Reviews from

in the past

I enjoyed it quite a bit, but it did get a little too unwieldy. a lot of good content but a lot of systems to keep track of. This style of SRPG is one of my favorites though, and the mechanics and visual design are quite good.

Very silly goofy. Scratched my Fire Emblem itch to a degree. Might beat all the post story content later (unlikely)

its disgaea 5 but complete

gameplay loop is so good (i never did any ng+)

Probably the best in the entire franchise, fantastic game, very grindy tho.
Prepare to grind until you drop lmao!
Part of the Disgaea thing, your damage numbers can hit into the billions etc, the games are super over the top, the characters included.
Very much worth playing, i promise you.

it's been a while since i completed a longer game so i want to make a longer review too (also because i love this game)

Okay first of all this game is awesome, if you like disgaea or SRPG then this is a must play.
- Story : Disgaea series isnt known for the story because they're pretty generic. There are some cool moments and sometimes its quite good like disgaea 1/2 but nothing profound. Disgaea 5 story is average yes dont expect anything too good, however it isn't bad by any means. When you know what to expect and what part of the game is the best, then i think u can start enjoying the story and normal playthrough of the game. For me it serves as a relaxing stage when u dont have to think too much.
- Character : This is very subjective, i can 100% understand why someone don't enjoy the characters at all. But i actually kinda like the characters, i love the tales series like skit thing. I think u shouldnt take this game too seriously, this game is like a big joke in a good way. think of the characters as like exaggerated niche stereotypical types. If u accept that then u can also appreciate the charm of the writings that they made around that idea and also the voice acting.
- Gameplay : This is undoubtedly the best part of the game. However the gameplay loop isn't strictly about the actual gameplay where u fight enemies. The big part of the gameplay of disgaea is outside of the gameplay, it's the menuing, optimising, etc. There's so many systems that u can explore and figuring out everything is the best thing ever. When you've figured out a lot of things, you will realise the addicting gameplay loop.

Overall this game is amazing, i finished it in 70 hours but i did way more than needed. I think i can easily spend hundreds of hours doing the post game, there's still a LOT to do.
However i know this game isn't for everyone. It can be quite hard deciding what to do, what systems to explore, they can be overwhelming. I recommend reading guides tbh, imo the best part of the game is grinding and optimising. Item world is not needed except for 1 tiny thing in the base game but i think it's the best thing in the game, i can spend my time there forever.
also this game's pacing is really slow, especially the first few chapters. it really takes a lot of patience to get into the good part. they also made the the base game a bit too long imo, it shouldve been like 5 chapters less.

Disgaea 5 is a really well done game and something all fans of SRPG's should try out if you've never tried this entry or even the series.
Gameplay wise there is a ton of things to do here. You have multiple classes in this game, which come with its own exclusive skills, and also different types of weapons you can equip, that can also give it's own unique type of skill. Not only that but the game has a superb way to grind for levels, items, money, and skill points (mana) without it feeling to long or boring. It's honestly pretty impressive. I can mention more things about the gameplay mechanics, but there's just way too much, and they are also optional too. I will say though, if you think after reading this that it sounds a bit overwhelming, I can promise you that it doesn't. The game slowly introduces you these options, and it never feels like you actively have to do all of them to win the game either.
Story wise it's honestly really fun. Disgaea is known for their humerous and often witty writing, and the fifth entry still does that very well. The overall plot may be a bit predictable, but the journey really is what makes this game truly special. The main characters in the story may seem like stereotypical archetypes from anime's or tv shows, but they really progress as you go through the story and skits that come by. Additionally, the skits are some of the funniest things you'll read. I swear I openly laughed at a ton of them.
Disgaea 5 complete also comes with lots of DLC content, such as rare items, weapons, free characters, and DLC stories. I was genuinely surprised at how engaging or fun some of these stories were, that it made me almost get the other entries to the series.
I do have some cons about the game, but that'd be more nitpicking than an actual problem with it. Such as me not liking the antagonist, not liking Chara world (game mechanic to boost stats), and thinking the chapter selection screen is messy.
All in all, Disgaea 5 is an engaging SRPG with tons of content to enjoy with a fun cast to laugh with!

One of my favorite artistic direction

Необычная JRPG с пошаговыми боями. Не самый интересный сюжет, но веселый и аддиктивный геймплей

Very good gameplay but holy shit the story and (most of) the characters SUCK. I actually prefer Disgaea 1 for some reason despite how archaic it is, easier to 100% and endearing characters I guess.

My personal favorite Disgaea game. Great custom options, a solid plotline with a pretty solid cast, and everything feels just properly paced. It's not often I actually finish an SRPG but this one really did just hit the spot and doing a challenge run a few years after beating it really shows this game's staying power.

The combat's fun, but the story was so boring I stopped playing so I wouldn't have any more story inflicted on me. And I can put up with some pretty boring stories for fun gameplay.

Very over the top. Story mode was fun enough.
If you enjoy min-maxing and figuring out ways to break the game than I'd definitely recommend the game.

its so dumb i cant bring myself to hate it

the story is so silly and the gameplay so fun, I like it. perhaps one day I'll finish it.

El peak de la franquicia en todos los sentidos.

