Reviews from

in the past

Seguro que el juego es increible en su totalidad, me gustaba. Pero no se si seria un bug o yo mu tonto, pero no avanzaba de como el 5% del juego.


A lot of people seem to be dissapointed by this game after comparing it to Monster Hunter, which is completely fucking nonsensical considering this couldn't be any more clearly a diablo clone.
Sadly I'm not a fan of this genre and Explorers didn't do much to convert me with its repetitive quests, simplistic enemy moves, overly drawn out boss battles, sleep inducing difficulty, plain level design and a bafflingly worse take on Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep's command styles.
I do appreciate how many skills and jobs the game gives you at the beginning, and it does look like a fun game to play with a group of friends with different roles, but with so many other games like it I don't feel much urge to keep playing it

"Final Fantasy Monster Hunter" has a lot of potential but they only really put any effort into the jobs system here. The stages, enemies, and bosses are shallow and woefully boring. Get some monster allies and breeze through it if you're a fan; it's not terrible.

I played a little bit of it, it's not all too bad. Definitely one I want to come back to

Probably a hot take, but it is basically a better FFXIV

Its like Monster Hunter if it was good!

I played this for like 16 hours in a fever induced trance the weekend it came out. Not really the best but I'll always be a slut for Final Fantasy garbage

I remember trying it to get desperately Cloud/Lightning outfits and then forgot to own it. Serviceable action JRPG that many people compare to Monster Hunter for some reasons.

Incredibly disappointing... You can clear the whole thing by just spamming abilities with no skill or strategy.

If you really love Final Fantasy could be worth checking out but not much here for MH fans.

Poor excuse for a monster hunter type clone,overall just not fun and incredibly grindy

i played a bit but i dont feel like exploring anythign cuz its mid as fuck

I never played Monster Hunter but I have played and enjoyed a series that heavily takes from it, God Eater, so when I saw that Final Fantasy did something similar I was curious.
Maybe because my only experience with the genre was God Eater I was expecting just a bit more narrative but no, you create your character and are thrusted into the action.
The action, however, feels kind of repetitive from the get go and unlike Monster Hunter or God Eater the enemies lack that sense of "wow, big monster, want to kill it".
Maybe for those that like Monster Hunter this will be great but as a God Eater player and a Final Fantasy fan this was not for me

Played this solo and managed to have a good time. This is basically Final Fantasy mixed with Monster Hunter elements in the sense that you set out on missions where you face different types of bosses that you will have to loot in order to get better gear.

It does get repetitive and a bit stale towards the end but overall it was a good experience and manages to pay homage to the Final Fantasy series.

Incredibly repetitive and not for me. I've been told this is Square's attempt at making a Monster Hunter like game and that may be why. MH is not a game that appeals to me so even with a FF skin, this was something I lost interest very quick.