Reviews from

in the past

The sounds that come from the controller are nifty.

Efectivamente; de lo mejor de PS5. Tal vez algunos jefes me han sabido a poco, pero la inmensa mayoría son originales en comparación con otros juegos de FromSoft.

Es el Souls que menos me ha gustado del estudio y a la vez un juegarral de tres pollas.

Really cool Remake, graphics and gameplay were on point. Community was pretty cool also, a few discord servers with people willing to help and explain mechanics that are somewhat hidden. I really like the fact that some bosses are not just straight up duels, that was a good refresher.

Моей первой souls-игрой, которую я попробовал, была Dark Souls III. Первой souls, которую я прошёл, стала Dark Souls: Remastered. Мне так понравилось, что я практически сразу же взялся за прохождение её предшественницы, улучшенная версия которой вышла вместе с PlayStation 5. Скажу кратко: отличнейший эксклюзив, достойный внимания каждого геймера.

Технически ремастер (или всё-таки ремейк?) вышел великолепным, так что любителям оригинала будет приятно вернуться в родные края. Графика потрясающая, звук доставляет наслаждение глазам, анимации приятные, а багов нет. Если рассматривать игру как самостоятельное произведение и не сравнивать её с теми же Dark Souls, то очень даже ничего. Наиграл 30 часов и получил массу удовольствия. Однако если оглядываться на первую часть Тёмных Душ, то видны отличия, которые можно отнести к минусам и наоборот. К примеру, точки сохранений (тут Обелиски вместо костров) появляются только в начале каждого из пяти доступных миров и после убийства каждого босса. Достаточно старая система: проходишь уровень, убиваешь в конце босса и переходишь на следующий уровень. Только вот проходить довольно-таки долгий путь от Обелиска до босса раз за разом не очень увлекательно. В DS (а уж тем более в DS II) между боссами костров куда больше. Да, есть шорткаты, но не всегда они особо сокращают дорогу. Да, финальный босс локации почти всегда идёт сразу после предпоследнего. Я бы не отнёс такое расположение точек сохранений к минусу. Просто лично мне это меньше понравилось, хотя те же сохранения перед выходом из игры никто не отменял, которые можно использовать для переигрывания последних моментов перед смертью, если игра удачно сохранится.

Баланс здесь несколько читерный. Так уж вышло, что я выбрал знать (как маг, только ещё сильнее). Почти у всех боссов уязвимость к магии)) В связи с этим они оказались для меня в меру лёгкими. Весь кайф в том, что многие убиваются необычными способами. К примеру, с одним боссом вы можете сразиться, освободив рыцаря, который очень поможет своими мощными атаками. Битва с ещё одним боссом — прятки, так как босс слепой и ориентируется на звук. С третьим вы сражаетесь, используя специальное оружие, которое работает только на арене с боссом. И так далее. Причём мне кажется, что, не будь я магом и учитывая приобретённый мною опыт в DS 1, мне бы было ой как тяжело играть за рыцаря в Demon's Souls. Очень крутой меч, который я нашёл достаточно рано (Драконобой), хоть и наносил огромный урон, сильно загружал героя, а какой-то аналог, который бы хорошо так бил рядовых врагов и боссов, так толком и не подобрал. Может, что-то делал не так.

Музыкальные темы во время битв вообще не запомнились. Система тенденций, которая влияет на сложность игры и открытие нового контента, работает так "интересно", что вы будете идти в обход ей, а следовать правилам только при желании исследовать игру на все 100. Хилки первое время дико смущали, так как Эстуса, восстанавливающегося возле "костра", тут нет. Лишь расходники разных типов (разное количество хп восстанавливают). С одной стороны, нужно фармить их/покупать (фармить души для покупки), с другой же, носить с собой можно крайне много травок, что делает игру легче. Как я успел понять по соулсам, в начале игроку невыносимо тяжко, что он может плеваться, психовать, ругаться и даже забросить игру, потом через не могу он продвинется дальше, ещё дальше и в итоге под конец игры сам будет как босс, только лучше. Будет куча трав, а души уже некуда тратить.

Исходя из минусов, я мог бы поставить 4 звезды, но моё мнение ангажировано, потому что поддаётся словам сердца, которое не позволяет оценить Demon's Souls от Bluepoint, подаривших шикарный ремейк Shadow Of The Colossus, ниже чем на 5/5. Я прошёл около четырёх сотен игр, ввиду чего стало сложнее в последние годы втягиваться в игры. Приходится делать передышки или вовсе забрасывать их. Игры From Software, напротив, так затягивают, что буквально не можешь оторваться. На момент написания отзыва я уже прошёл Scholar of the First Sin и начал Dark Souls III.