The story is actually so dumb, but this did not hinder the game at all imo, the main thing about these games is just the insane stats you can get on your characters and grinding, if you dont like grinding for minor stat improvements, then do not play this game, but as someone who loves these types of games this is probably the most perfect game for that specific itch.

This game doesn't have a good story in the slightest but it probably IS the peak of Disgaea gameplay and that alone makes it a must-play.

This is easily the most fun Disgaea game in terms of gameplay and quality of life improvements, and good lord is it carrying what would otherwise be a weaker entry it it wasn't THAT fun to just play.

The cast is very hit or miss, the story is one of the most generic in the franchise, and Killia is easily my least favourite Disgaea protagonist.

I love D5 as a game and have sunk far more hours than reasonable into it, but it's purely from a gameplay perspective for me.

Mi primer Disgaea, una saga a la cual le tenía ganas desde el 2017 pero que al final reafirma que los tactics jrpgs no son lo mio... Admito que es un juego con un estilo unico y que fue mi culpa el no disfrutarlo ya que en esa época recién empezaba a meterme de lleno a los jrpgs de verdad y jugué disgaea de la manera incorrecta sin farmear ni explotar sus mecánicas lo cual hizo que la experiencia fuese pesada al punto de que tuvieron que pasar más de 5 años para que pudiera terminarlo.

Se que es una saga legendaria y que muchos aman, pero comenzando con que los tactics son mi subgénero del jrpg menos favorito junto al dungeon crawler asi que sintiéndolo mucho, no será una saga la cual siga.

Pequeña anécdota. Hace varios años, desde la fecha de salida de la switch, yo era activo en un portal famoso en internet del mundo de Nintendo e incluso me hice bastante famoso (y llegue a trabajar con ellos) ya que dure varios años en él. Recuerdo que por el 2018 yo tenía una especie de mame puesto que solían publicar cada ciertas semanas las ofertas en la eshop y mi mame era siempre revisar si al fin habían rebajado Disgaea 5 y nunca lo hacían así que escribia un comentario en tono sarcástico (Y exagerado) respecto a eso.

Un día al fin pusieron en rebaja ese juego y toda la sección de comentarios estaba llena de comentarios haciendo referencias a mí y mi mame... al final daba igual ya que había podido comprarlo en físico tiempo atras en mi país. Fue un dia que estaba en el centro comercial y pase por una tienda de videojuegos sin mucha esperanza, puesto que acá los juegos están carísimos y no hay nada de mi interés, solo mierda mainstream, pero cuando entre me di cuenta de que la tienda ya la estaban cerrando... Era una tienda en la cual siempre compraba mis videojuegos desde que era niño y si me dolió verlo cerrando, pero igualmente entre y vi que tenían una copia de Disagaea 5 para switch y al preguntar que a cuanto me lo dejaban me lo dejaron en $20 dólares y de una vez me lo compre...

Esto sucedió hace varios años, más de los que me gustaría reconocer debido a que me hace ver lo rápido que pasa el tiempo y como pueden suceder y cambiar tantas cosas en tan pocos años.

I will spend my whole life missing u

While searching for a new game at GameStop, I stumbled upon this one. I thought the art looked cool, so I picked it up. Best decision I made. I think this was my first Tactical Rpg, and it was a bit difficult in the beginning. The story was fun to go through though, so I think it was worth it. I love all the characters though (except maybe Red Magnus, I'm sorry). I'll definitely play previous titles though if I can.

I do wish that this series was more popular. I know it was back when the first game came out, but I'd love to see it grow more since 1) Fan art would look great and 2) It feels like an underrated gem. Although, some games are better staying that way.

Mechanically the best game in the series, but the tone of the plot feels like an extreme overcorrection on 4's wacky sardine one-liners. There's definitely cool moments and I appreciate what it tries to do as a prequel though.

If the game wanted me to complete it, it wouldn't have thrown all those customization options to keep me distracted

Самая глубокая и богатая на механики часть на данный момент, потому что в шестерке много чего повырезали, моя любимая дисгая геймплейно и та часть в которой я провел больше всего времени и даже спустя 140 часов я ни одного чара до сих пор в лимиты не выбил
Хорошая игра

o jogo é divertido, mas quanto mais eu jogo menos da vontade de jogar

i've spent hundreds of hours on this game. ive played this on the PS4, PC, and switch. all with separate accounts and currently making my PC account catch up to go to endgame.

its kinda just my comfort game at this point, lets me just turn off my brain and forget that things in life are happening. has helped me coped with a bunch of terrible dogshit in my life too.

the ost is pretty good, the gameplay is super super super fun. i just wish that to gain access to things like the end game didn't require having to scour the internet to look for some old ass gamefaq forum that explains it. cause otherwise, its great. The information learning curve is tough. but so fucking satisficing once i did finally cracked the game and just got it.

the story is obviously terrible, especially in comparison to the other games in the series. but despite the terrible story, i found the characters themselves to still be sorta charming in their own weird ironic way, its still disgaea so character designs and quirks are still really annoyingly loveable. don't get me wrong. the story is actually bad, but i felt it didn't detract from the game itself since i was able to basically all of it for the times i just didn't give a shit.


i just really really really like this game. it makes me happy.