Reviews from

in the past

Mano, esse jogo, não ironicamente, é tudo que o Super Budoten 3 devia ser. A jogabilidade dele tem combos básicos, barra de vida melhor, sprites bem mais bonitos, cenários lindos além da limitação de espaço.

Cara, esse jogo podia ser um pouco mais rápido e seria perfeito. Dito isso, é provavelmente o melhor jogo de Dragon Ball do SNES.

Its a weird game. I know it "looks good" but I dont know if I dig the art style and sound design. The gameplay is totally different from the Butoden series and although I can say that it manages to be very competent, I don't know if I really like it. A weird game.

Arguably the best of the Dragon Ball fighting games on the SNES. A little bit of spit and polish, plenty of improvements over the Butoden series and 10 of the most powerful characters from the franchise (we don't talk about GT.) The moves are a little hard to master and the AI will cripple you in a second with some ridiculous attack but it's actually a lot of fun regardless.

Sick as shit spritework and mechanics are really solid. What sucks is the roster as it's smaller than Super Butoden 1

De longe o melhor jogo de dragon ball de luta do SNES

Un jeu à faire absolument dans sa version japonaise parce que la version qu'on a eu en Europe en 50hz, c'était archi lent mais aussi amputé du mode histoire.

Grosse révolution dans le gameplay par rapport aux Super Butoden précédent en enlevant la barre de séparation pour simuler l'impression de distance pendant les combats. Cela permet au jeu de ne plus être qu'un simple jeu de "celui qui balancera les boules en premier", on gagne en intensité dans les combats et un peu plus de technicité aussi.
Visuellement, la console est poussé dans ses retranchements et même si on pourra toujours y trouver à redire sur le chara design de l'ensemble, il faut reconnaître que c'est un jeu sacrément beau avec des animations très détaillés et des décors assez sublimes.
On peut quand même reprocher un cast assez rikiki et une bande-son très particulière mais DBZ : Hyper Dimension reste un des meilleurs jeux de toute l'histoire de Dragon Ball Z dans le jeu vidéo.

lembro de ter jogado tanto esse jogo qu eu ate queimei um computador veio daqueles brancos, por simplesmente ter desligado direto na cpu. me deu tanta tristeza mas foram momentos legais jogando naquele pczin

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Yup, yet another DBZ fighting game on the Super NES; this makes it the fourth. So what makes this particular flavor different? Mostly, just slightly prettier graphics thanks to the SA-1 chip it shares with Super Mario RPG and Kirby Super Star. DBZ fans will most likely enjoy the game; while others will simply see a sluggish fighter with pretty graphics. Shrug.

copia de street fighter versão dragon ball e com comandos travados

A DBZ fighter that is not a butoden game thank god. It is more a SFII style game and its much better off for it. The controls are nice, the controls work and the special moves are awesome. This is definitely one of the better Snes fighting game and a shame we missed it in North America.