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Los parches son tan largos que ya los entiendo cómo algo diferente así que es lo que toca. Tiene dos partes muy separadas, un post - shadowbringers que está casi tan de puta madre como la historia de base si consigues perdonarle la perdida de tiempo de las gestiones microeconómicas de todo lo que dejas atrás, y un pre - endwalker que no es que sea malo pero sufre de una decisión narrativa extraña en la que el guionista se pensó que el nudo de la historia que es shadowbringers estaba tan de puta madre (que lo está) que necesitaba también ser desenlace, dejando en un puesto raro al desenlace de verdad al que le queda lo menos interesante que desenlazar, aunque habrá que ver por dónde tira Endwalker antes de quejarme.

Shadowbringers es de lejísimos la mejor expansión del juego y el motivo principal de pedir que esto sea un RPG normal porque a partir de aquí se han escapado de las expectativas normales de un MMO, ahora solo queda la confianza ciega de que la brillantez siga en el final final y en las vacaciones de verano post final final porque nada acaba y siempre hay más twinks que reclutar en el horizonte.

Damn the lead up into Endwalker is insane. Took me awhile to get here since i grinded out a relic weapon because i thought it would be cool to go through EW with it (would not recommend, look at the time i finished the last patch that's been how long it took me to get that done) but overall the story is really moving in a direction I like and I'm excited to see where this ends


This patch gives me the feeling I won't enjoy Endwalker that much. FFXIV villains work best when they have some degree of grey to them: from the first time Elidibus came into play he was interesting because he seemed mostly reasonable; Emet-Selch was brilliant because he was not laughing maniacally sitting on his throne made out of dead babies. Zenos' "hunt" is wholly unconvincing and Fandaniel's evil psychopathic jester shtick is frankly exhausting and overplayed.

The towers are sort of visually interesting in their fleshy design, but the fact they spit out discount bin primals is narratively difficult. They go from world-changing creatures to…trash mobs, basically—the supposedly giga-powerful Lunar Bahamut barely qualifies as a dungeon boss now. After years of worldbuilding around the awesome power of primals, this leaves a vacuum that will be very hard to fill.

Better than 5.4 but not by much. Not feeling the villains at all which is a bit of a shame after Emet-Selch but it is what it is.

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Also Estinien

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A huge step up from 5.4, There are some great story moments here but I found myself really let down in certain areas. I know this is asking for a lot but I wish the lunar primals weren't just relegated to being a dungeon boss & duty bosses.