode ser jogado de forma independente. O título é conhecido por trazer diversos Dead Ends um tanto chocantes com base nas escolhas em que o jogador toma no decorrer da jornada.

O enredo sendo um dos pontos principais do game, é contado em formato de VN como já citado; acompanhamos 2 protagonistas, sendo eles Shina Ninomiya, uma programadora de jogos digitais dada como desaparecida e Arata Mizunashi, um colega de trabalho conhecido por Shina, mas que acabou encontrando a companheira dentro de um jogo inacabado em que a empresa de ambos estava desenvolvendo. Nosso objetivo inicial é descobrir os mistérios cercando o desaparecimento de Shina e como podemos trazê-la novamente para o mundo real.

Questão de gameplay é bem simples, o game é dividido em dois segmentos, o primeiro deles é o segmento do Arata, sendo puramente visual novel focando em eventos do mundo real; enquanto o segmento da Shina, é uma mistura de exploração de cenário no estilo corredor, batalhas em turnos e mais visual novel dentro do jogo onde ela se encontra.

O sistema de combate é basicão, temos uma party consideravelmente carismática, cada garota pode realizar até 3 ações por turno, além disso temos um sistema de classe seguindo aquele esquema de pedra-papel-tesoura; podemos usar invocações de chefões derrotados caso a situação aperte.. existem formas supremas pra cada personagem do grupo, basta acumular corrupção suficiente (onde adquirimos pisando nas Field Bugs) pra despertar a garota selecionada, nesse meio tempo rola aquele fan service de transformação, lembrando Neptunia. Além disso, temos algumas mecânicas exclusivas nesse título; quando confrontamos um inimigo, uma arena se abre e junto dela, haverá diversas "minas" chamadas de Field Bugs, onde podemos passar com nossas personagens por cima para adquirirmos buffs, o lance é que existem diversos tipos que fortalecem e enfraquecem nossas unidades, como aumento de força física com status de envenenamento, field que concede imunidade à dano mas em contrapartida perde metade do HP, armadilhas onde você fica atordoado durante o turno seguinte mas recupera um nível considerável de MP e por ai vai. Fora isso, temos uma mecânica chamada de Knockback, existem ataques e habilidades que possuem esse status, sendo basicamente um empurrão no inimigo toda vez que uma unidade finaliza seu ataque, dependendo do tamanho do bixo, o empurrão pode ser com maior ou menor intensidade, de qualquer forma causa dano extra toda vez que ele colidir com alguma coisa, seja com outro inimigo, personagem da party ou até mesmo com a borda da arena do cenário.

Agora graficamente falando, o game carece demais nesse quesito.. o que salva são os sprites das personagens, mas somente isso. Trilha sonora é decente mas nada marcante infelizmente; a dublagem americana é boa mas assim como a japonesa, falta em diversos momentos.

Vale um aviso pra quem acha que esse game é sinistro ou darkzão: por boa parte do tempo o jogo é bem tranquilo, existem várias interações comuns e até cômicas entre personagens, piadinhas clichês além de aventuras genéricas; apesar do início cabuloso, a narrativa é bem suave e agradável, algo que me decepcionou consideravelmente no decorrer da jogatina.

Por fim senhores, Death end re;Quest pra mim é mediano, o roteiro dá uma viajada legal na reta final (fora a encheção de linguiça com diversos diálogos vazios) e o combate é interessante, mas falta polimento; o título se enquadra naquele exemplo de haver ótimas ideias no papel, mas acaba pecando na execução; levei 40 horas pra alcançar o final verdadeiro.

Gonna be honest, there was way too much dialogue and info-dumping for me to have fun with this. Visual novels are not really my thing at all, with only the Phoenix Wright games being bearable and interesting to me. Most VN's put me to sleep, which is what started happening while I was playing this. I don't know if the game gets better or more interesting as it progresses, but at the moment I have no motivation or interest to keep going with this one.
I'm gonna shelve it, for now, to potentially return to it at a later point though, not outright abandoning it.

Intriguing story in visual novel format that is hard to get through due to the poorly made gameplay segments.
+ mysterious and fairly dark narrative
+ adequately written and often amusing characters
+ unique aesthetic that creates a particular ambiance
+ emotive voice acting blemished by the sound mixing
- fundamentally interesting but extremely unbalanced combat system
- atrocious level design with joyless environments
- tedious and frequently obfuscated path of progression

Lots of interesting ideas where I feel like the lack of polish enhances the game

This game had a lot of interesting idea but all of them are unpolished. Like it had a nice battle system but they feel lack luster at the same time and the controls are terrible( I played on pc). The story looked interesting but after 7 hours of progression nothing was happening it just one dungeon after another and more party members. its a visual novel so it needs better character animation like ace attorney but its just same portrait either smiling or sad and blinking. The writing is not terrible but not good either. overall It needs to be more polished

Y'know? This game isn't that good. The gameplay is really repetitive and tedious and the combat has a cool concept but isn't really executed that well. The story is pretty poorly written and only about half of the characters are likable...

However, despite all of this, I still absolutely enjoyed the hell out of this game and I want so much more from this series...
I don't really get it, but thanks to all of the issues the game has I can't really recommend it to anyone. It's just my guilty pleasure I guess.