Reviews from

in the past

A friend in middle school lent me this, and Super Princess Peach and I think I lent her Crash Twinsanity and Final Fantasy X. I think I got the better deal here.

This review contains spoilers

This is not how I hoped they would handle doing a Family Guy game. The Story is that Bertram plans to take over the world with young child minions, and Stewie goes into Peter's testicles to find out all he can to stop him, causing Peter to hallucinate, and beat everyone up, thinking they are working for an fictional character he wants to take down, and Brian gets accused of inappropriately touching Carter's dog, and has to break out of prison, and find out how to prove his innocence, LOL, but wait, I have more of an act to follow, first up, Stewie says he needs Lois to unlock the door, but Brian opens it normally, also Stewie says his mind control devices is intended for humans, and get this... he never uses it on Bertram, later on, nurses try to kill themselves by running into lazers, and they don't go in head first, which is the only reason Stewie gets a coil, Brian never asks for a DNA test to end his problems immediately, Stewie only gets to Peter by getting death to kill the nurses, when he didn't have to do that, and when they are concluded, they are not satisfying as they range from what you expected to happen, to I hate Peter, I hate Peter. The Characters are the same as the show, shame they weren't used well. The Graphics are awful, look like unfinished textures of the shows characters. The Gameplay has you make your way from one goal to the next with Stewie sections are 3rd person shooters, Brian's sections are stealth (badly done), and Peter's sections are fighting levels against people that don't deserve it, making me what to beat up the character I play as instead, Also if you get caught by the naked men in the shower they come after Brian to "supposedly" do stuff with him, and he should have been seen anyway, the game also has stealth sections that don't work when the camera covers up people that could see you from offscreen, also I didn't know morgue chambers lead to different ones, this game has cutaway jokes as well for minigames... and they aren't even funny, Brian's gets past the cops by wearing a lamp shade, and doesn't even use it all the time, later a dangerous kids play area shows up, and the treasure at the end of this rainbow are pointless large bolts. The Music is too basic to care about, minus the sounds from the show. The Family Guy Videogame is the funniest game to describe... wait that's not on purpose?

I would assume that a mid 2000s family guy game would be funny, or at least ironically enjoyable. That was the worst part, it just was not. It was not entertaining at all.

When you think about it Nomura probably has the resources to include this in Kingdom Hearts if he felt like it

this was the first game i ever played

i wish it could've been something better

Fun game, it's freaking sweet Family Guy, Lois! You switch between Metal Gear Brian, Streets of Peter and Stewie sections feels more like the games of its era (but that's not a bad thing!). I also like how they used cutaway gags as minigames now, invisible walls are done a little lame but oh well. Outside of that this is a really fun game as I quite enjoyed it. The gags are great too lol. Same developer as Ben 10: Protector of Earth btw!

This is worse than the time I was reviewing Family Guy Video Game!

Lowkey this game kinda funny.

perspective shot of the house

peter is sitting on the couch, typing on his laptop
Brian: "Hey Peter what are you doing"
Peter: "Oh hey Bri, I'm reviewing our video game on this neat website, it's so freakin' awesome"
Brian: "Sure, but don't you think writing about your own work would come off as a bit narcissistic"
Peter: "No way, internet celebrities do this all the time. Just like my distant cousin and soulslike v-tuber, Ashley Griffin"
cutaway to Ashley Griffin
Ashley Griffin: "Rap isn't real music"

