Reviews from

in the past

Even ignoring the swathe of additional media, the game alone is pulling in so many directions. There is a lot going on yet all I wanted to do was get it over with because I can't be asked to care. Whether speaking on the story or the gameplay, it is so unfocused. It makes me wonder why any of activities I ignored exist because they probably took time away from making a more cohesive experience. I have that sad feeling I get with some games because a what-if version exists in my head. A sign that it, for what it's worth, did grab me.

After watching the animated episodes, finishing the main story and all the DLCs, I will try to be entirely honest with you.
As many people have said before, the base game in Final Fantasy XV is indeed very incoherent; the story, while very good, it doesn't make sense for the most part, it feels like you're doing random quests and it's hard to understand what's the main plot because it lacks explanation and introduction of certain things and events. Fortunately, the DLCs in Royal Edition made the story make a bit more sense and gave the characters more depth.
The characters, however, while not deep in the base game, are incredibly likeable; they're awesome, the highlight of the game for sure.
The gameplay is mediocre; it lacks depth and the camera is very bad, but at least it feels satisfying and it looks cool. Also, the ability to switch characters made it feel diverse.
The music is fantastic, the CGI cutscenes are impressive and the graphics are just beautiful. Final Fantasy XV came out 4 years ago and it looks better than many contemporary Open World games.
Unfortunately though, Final Fantasy XV is a deeply flawed game.
The first half of the game is not engaging enough, while the second half of the game is very linear; it's badly paced and it feels inconsistent.
The gameplay, while not necessarily bad, it gets mindless a lot of times.
Lastly, the open world is just... empty and dull, no reason to explore aside from Regalia customization.

+ Great story
+ Likable & engaging characters
+ Serviceable gameplay
+ Amazing music and visuals
+ DLCs

- Messy storytelling
- Awkward camera
- Major pacing issues
- Balancing issues
- Boring open world

Narrative: 7/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 6.5/10
- Pretty Good -
Final Fantasy XV is one of the most controversial games in the series, and rightfully so; it's simply unfinished. However, some parts of it are impressive and even impactful, making it a very interesting experience overall.

Do I recommend it?:
At low price, maybe.

Far from perfect but this ending is perfect and easily one of the best ones in games.

:) the guys doin they thing

1- Faça um jogo
2- Pegue todo o conteúdo dele e divida ele entre várias mídias
3- Deixe o jogo sem conteúdo
4- Infle ele com missões secundárias genéricas e caçadas repetitivas

Fui completamente vendido pelo bromance deste jogo. Tenho nem idade pra isso, mas eis a verdade.

"They're not your bodyguards. They're your brothers."

Firstly, I would like to clarify that I am devastated by the ending and will never smile again.

Okay, talking about the game now. The attempt at an open world is good until you get tired, because basically in it you just walk around with the Regalia and do repetitive and boring side missions. The story is very good, but there is important lore told superficially. Without a doubt, the greatest asset of the game is the friendship between the 4 characters and their interactions, aaaaa how I loved these boys and I already miss them even though I finished the game 10 minutes ago, the OST is obviously incredible too and I had a lot of fun in combat too, although it's a bit messy, once you get used to it it's just fun.

i have no clue if i'll finish this lol...i love my boys but i can't really get the hang of the combat and general gameplay of it. hopefully it'll click next time i hop into it

I don’t care what you think, I love the story this game tells and the journey you take along the way

(PS5) Finalmente meu primeiro FF! Gostei bastante da jornada no geral. Tem alguns momentos repetitivos, o combate é meio zoado e a chegada ao final foi arrastada de propósito, mas a jornada e a amizade dos personagens foram bem feitas e emocionantes✨

Odiado por muitos (muitos mesmo) e amados por poucos (talvez eu esteja exagerando). Final fantasy XV é a melhor novela mexicana que eu já joguei. Muitas mecânicas dos jogos passados foram alteradas, o que pode causar uma desavença com os fãs mais assíduos da franquia (e alguns chatões também, diga-se de passagem HOHO). ENFIM, após encher tanta linguiça eu afirmo, este jogo é fantástico, ignore o free hate e seja feliz.

I spent the entire summer playing through this game and I gotta say it never got old.

FFXV got me by surprise.
The more I invested on the game, more I felt in love with the game!
The campaing is gorgeous by itself, but it truly shines on the DLC episodes! Such a dense story and amazing characters, it was a blast playing this game!

I know a game story worked on me when the last part of it moves me a lot. I liked this group of friends and their roadtrip. The focus on their journey shadowed Lunafreya, ok, but it made everything more powerful because you do feel for Noctis. The DLC should have been in game instead but Prompto or Ignis story worked on me a lot.
Music wise, Yoko Shinomura did a perfect job.
The open world is pretty but there is nothing to do there unfortunately. It's the big flow of this game. No minigames just hunts.
But i loved it and it's not the bad game I heard about. And to know it ended Hajime Tabata's career while he took over Tetsuya Nomura's chaotic development is so unfair imo.

I knew this game had a fairly mixed reputation going in, but I had heard enough good surrounding it to justify giving it a whirl. What I found was a game that, despite being rough around the edges in plenty of areas, has a lot of heart and soul baked into it. I played the Royal edition which featured DLCs that weren't a part of the base game, and frankly I can imagine the experience feeling incomplete without them. On top of that I know there are multiple pieces of supplemental content such as a movie and a short anime series that provide some insight on the plot which likely make the experience far more coherent than having just played through the story.