Совет новичкам: расслабьтесь и не переживайте насчёт смертей. Смерти в играх Миядзаки — часть геймплея, неотъемлемая механика. Извлекайте урок из каждой смерти и относитесь к ней спокойно (можно даже наплевательски), и тогда рано или поздно заиграет финальная музыка, появятся титры, а на душе у вас будет благоговение. Всем всего доброго!

This is a wonderful remake of a game that is pretty good. I'm not that into Demon's Souls honestly. I like it. But I love all the other Souls games. This one is more interesting to me historically, as the basis for what Dark Souls would be, rather than as a game I actually want to play.

I love this game, my first Soulsborne game, and the first game on the PS5, and was my only choice to play when i got the PS5 and it was amazing.

Love the rolling skeletons

I thought that after playing bloodbourne I'd start to enjoy this game but after 10 hours i just do not see the point. Healing fucking sucks and is a chore to get more off and I didn't even hate blood vials that much. bosses are piss easy and don't give me that euphoric high I get from finally mastering the bosses in other games after hours of trying also there just annoying to get back to when you do fail

A challenging but still relatively fair experience similar to the original Demon's Souls on the PlayStation 3. After 100%ing the game twice over the past few years, it still hasn't lost the charm and beauty I experienced the first time booting it up around launch.

Even with quality of life improvements in the remake, Demon's Souls feels like a rough first draft of something utterly brilliant. I enjoyed parts of this game, but ultimately put it away because it just didn't feel fair. It's not From Soft's hardest game, but it felt like their most punishing considering the scarcity of healing resources, checkpoints, Soul form, and world tendency. I think those factors prevented me from enjoying a game I would have otherwise liked or even loved.

worst souls game objectively. mid areas mid bosses but the game looks good and has incredible sound design. its just fine that's it nothing else

I believe the 2009 version captures a more memorable experience with sound and art direction, but the 2020 version is one where you'll go "Oooh pretty graphics and animation."

Both play identical, but 2020 has item encumberment practically removed and 8 directional rolling.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 6/10

While I am a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to the Souls games, Demon's Souls tells me that it is perfectly normal for a boy my age to feel like this.

I can respect what Demon's Souls was going for. Without a doubt a more linear experience, but that doesn't deter me from recommending it in the slightest. Cool level locales, interesting enemy designs and a weighty combat system kept me hooked. The only slight I can muster against the game is the World Tendency feature. Intriguing concept, but practically it makes fully completing the game cumbersome.

A fitting game to start my PS5 gaming experience. I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at the Demon's Souls Inn.

Originally i was just gonna say "Demon's souls but bad" and that's it but it honestly is a bit too harsh. first of all its built on the bones of a decade and half old game and somehow managing to be worst than it's predecessor
a 1:1 copy but still called a remake and also feels way worse in most areas. enemy placement, feel & vibe, just not faithful to the og whatsoever it feels completely different and not a souls game. Bluepoint did a great with the graphics and incredible sound design to be fair
some amazing attention to detail and hidden additions and QOL stuff made me appreciate it it wasn't done lazily (for the most part) it just wasn't done right imo, it is more practical to play this rather than og because its more accessible but if you can go for the og all the way

While the remake graphics were splendid, the gameplay left much to be desired. The lack of poise is hard getting used to and many of the bosses are more of a puzzle than a challenge to your mastery of the game's mechanics, which I did not appreciate. Despite all this, I can see how we got Dark Souls out of this; the game has a lot of potential and classic Fromsoftware replayability.

Fuckers really thought they cooked with the bosses in this one

Demons Souls es el primer juego de la formula que haria grandes a From Software, y se nota.

Es un juego que no sabe a veces que quiere ser, que problemas plantear ni que soluciones son interesantes. Aqui se la estan jugando todo el rato probando cosas, y eso hace que a veces acertasen y otras no.

Tiene de las mejores zonas de la saga, con Latria como maximo exponente, y otras totalmente horribles como las minas. Con los bosses igual, tiene algunos que aunque pecan de simples a dia de hoy estaban muy bien entendiendolos en su contexto, y otros que eran un autentico dolor de huevos no por dificiles sino cansinos y diseñados mas en algun gimmick no muy interesante que otra cosa.

Eso creo que le da bastante personalidad tambien, que se siente un juego mas experimental y con ganas de probar cosas. Pero eso de por si no te hace mejor.

El tema de las tendencias no puedo opinar porque he pasado completamente del tema, no se si me he perdido mucho por ello pero no es un sistema que me guste y he decidido ignorarlo.

Très bon remake au niveau visuel. Une refonte du gameplay à la RE4 aurait été appréciée.