perspective shot of the house

peter is again typing on his laptop, but is now laying stomach-down on the couch and swinging his legs back and forth while twirling his hair through his finger
stewie walks in
Stewie, chuckling: "Well well well, somebody must be making breakfast 'cause I see an egg cracking!"
long pause
the camera gets a close-up of Stewie
Stewie, looking at the camera with a straight face: "That was a gay joke."
another long pause
the doorbell rings
Peter, yelling towards kitchen: "Hey Meg, make yourself useful and get the door"
Meg: audibly makes this noise
Peter: "Shut up, Meg"
meg falls over and remains there for the duration of the scene
lois answers the front door
Lois: "Well, you must be Cyndi Lauper!"
Cyndi Lauper: "Hello, Lois. It is I, Cyndi Lauper, from 'that one music video your parents won't stop streaming to the tv while guests are over' "
peter walks on-screen
Peter: "What's goin' on""
Cyndi Lauper, hands on hips: "Peter, I'm here as a representative of the Lotta Paragraph Games Committee, and we've been receiving some very unhappy messages about your so-called 'review'. Many of our group chat members say it's in poor taste"
Peter: .
Lois, laughing nervously: "Ohhh, I'm sure it can't be that bad,"
Lois, now with a straight face: "Trust me, I know Peter and poor taste"
cutaway to peter sitting in a high chair wearing a bib. Lois is angrily feeding him peas on a spoon
Peter, crying: "I don't wanna! it doesn't even have any Styrofoam marshmallows shaped like my morning cartoons!"
Lois, fuming: "You'll eat it and like it!"
cut back to scene
Cyndi Lauper: "Now, it's perfectly reasonable to be defensive about it, but that's the group consensus going around"
Cyndi Lauper, whispering to Peter: "I even hear them calling it pick-me behavior"
Peter, gasping: "What??? Pick-me behavior??? That's ridiculous! I haven't done anything of the sort! Well, not since high school, anyway"
cut to joe, cleveland, peter and quagmire, in high school, sitting at, each holding a glass of milk
Joe: "My glass is half-full"
Cleveland: "My glass is half-empty"
Peter, doing pensive emoji face: "My glass feels like everyone treats them like a ghost and wishes they would invite them to parties and give them free affection but it's ok it's not really bothered by it it's just venting :("
Quagmire: "My glass is still warm! Giggity giggity giggity giggity!!!"
cut back to scene
Cyndi Lauper: "Well I'm sorry, but if you want to give a better impression to those people, you'll have to put up a new review expressing how you really feel"

shot of the clam

peter, joe, and quagmire are sitting at their booth
Peter, looking at the camera, unimpressed: "Cleveland isn't here with us today so I'm going to say something racially insensitive. Seth will not comment about this for the next 20 years, then reply to a callout tweet about it with the 'clenched teeth oooooh' reaction gif"
Quagmire, looking at Peter: "So Peter, you're saying these guys are upset at your review"
Peter: "Yeah, they say it's not a real review and it's just me bragging about me having my own game"
Joe: "Well Beter, if I were you, I'd update it to include a lengthy manifesto about the idiosyncrasies between our show's cutaway format and the sequential structure of game
Quagmire: "Or you could be like me and name all the characters you wanna bang!"
Peter, excited: "Hey, that's a great idea!"
Joe: "Which idea, the uhh, my idea or the other one"
Peter, now straight-faced: "The other one"
Joe, looking downwards: .

sweeping shot of guadelahara

cut to stewie and brian eating granola and sitting on a rock
Stewie, chewing: "This is the B-plot where we try to make you forget we don't have any other gags about gamer culture"
Brian, also chewing: "I read yaoi during the cutaways"

Two more plot-threads occur over the next 15 minutes, entirely unrelated to the first.

Family Guy the Video Game is a repetitive mess that plays like an episode of family guy.

The game is riddled with a bunch of references from the early seasons, and overall has a dumb story within it's gameplay.
While it is cool seeing iconic locations from family guy within this game, you basically go along with 3 different gameplay styles:

Stewie: Platforming Shooter Section

Peter: Side Scrolling Beat em Up

Brian: Stealth Sections

The game has you progressing from point A to B, while occasionally progressing throughout the levels, with different references and straight up jokes from Family Guy, repeated here instead of new jokes. And while it does have a bit of new jokes, they're not funny.

The Stewie sections are usually running and gunning while fighting enemies, along with occasionally platforming they're fine for what they are. Peter sections can get repetitive at times but they're beat em up sections and it's fine enough to where you can tolerate the repetitiveness since it's just copying general beat em ups.
The Brian sections... these sections are legit so boring to get through, there's never a worry that you're going to be caught by a guard or anything and the placement of the items you need to get context wise to the locations don't make sense at all.

The story is: Bertram returns to screw with Stewie and attempt to kill Stewie and take over the world. Brian gets accused by Carter Pewterschmidt (Lois' Dad) over Seabreeze
getting pregnant (assuming that this takes place after the Seabreeze episodes, but who cares there's no cohesive timeline for Family Guy) and he gets beaten up and arrested.
Brian then has to escape the Quahog and go to different areas to find evidence to prove his innocence and who the real culprit is. Peter's story is literally just he follows a light signal of Mr Belvedere... for some reason.

The game occasionally throws in cut away gags as minigame to break up gameplay, they're fine for what they do, and they give you bonuses for the character you're playing as.

The background jokes can give a nice member-berries for those who remember the early seasons.
Peter is only character who has costume changes because throughout each area of this game, for story reasons, Peter gets hurt and becomes a previous persona from an early episode:

- Regular Peter
- Rufus Griffin (Black Peter who's based on Disco and Black Dynamite)
- Prostitute Peter
- A.N.N.A. Peter (Robot Peter from the episode of: THE KING IS DEAD)

You go to different areas of Quahog like the Griffin Household, Spooner Street, Downtown, Cheesie Charlies, Quahog Police Station, Quahog Hospital, Quahog Dog Racing Track, inside Peter's Brain, and the park.

