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I just don't think I understand the logic of making a Splatoon clone and not using the aspect of Splatoon that makes it fun. Splatoon's gameplay is revolutionary for a shooter, as it prioritizes covering ground over actually killing your enemies or capturing a flag or what have you. To make a game that at its core is "I Can't Believe It's Not Splatoon" and then making none of the game modes be related to covering the ground with foam is frankly flabbergasting. It doesn't help that the modes we did get range from okay to really unfun. The "main" mode, Smash the Star, is really lame.

Splatoon's entire gameplay loop works because the weapons/movement/gameplay feed into the match goal, to cover ground. Nothing about the foam actually feeds into the core gameplay of any of the modes. You have no real reason to foam the ground other than the fact that you move faster on it and your enemies move slower on it. There are some decent to okay ideas in here, I think a hero shooter with Splatoon's mechanics is a good idea on paper, the problem is its executed clumsily here. The abilities lead to where half the time I have no idea what's going on and the character designs are insanely hit or miss. Splatoon has a very strong sense of art direction and this just feels much more safe and generic. The idea of the "ink" (or foam in this case) being able to pile up and create unique geometry is actually pretty cool, unfortunately again, it is cool on paper. Here it feels like it takes so long to pile the foam up and it makes it awkward and clumsy to try to get rid of enemy piles. Furthermore, the foam itself travels so slowly and it definitely feels worse than shooting ink in Splatoon.

It really is like they set out to make "Splatoon but on PlayStation" and then misinterpreted at every turn the core of what makes Splatoon the fun, sudden success that it is. What we're left with is a confused mess of ideas that don't really mesh together or provide an experience that is that fun or engaging. I didn't even mention the insane pricing on the cosmetics but I don't think I have to, because truthfully I don't even think it is a fun enough game to warrant playing for free in the first place. If you own a PS5 and you REALLY want to play Splatoon, just save up and get a Switch.

I really like Foamstars; I like the game modes more than Splatoon for PVP by far but having them on timers to change up every so often, trying to push "events" and a boring PVE mode make it hard to want to jump in and wait up to 3 minutes (at best) for a match.

So, this game is semi dead and you have to play on the jp servers to consistently find games. It's a shame since (microtransactions aside) the game is lowkey good.

yeah yeah it has a season pass, a bunch of cosmetic with outrageous prices and it's not even free-to-play but this isn't an effortless cash grab like some reviews say on here.
There's actual great stuff on here, like the graphics! Everything looks great; the environments are good looking, colorful and detailed, the foam looks great and the artwork + the character designs are great. I knew the style looked familiar... especially Soa and her 2d portraits and yeah a look at the credits and I find them: Gurihiru. I love their style, even if it has a slight same face syndrome. I know of them because they are behind the art of my favorite modern comicbook run.

It also has a fantastic soundtrack and a great overall colorful vibe.

This is a hero shooter, so the characters are important. Jet Justice and the shark gamer are a miss for me, but I think every other one looks good. Gwyn is clearly the best character though, I mean she believes she is a penguin, lives in Antarctica and her supporting cast consists entirely of realistic animals.

Gameplaywise it's a 3rd person shooter. You fill the map with foam and you can use that foam to go faster or reach higher platforms. Something something Splatoon. Surfing on your foam doesn't refill your ammo like in Splatoon so there's a difference there. The main goal of every gamemode also doesn't have anything to do with filling the map with foam so that's another difference.
Not that it matters, there's nothing wrong in being similar.
Movement, shooting and the character abilities all feel great.

The more time you spend with this game you'll realize that it has a good base but it needed more time in the oven.
-In PvP there are 3 game modes, and 2 of those are on rotation, being swapped every hour. Coincidentally those 2 modes (the survival one and the duck one) are more frustrating than fun... so there's only one pvp mode really: smash the star, the default online experience on this game. For how long will you play the same (chaotic but fun) mode? The devs are betting on people getting hooked so they buy the extremely expensive cosmetics, but pvp gets repetitive FAST, with a very repetitive map pool and the small selection of game modes. It sucks since the main mode is really fun.
-There's also a pve element to the game... there are 2 missions that you can do with 3 other people online, and a set of offline character missions. These are all the same: waves of enemies, then a boss (a stronger normal enemy with more hp). There's nothing creative, it's just the same square and you have to stop enemies from reaching a reactor or something. There are no character exclusive levels or challenges or anything interesting, just different artwork and voiced text cutscenes.

