Reviews from

in the past

I see a lot of people comparing this game to Hades and I think that's not a good bar to set with this game. Yes it holds similar dungeon crawling elements, but I quite like this game more. What this game lacks in complexity adds to how flawlessly its elements works. "Keep it simple stupid no?"

Honestly, I wasn't too into the story because I cared more about the "dungeon crawling" elements of the game. The mastery system for each melee weapon, ranged weapon, shield, and lucid attack was a great touch. It gave me a reason to try out every weapon and grind them to complete mastery. Granted, I found myself trying to build an optimal set for each run, but unfortunately RNG prevented that at times. I went into the final boss fight with a less than ideal lineup and was forced to really play safe in order to clear the run. Add in Dream intensity to this mix and the challenge became greater and more fun to try and master.

This game really doesn't have a weak link in my opinion. Everything may not be perfect, but a jack of all trades is better than a master of just one. I highly recommend this game as one of the better dungeon crawlers I've ever played. (If not one of top 5.)

Was really enjoying the initial vibes of this game. A really enjoyable style and mood for the first zone, and immediately after I'm bored and hardly care. I do understand the dichotomy theyre going for, the contrast between the soft, bright colors of the protagonist and her memories of her childhood home, but everything afterwards is obnoxiously stereotypical. Spikey purple bad guys. A dark, indistinguishable cityscape. A decent roguelike, but only worth consideration if you've already milked the fun out of half a dozen better ones.

I kept looking for the "made in dreams" text but couldn't find it. Combat feels very unsatisfying and there's a ton of grind. There's one spot in the overworld where I kept clipping. Lacks polish.

dreamscaper starts out stronger than the rhythm it eventually takes. i think in a heavily-saturated market of roguelites, you really need a strong hook to keep me coming back. whereas binding of isaac has an extreme level of variety, hades has lots of story and character hooks, and vampire survivors has broken builds aplenty, dreamscaper never quite gets there in any one category.

the story elements are very much tailor-made for me and my life and general vibe, but i don't remember much of what happened. the setting is quite nice, and seems like where i'm from, but that can only carry me so far. the combat is decent, but not as tight or distinct as i'd like.

should you play this? sure! should you play it over any of the other exceptional run-based games dominating the scene at any given moment? i don't know. i'm glad i checked it out, but it doesn't have the staying power or bombast to milk a few hundred hours of my life like so many other roguelites have. that said, if they do a sequel, i'll be keeping my eye on it.

Beautiful and extremely welcoming for beginners. It can be challenging, but with clear influence from Hades, Dreamscaper makes sure to offer players a helping hand in both the settings and the in-game mechanics to keep the experience from becoming frustrating.

Looks to be a great roguelite, but I got distracted after playing some.

Super fun roguelite, great aesthetic but the combat was a bit too hard for me!

This was a decent title, I just couldn't keep playing it for some reason. Not sure why. It is a good game but falls flat after a few hours.

Feels and looks good enough. The “Social Link” aspect is a nice touch.

Very fun and satisfying to play, story and dialogue can get boring after a while but they are easily skippable, overall a great time

This game looks and plays pretty badly. It's also a roguelite so that's a negative. Yeah, I'm just not a fan especially compared to other roguelites I've played

It's a pretty game but the combat just feels off. It treads familiar ground but doesn't do anything nearly as well as other games in the genre, and there's no real motivation to keep playing with its "plot" and gameplay loop.

Very lovely and surreal roguelite~