The game has 3 conclusions for the 3 characters:

-Brian proves his innocence and proves that Quagmire is the father of Seabreeze's puppies (Gross)
- Stewie Defeats Bertram and Bertram escapes by calling his mom
- Peter learns that Mr Belvedere is actually dead and has a fight with the Chicken as the final boss, only for the game to end with same Mr. Belvedere Signal to appear again, causing Peter to get angry as to what or who is making the signal.

We learn at the end it's Mayor Adam West making Shadow Puppets.

The game has a nostalgic factor for me obviously, but looking at it critically it's just below average at best, and really boring at worse, with a typical Family Guy story.

I will say though, I don't like the false advertising of the cover in terms of who it shows. I don't get why the cover shows Chris and Lois as if they're playable when they're just used for background gags, having no story of their own. The cover should have just been Peter, Brian, and Stewie, with Lois and Chris in the background like Meg.

Can't really recommend unless you love Family Guy, or love to be bored.

my family rented this game from blockbuster and spent the whole week beating it

hard ass game. it made me break my psp

Being at a hospital with a bunch of women giving birth and then travelling through Peter's insides was insane but also my favorite part

Have you heard of the term "Fun" ? Yea, that doesn't exist in this game

I played this a ton as a kid, and I'll admit it now. I had terrible taste.

The Stewie sections are the best ones of the bunch. The platforming can be weird since really it's only the shadowdrop that's telling you where you're landing. The shooting is basically Galaga when it comes to having to deal with waves, everything else is an inoffensive lock on system.

Brian sections are ass. The line of sight is inconsistent, so sometimes the enemies are blind and other times they've got eagle eyes. I also experienced a glitch where Brian would pop up on a table he was hiding under.

Peter sections were the worst. Sometimes his fight combos just wouldn't input proper, which really makes the game a complete nightmare when it comes to bosses, which are a simple Simon Says with broken inputs. The giant chicken and the Black Knight were god awful.

The humor is on a worse level than the show if only because a lot of their jokes are basically quoting the show, or when wanting to make a celebrity reference they just have to say "that guy who was in that thing with that other girl" to avoid litigation. And 1 "video games are hard to make you guys" jokes was enough, they didn't need to go for 2 so close to each other.

Let's just say that this game aged about as well as any Family Guy episode. Terribly. Do yourself a favor and if you're really gonna play it? Just emulate it. Do not, by any means stick around for this one.

Funny game with memorable graphics, surprisingly plays really well.

hey lois remember when we were on backloggd

eheheheheh freaking sweet lois!! remember the time I was in a video game where brian sees naked gay men in the prison showers and has to avoid being seen by them????? like holy crap lois!! what the hell?? that was worse than the time I beat the living hell out of people??? oh man lois

I remember sitting there violently uncomfortable during the casino level. Different times huh. I was like 10

It's just a bad game. Lots of controls are touchy. None of the mechanics are particularly good. The jokes definitely don't hold up well, especially in Peter's levels. The jokes are one-note and tiresome. There's absolutely no reason to seek this out, even for nostalgia's sake.

I streamed this game the other night, haven't played it since I was a child; it's just as shite as I remembered it being

Stewie levels are boring, the Brian levels are fucking annoying, the Peter levels are actually somewhat fun y'know, until the game decided to fucking softlock and wouldn't spawn the enemies, leaving me unable to progress without the possibility of a full restart... fuck that

Game is also ugly as sin and has that classic seth mcfarlane cringe, stay away

i dont like the peter mission but boy do i love family guy

I've seen my friends start pages here, so I decided to do the same.
This game is not bad, for a shovelware game. It's fun.
We have three types of gameplay here for Stewie, Brian, and Peter. So far I've tried out Stewie and Brian.
The gameplay for Stewie is a third-person action-platformer. He can shoot and upgrade his blaster (while collecting spare parts), double jump, and plan. In fact, it's the most fun gameplay so far.
The gameplay for Brian is stealth, we have to hide in the shadows and he can also move on his paws.
I'm stuck in a level where you have to get the evidence and it's pretty glitchy.
The game has a lot of detail, and more specifically a lot of all sorts of jokes in the background.
This one isn't a full review yet, but when I'm done I'll rewrite this review.

Holy crap, this is almost as fun as that time I got chemical burns on my legs thanks to putting on just a bit too much Nair...


It's almost as devoid of passion and effort as the show is, so it's the perfect game for Family Guy fans.