There's so much good, a lot of polish and attention to detail in some areas, and a lot of potential... it's sad that there's no way that this game survives past this year.

esse jogo tinha um puta de um potencial mas infelizmente a square enix não soube usar

I mean it's fun, but not for so long.

The core concept is able to stand on its own separate from Splatoon, the game modes are varied enough to keep me playing for a reasonable amount of time. If you could reload while surfing, I would give it an extra point.

The monetization model is awful, though, and the main reason I can't see this game sustaining the long run.

good music and idle animation but booty fart

It's a meh game for me. Atleast in the beginning, going for 100% i kind of started to enjoy it. The worst fact about it, is that a DLC trophy came out right at the end and that the servers are soo dead. Finding a game in EU was a pain until I figured out that you can change your servers to USA. Had no issue afterwards.

the character designs are butt fucking ugly and all the voices sound like nails on a chalkboard and it is just not very fun. go play splatoon instead. also i think i got into a match twice in a row with a former classmate of mine who came out as gay to the whole class on the last day of school only to now be homophobic and had a weird obsession with hitler

I'm not sure what to say. I'm glad I got to play this for free with PS Plus, but otherwise this game felt very dry, and just like another live service mess churned out to make some pocket change.

I give Foamstars a 5!

the music is good & some of the characters have cute designs - it just needs fleshing out a lot more

Some of the characters need to shut the hell up and stop talking. Gameplay is very splatoon inspired but different enough to not feel like an imitation. The foam stuff in particular with it being able to stack and create walls is interesting. Overall though, kinda eh but good to kill a couple minutes with.

A soulless, corporate cash-grab that not only fails in every regard, but especially fails to take your money.

I won’t lie, the game’s aesthetics and its music are phenomenal, and were the two things that initially drew me to it (that, and receiving this game for free from PS+). Unfortunately, those are the only compliments I have for the game. The map design is boring, character designs are generic, gameplay is uninteresting and disengaging, and there is absolutely nothing to feel any attachment towards. The reason why games like Overwatch, Apex, Splatoon, and hell — even Fortnite — are all enjoyable, aside from their addictive gameplay loop, is that they all have stories and characters that people grow attached to. People engage with them beyond the confines of the game because they love the worlds and narratives built from the characters.

Foamstars has none of that.

Foamstars has a narcissistic main character with some of the worst voice acting I’ve heard in a minute, along with a basic cast of characters that have nothing going for them. Nada. Their depth is essentially “hey this is their gender and their style of clothes!” Cool, I guess. You know what Overwatch has? A cringefail gorilla scientist who’s best friend is a temporally-unstable British lesbian and several people who won’t call him back. I’m gonna go play that instead, thanks.

Anyways, moral of the story is you’d be better off playing anything else. Literally anything. Go outside and play with sticks and rocks and I can guarantee you that you’ll have more fun with that than with this game.

I can’t see this lasting but it’s neat. Really half baked in some areas and really over detailed in others which results in a game that’s pretty fucking funny in all honesty, the weird inconsistent theming and sheer chaos of the gameplay combined with the amazingly terrible humor results in such a surreal experience. The core gameplay is thankfully fun enough to make all of that stuff more charming than not.

Foamstars is an attempt at trying to be the next hot multiplayer game by combining aspects of Splatoon and OverWatch.

The atmosphere is very chill and relaxing, but in order to earn rewards from the Battle Pass you have to continuously grind the multiplayer modes, which can be stressful. It doesn’t help that the player base is very small, so it can take several minutes to even get a match.

The combat is very fun though. Gameplay is tied to characters rather than weapons, with each character having their own playstyle. The problem is, as of writing this, there are only eight characters (six care available at the beginning, one is unlocked through leveling up, and another you have to buy). Only one person on each team can be each character, so if someone locks in a character you’re good at before you do, you have to choose another one.

The “Story Mode” really only exists to serve as an extended tutorial for the starting characters. Which would be fine, but there is an actual plot that was built up, expanded upon a tiny bit, and zero resolution to any of it. I thought that there would be a seventh story mode that unlocks after doing the others, but nope.

The in game shop is all cosmetics that you buy with real money. They are all super expensive though, and not really worth it.

