Reviews from

in the past

(PS5) Finalmente meu primeiro FF! Gostei bastante da jornada no geral. Tem alguns momentos repetitivos, o combate é meio zoado e a chegada ao final foi arrastada de propósito, mas a jornada e a amizade dos personagens foram bem feitas e emocionantes✨

Odiado por muitos (muitos mesmo) e amados por poucos (talvez eu esteja exagerando). Final fantasy XV é a melhor novela mexicana que eu já joguei. Muitas mecânicas dos jogos passados foram alteradas, o que pode causar uma desavença com os fãs mais assíduos da franquia (e alguns chatões também, diga-se de passagem HOHO). ENFIM, após encher tanta linguiça eu afirmo, este jogo é fantástico, ignore o free hate e seja feliz.

I spent the entire summer playing through this game and I gotta say it never got old.

FFXV got me by surprise.
The more I invested on the game, more I felt in love with the game!
The campaing is gorgeous by itself, but it truly shines on the DLC episodes! Such a dense story and amazing characters, it was a blast playing this game!

Too many side quests at the beginning, really burnt me out. I liked driving around and listening to FF VII’s soundtrack with the boys

Um jogo com um enorme investimento, filme, anime, os krl a 4, pra ter um história cansativa, muito mal elaborada, e com uma conclusão completamente aleatória.
O jogo é bonito n nego, seus personagens são carismáticos, mas o sistema de combate é péssimo, ou o inimigo é muito forte, ou é muito fraco, não tem meio termo, as boss fights são arrastadas e cansativas, e narrativa só joga um monte de coisa na tua cara e tu só aceita.
Um jogo com um enorme potencial, me forcei a jogar até a reta final, mas foi tanta coisa bullshit q eu só desisti, um monte de bicho soltando brilho e que não sei que do passado da humanidade, cara... muito ruim, sorte q a square n faliu e tivemos a obra prima do 7 remake.

A lot of people hated this game, maybe I would have too if I played it when it first came out, but I didn't. I'll admit when I started playing FF I was a little annoyed with it, but after a few hours in I started really liking it.

unsatisfying in everything except characteristic atmosphere

how did they manage to do this

it's really rough around the edges and kind of a mess but I liked it a lot overall. which is sort of the vibe with every aspect of it like, the combat is fun but also kinda barely functional sometimes and the story is filled with holes (some intentional to expand upon in DLC) and a bit incoherently told but the key moments that have to work work really well and so on

This one makes me so mad. I feel like there was so much potential but much of it was wasted.

I actually did like the story but damn was the final act rushed, not to mention that the true ending and a bunch of story content that sounded really promising was put behind a book. I love the boy band and seeing them grow.

Combat system is just... okay. Visually it looks cool but actually playing it, it just doesn't feel exciting. The open world is mid as well.

I really wish that we get a versus 13 or verum rex or whatever that gives us the game we were promised.

Honestly one of the underated games of the series, I absolutely love it.

Despite not being what I had hoped for when the first few trailers for 13vs and eventually early ff15 dropped, this game has been one of the most fantastic and entertaining games I've ever played. I've played through and 100% this game 3 times now and will return one more time to play the rest of the dlc one day I'll never forget Noctis and crews journey

Já tinha jogado antes e agora estou na platina.

Tbh this game is very mid. The gameplay is just repetitive side quests until you reach the point where it's just one straight line of plot - so basically 80% side quests, 20% main story. The bromance is good, the romance is very shit - the bromance had more romance than Luna and Noct basically. But yk I guess that's the whole point, it's suppose to be a fun bromance roadtrip story and they got it right.

Despite that, this is one of my favourite games of all time and I probably have 200+ hours on it. Main characters have lots of chemistry and they were written well. Cried many times. OST very good. Regalia best boy. Thank you for writing Prompto Argentum. 10/10 would probably play again

Tava mt daora tenho de terminar ainda

I love road trip simulator!!!
But seriously this game was good. I just dropped it because the story got boring towards the end. Maybe I should stop dropping games as soon as I get right at the end. Oh well. It’s the worst final fantasy as it’s my least favourite of the three I’ve played, but that doesn’t mean I agree with the people hating this game, this game truly is good.

This review contains spoilers

This game fills me with melancholy. It has the vision, and what a vision it is. The semi-realistic fantasy world. A roadtrip. A promised love that fate does not allow to flourish. And the weight of the responsabiity a leader has to accept. Yes, the prince's life was promised for martyrdom, and their happiness will come in a beautiful dream, but still, the pain is insurmountable.
This game makes me long for memories that never were, for a past that never existed, and makes me hope for something that has already passed.
Long death, o Final Fantasy XV.

Too monotone, and it is all too pitch black and white, some gray, not enough color. Costlemark Tower is a stupid idea. Altissia is a fucking mess.

i think i came out liking this game less than i did before which im a little upset about but the game has so much cool shit going for it and it disappoints on damn near all of it.

I've realized that making an engaging open world is a very hard thing to do and I don't think this game does it or even encourages you to explore said "open world." i think conceptually open world with linear story will never work. as such, how this game tries to tell its story often does not work. Many of the characters being fleshed out in content that isn't a part of the base game is also really fucking weird. Several important characters like Lunafreya or Aranea have non-existent character arcs because of it.

The story is what I would describe as "sporadic" which is strange considering the linearity of it. Maybe it's to add to the "journey" feel of it but often times story beats felt like they just happened and didn't really go anywhere or have a purpose, even if that wasn't necessarily true. Even still, the story tended to be enjoyable in typical Final Fantasy fashion. I think the climax of the game was still really epic.

The gameplay is also pretty stale bread but there are times when I found it quite enjoyable. Like I said earlier, warping and shit is really cool.

I also quite enjoy the main 4 bros and Ardyn, though I wish all of them could have been fleshed out more. The music in this game is obviously top notch. I wish Tony had willed Versus XIII into a better game. In the end, Ardyn is just a diet Emet-Selch. Thanks for reading.


I can't really say for certain what this game does that makes me absolutely love it other than an immaculate vibe. The story is a mess that's been patched into something kind of good with dlc, the gameplay is fun but fights are almost impossible to lose, and the exploration is very basic. Still, I'd be lying if I said this isn't one of my favorite final fantasies. The character writing is great, the road trip fun is unmatched, and it feels good to go out and hunt monsters.

Tried for full 100% completion... the base game is done, but the DLCs BROKE ME. NEVER AGAIN.

Divertido road trip con tus compas

The thing that I want to say the most is that all of the acoustic effects in this game are terribly done. None of the voices or foley ever sound right for their environment. I can hear it being wrong in every single scene.

by far the most fun main cast ive ever seen in an rpg.. i adore this game more than my newborn child

eu te amo noctis eu te amo ignis eu te amo prompto eu te amo gladiolus

Mediocre but I played all the way to the end so there must be something here. The characters are the best part of the game. The combat blows, it has like negative depth.