The game really shines in the way it portrays the bonds between the four leads and their adventure to fulfill what is ultimately Noctis' destiny. As you play through the game you start to realize these are more than just friends, they're brothers that will do anything for one another no matter how rough things get along the way. The story could've certainly been told better if the aforementioned additional content was all found within the game itself, but what the main plot lacks in substance is made up for in the interactions between the main cast as you drive across landscapes and work through hunts or assisting the locals with whatever tasks they need help with. The DLC episodes also help to strengthen your connection to the characters even more by giving you a deeper look into how each of them feels and what their motivations look like in relation to the others and themselves.

As for some negatives however, there are two big ones that come to mind: Combat and Side Content. In terms of combat, despite a seemingly in-depth skill tree and the ability to swap to the characters not named Noctis (which apparently wasn't in the base game), many of the enemies you face often feel far healthier than they should and many don't experience the level of hitstun you would expect from other games in the action genre. Gear is a bit underwhelming as it's usually just stat-related and doesn't change how you play (barring the absurdly broken Ragnarok DLC weapon that for some reason is given to you immediately), and it leads to combat feeling overall just decent and nothing more.

My issues with side content largely come from the nature of the quests themselves as well as the sheer amount of it thrown at you consistently throughout the game. It's sort of a Catch-22 scenario where not only does a lot of the side content feel like busy work with a somewhat inconsistent fast-travel system being your main mode of transportation, but doing TOO MUCH of the plethora of side content you're offered will frequently cause you to feel overlevelled for the story content. Also, many of the game's most wholesome and fun interactions between the boys come from said side content so you're basically forced to artificially limit your experience at times if the experience boost is something you'd like to avoid. There are ways to circumvent this (such as an accessory that prevents use of EXP, or avoiding using mutlipliers for said EXP as much as possible) but I feel as if this could've been avoided by changing the way side content was handled.

I could probably go on further with both positives and negatives here, but I'll cut it short and just say that even with its issues I would recommend at least giving it a shot at some point if you're even remotely interested. As someone who has recently started gaining more of an interest in Final Fantasy as a franchise I'm glad I experienced it and see just what made it the talking point it is today.

chore simulator followed by mid party members

An amazing FF game! Great story, great mechanics.

El mundo abierto no es nada llamativo, la jugabilidad cambia muy abruptamente en el último tercio y la historia va a trompicones, pero la quimica de los personajes es excelente y las mecanicas son muy buenas en su mayoria. Objetivamente esta lejos de los mejores FF, pero yo le tengo mucho cariño.

muito feio homem chorando pra joguinho!!!!!
>>>>eu sendo horrível<<<<<

foi meu segundo Final Fantasy, anos depois de jogar o FFXIII, de inicio eu esperava um jogo bom pra mediano, apesar de todos os pontos negativos e analises/reviews da época.

logo de começo adorei o combate e a ambientação mas até ai tudo bem, mas quando chegou no momento de puxarem o carro e começou a tocar "Stand By Me" já tinha me conquistado ai, a cena por si só já me falou do que viria no restante do jogo: quatro idiotas em uma jornada de amadurecimento e muito sentimentalismo e essa PRA MIM é a mágica de final fantasy XV, pra mim esse jogo apesar dos pesares captou a essência de Final Fantasy; um grupo de "heróis" em que não sabemos nada inicialmente e conforme o tempo vamos aprendendo junto a eles, de sua própria história, seus motivos, suas paixões, medos e afins.

Porém a versão de lançamento do jogo realmente não poderia ser considerada como uma experiência completa, mas com essa royal aqui, que compensa em MUITO, assim como a royal de Persona 5, nada mais justo que um 5/5 :p

On one hand, what a mess, and it’s little wonder considering the tumultuous development history. And yet, it’s also got a lot of heart, and if ever that will take you far, Final Fantasy XV is a shining example of that.

while this game has its flaws in story pacing and plot, the characters and atmosphere brought me to love it so much. i literally finished the entire story in 3 days bc i was having to much fun and couldn’t get enough of those 4 silly guys…. i still come back to it a lot since im trying to unlock all achievements at some point. don’t listen to what all the haters say abt ffxv this game is my baby!!!!! 🙏 it was also my very first final fantasy game so it will always hold that special place in my heart, i will always miss playing it for the first time </3

FF15 is bad. It's not good. But also it's one of the most interesting Final Fantasies square has ever put out -- the kind of experience you can only get by taking a hundred million dollars, putting it in a nice little pile, setting it on fire, and enjoying the warmth from your Coleman (registered trademark) camping chair.

Despite not being what I had hoped for when the first few trailers for 13vs and eventually early ff15 dropped, this game has been one of the most fantastic and entertaining games I've ever played. I've played through and 100% this game 3 times now and will return one more time to play the rest of the dlc one day I'll never forget Noctis and crews journey

Já tinha jogado antes e agora estou na platina.

Tbh this game is very mid. The gameplay is just repetitive side quests until you reach the point where it's just one straight line of plot - so basically 80% side quests, 20% main story. The bromance is good, the romance is very shit - the bromance had more romance than Luna and Noct basically. But yk I guess that's the whole point, it's suppose to be a fun bromance roadtrip story and they got it right.

Despite that, this is one of my favourite games of all time and I probably have 200+ hours on it. Main characters have lots of chemistry and they were written well. Cried many times. OST very good. Regalia best boy. Thank you for writing Prompto Argentum. 10/10 would probably play again

Tava mt daora tenho de terminar ainda

I love road trip simulator!!!
But seriously this game was good. I just dropped it because the story got boring towards the end. Maybe I should stop dropping games as soon as I get right at the end. Oh well. It’s the worst final fantasy as it’s my least favourite of the three I’ve played, but that doesn’t mean I agree with the people hating this game, this game truly is good.