I sort of like this game's more linear approach over the combined worlds of Dark Souls / Bloodborne. The world isn't as compelling or unique as bloodborne but IMO this is one of FROM's best games.

Nothing but a tech demo for the PS5. Was fun to finally be able to play with my friends who didn't have a ps3. Though the design changes were minimal to 90% of fans, it was pretty ignorant and disrespectful of them to make the changes.

Also the pvp was pretty stupid at times, dudes would literally load into the game so fast and one shot me before the game even alerted me that they spawned in.

Horrible messy excuse for a "game". Every single boss except for the last one is terribly designed and despite being a remake made in 2020, the upgrade and inventory systems are still miserable.

Jogaço. Satisfatório demais o combate.

I'm going to go against the grain and say I like the 2020 Remake/remaster by Bluepoint. Not from a stylistic perspective but from a functionality one.
The online of the original no longer functioned, when it did it was so happenstance you'd be lucky to encounter anyone while connected.
There's so many interwoven systems that demons souls has that make up the foundations of what dark souls is lauded for. The durability meter on the side of the weapons is a nice visual cue compared to Dark souls' out of view UI and I'd even argue that the grass healing is better than estus flasks with how free you are to stockpile em and not have to return to a rest spot.

I loved the original demons souls for the PS3, it's quite a muddy and visually low game by todays standards at 720p but even then the artistic direction is amazing. For those looking for the original vision from soft had I recommend emulating the game on RPCS3 and with the upscaled textures mod if your pc can handle it.
Don't wait for the remake/remaster to come to PC. You've already got the means to play either.
My advice for those struggling with the game is one word. Persistence.
This game is so rewarding once you persevere.
Not my favourite souls game but a damn good one.
Will have to go through this version to completion before updating my rating.
3/5 for now

Demon Souls is in no way inferior to its successors.
Of course, it lacks some quality of life changes and has some janky mechanics, but overall this entry is a milestone.
I played the original on PS3 back in the day and one thing the remake has really improved on is the storytelling.

The only negative thing is the difficulty... for a souls game the bosses are a joke. Somehow the last fight of an area is always the easiest, which takes away all the tension.

Remake buono, sente il peso sotto l'aspetto del gameplay e delle ia

Okay, Demon's Souls on PS5? Holy crap, it's gorgeous and the challenge is just as brutal as I remember. They did an awesome job bringing this classic back to life – it feels super polished, the world is crazy atmospheric, and yeah, dying over and over again is still part of the experience. Maybe not for everyone if you hate super tough games, but if you want that old-school Souls flavor with next-gen visuals, it's a must-play.

Imagine remaking a game and making it look so fucking good that people say it looks bad.

Okay, so I have been thinking about it a bit and.....Yeah, this game just keeps looking worse the more I look back on it, especially when compared to what came after.
As I said before, the bosses are way too easy, I don't know whether that's because I have experience with the Souls franchise or not, but apart from Maneater, I didn't really find any of these bosses hard.
Sure, I died to some of them, but those were all faults on my part with dodge timing and not knowing how the fuck Dragon God worked.
The bosses are well designed, apart from Maneater, and I did like fighting False King Allant, it felt really good dodging his attacks and knocking him out of his explosion attack, but man, I wish they were a bit more challenging.
And this remake is 100% faithful to the original, that's a good thing and a bad thing, a good thing because it shows how much they respect the original game, a bad thing, because they really could've improved upon some of the game's shortcomings, like again, the bosses.
And item capacity, I'm glad this never came back in the other games, because having to deposit all of your smithing materials just so you can hold more healing items is really annoying, and not being able to carry a shitton of healing items on you at all times because you need room for other shit, too is really annoying.
Another thing, not having a poison meter to let you know how close you are to being poisoned and how long you have before your poison meter runs out in case you don't have anything to cure it, like imagine that you didn't know that that swamp was poisonous, so you thought it was safe to walk through it, but then, you're hit with !POISONED!, wouldn't you think that's kinda bullshit? If you say "no", you're lying.
Speaking of, people say that Blighttown is bad? I'd like to introduce you to the Swamp of Sorrows! Where the enemies can move normally through the swamp, but you are stuck walking and not being able to roll, needless to say it's the worst poison swamp area in my eyes.
I also didn't find a lot of the NPCs that interesting, apart from maybe Patches, but you can never do him wrong, unless you make him a spider, seriously, why did Bloodborne do that?
And I still love the Maiden In Black, definitely one of my favorite level up girls.
And I still like the atmosphere and the graphics of this game, but that's not enough to save it for me.
Sad thing is, this might be the only Souls game that I won't ever play again as sad as that sounds, I just can't find it in me to return to it.