Reviews from

in the past

I like this game a lot, and it deserves its place as one of the landmark FPS games. Doesn't get a 5/5 because it just hasn't aged all too well.

The best of the hybrid 3D shooters I have played so far. Easily better than DOOM 1 and 2.

As a kid I thought the reason more aliens spawned after killing strippers was simply because the ladies were aliens themselves. Realization of the truth was painful, as "do you feel like a hero yet, Duke?" echoed in my noggin.

extremely annoying latter half but a very good fps game and one that holds up very very well.

the chistmas expantion made me listen to Sleigh Ride from then on

Damn, these alien bastards play no games!

Yeah, no thanks. I'll just stick to my Doom and Quake games for right now.

A good classic FPS but pales to doom in literally every regard. If you remove dukes personality, this game would have been forgotten about. I dont find his quips very funny as im over 10 years old, but the game is still good. Not amazing, but good.

Bu oyun yüzünden çocukluğumda domuzlardan korkardım. Ama yine de oynardım. Harikaydı.

Duke Nukem 3D trouxe varias mecânicas novas para o gênero, realmente pegando tudo que DOOM fez, e melhorando, pra mim é sim superior, mesmo eu preferindo a vibe demoníaca de DOOM sobre a de "Fodão anos 90" de Duke Nukem. Tem vários momentos legitimamente engraçados. Os controles são bons pra época, melhor que muitos, agora sendo possível pular, agachar, olhar pra cima, pra baixo e para os lados (mesmo que a mira maleável não seja aquelas coisas) pra mim, o maior problema de Duke Nukem 3D é o famoso sistemas de chaves que reclamei em DOOM, que você tem ir e voltar, pegar chave, depois ficar 20 minutos procurando uma porta, apesar de ser um problema que é mais recorrente no meio do jogo, ainda sim foram os momentos que quase me fizeram dropar esse jogo, mas valeu a pena, porque a reta final do jogo é ótima, cheia de momentos fodas e cenários bem feitos. Recomendo jogar alguma versão mais atual para PC, que irá resolver problema na câmera

It's a 1996 FPS masterpiece.

I played on Come Get Some difficulty, but have played through this multiple times. Worth playing or revisiting regardless. Perhaps I might attempt a playthrough on Damn I'm Good difficulty in the future.

One of the most revolutionary FPS games along with Doom, Duke Nukem 3D is a landmark in game design. It is also a great parody of 80's action movies, with plenty of references to those movies throughout. Duke Nukem himself is a character your not supposed to take seriously, something that Gearbox clearly doesn't get with Duke Nukem Forever. In that, everyone is kissing his ass saying he's the best. At best he's a delusional jackass that everyone just rolls with (despite the few groupies in Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project).

Wait, this was... good? I'm serious, I thought it would just be dated 90s humor and annoying hyper-masculinity, but this was a legitimately fun experience all the way through. The weapons were fun to use, the enemies were tough but not bullshit (for the most part), the level design was shockingly kind of great for a game like this, my only real complaint was with the sound design. The soundtrack isn't memorable outside of the main theme, the sound effects don't really pack a punch, and there were times when the audio drivers decided to torture me whenever I was underwater or in a metallic room. Overall, this was a nice experience that kept me entertained throughout, though not one I see myself coming back to often like other games of the same ilk. Hail to the king, baby.

Lacks a lot of that punch that made dooms combat great but gets pretty close

It's not al anymore, it's DUKE!

I miss when games had cheats. But this was fun to play

those alien bastards are gonna pay for shitting down my ride

get on toppppp... heh heh heh...

A bridge between the abstract action labyrinths of Doom and the future more cohesive places of the genre like Half Life, Duke Nukem 3D just occasionally reaches anything interesting on either side or on their union. With a much less combat focused than usual approach (enemies having 101 shooter design, most interesting situations relying on traps and thus in item usage and environment awareness to get around them) the game leans toward more of a navigational puzzle. Which is not something that different from the pure labyrinth that was Wolfenstein 3D to begin with, with the difference that the Duke is searching for a less gamey sense of place.

At first, the trick doesn’t work that bad since the attention to detail (in decorative interactions particularly) does give the illusion of a more sophisticated approach to what even a level is. However, this same illusion turns on itself when the exploration is forced and, when actively asked to pay attention to the map, the gamey sense is stronger than the most obvious lazy Doom arena, at least those were coherent inside their own logic. The real places start being small, forgettable samples among a greater, not that good navigational chaos.

Moreover, it seems that there is a conflict of wanting to avoid plaguing everything with action, worrying that it would detriment the contemplative approach to understand the level on a logical level, when a year later Blood would demonstrate that taking more cohesive, less abstract places as inspiration while maintaining the usual level of adrenaline everywhere resulted, even though similar to a theme park, in an unmistakably felt sense of a cohesive place.

duke nukem 3d is an unforgettable classic of the fps genre, and duke is the king of all fps protagonists. while having its low moments in lunar apocalypse, i loved this game on my first playthrough and it's a blast to revisit every once in a while.

While Doom is more consistent, Duke Nukem 3D has higher highs and lower lows.

Randy I'm begging you, please let Duke out of the dungeon for just 5 minutes.

cmon who doesn’t like duke nukem

A pure serotonin/steroids filled Arnold Schwarzenegger action opus it bursts with charm, personality and genuise. It's insanely fun, badass and brilliantly designed.
Duke Nukem 3D truly stands as one of the all time greatest FPS games ever crafted.

the more i play this the less i want to keep playing. why does this fall off so damn hard after the first 2 or 3 levels

This is one game I would love on the new gen consoles but so many memories playing this in the Computer Lab at school with my mates on the LAN. #beforeinternet #boomerandproudofit