Foamstars had some potential, but it was ultimately kinda wasted in my opinion. I think it would be better if the developers focused on making a full fledged story mode with fun levels and bosses, while making multiplayer secondary.

Decently fun Splatoon rip off. Enjoyable with friends.

Enjoyable for a few games, but strangely enough "Splatoon...but not" isn't a good enough hook to keep a player base active.

not gonna lie id rather they used ai for the entire game because even a computer knows how shit this is

I have so many issues with “Foamstars”, but something about it just kept sticking and I was having some really cut throat and terrific games that I kept playing it for a while. Even made a couple friends from the lobbies. I dropped it and not sure if I’ll go back tho. If I do, great! If not, the ten hours I spent were modestly entertaining enough that I ain’t mad about it.

Gameplay- "Foamstars (2024)" is a 4v4 foam shooter game which brings back ideas of the action of Splatoon as well as similar titles. The game features an energetic cast of characters battling furiously as foam projectiles fly in all directions. Foamstars offers an enjoyable and dynamic element to gameplay through the use of foam as the primary ammunition, resulting in an unusual take on typical paint-based concepts. While the game mostly focuses on in-match action, it doesn't rule out the addition of additional features, such as gathering places used as venues for creative activities, a la Splatoon's town square.

In a creative shift, Foamstars breaks from the conventional "cover the map" objective utilised in games of similar type by allowing foam to be utilised as a tool for attack in addition to for altering the map's layout. With the assistance of this strategic part, players are able to proactively alter the battlefield by building cover or creating fresh paths for mobility. Although the game includes a solo choice via missions which enable players to gain more about a wide roster of people, some players may find the hoard-based missions repetitive and lacking in variation. In spite of the absence of a structured story campaign, character-specific goals offer bits of lore that give the game world additional depth.

Modes- Foamstars offers three main game modes for player-versus-player action.

In "Smash the Star," teams fight hard to get rid of rival players while searching for the unlikely "Star Player." Strategy and intensity clash. Every match promises heart-pounding action and the potential of amazing comebacks, with a focus on protecting allies and targeting rivals.

In meantime, "Happy Bath Survival" offers a collaborative and based on skills battle where players must fight off opponents and navigate within the arena's boundaries. As teams battle for supremacy in an attrition-based conflict, collaboration is crucial among companions both inside and outside the battlefield.

For those craving a whimsical twist, "Rubber Duck Party" offers a delightful blend of competition and camaraderie. Racing to seize control of the titular duck and propel it towards victory, players must balance offense and defense amidst the chaos of the arena.

For those seeking for a creative touch, "Rubber Duck Party" is an enjoyable way to marry conflict with cooperation. Players have to find a balance between attack and defence in the midst of the chaos of the arena in their battle for control of the titular duck and guide it towards victory.

Gameplay: 7
Graphics & Performance: 8
Characters: 7
Content: 4
Music: 8
Online: 7
Difficulty: Moderate
Audience: 12+
Perk: Play Then Sell

Final Score: 7/10 (Good/Decent)

"Foamstars (2024)" is a lively 4v4 foam shooter game that provides an infusion of fresh air to the competitive gaming market. Its gameplay is reminiscent of popular titles like Splatoon. The use of foam as the main weapon in the game gives traditional paint-based concepts an exciting twist and allows dynamic battlefield alteration and strategic complexities. While solo missions offer details about the game's past, certain players can find hoard-based missions boring. Yet the PvP aspects of the game are where it really does well, offering an array of experiences from intense team battles to comical duck races. With its colourful visuals, engaging gameplay, and charming personality,

honestly i prefer the gameplay to splatoon, but the game was so poorly made and certain aspects are made with ai

I really wanted to enjoy Sony's vaguely lewdly titled spin on Splatoon. Was hoping all the negativity being spread around for it online was just the result of angry Nintendo fans getting peeved because there's now a cool new take on their once exclusive series out there for people with other consoles to enjoy, à la Palworld. Unfortunately, Foamstars is a genuinely baffling product with some seriously questionable design choices that I feel are going to make it hard for this to build an audience large enough to make its obvious inspiration even remotely nervous.

The game replaces the weird squid-children and ink with, well, foam and... influencers? The most unique thing it brings to the table is elements of your typical hero shooter, where instead of customizing loadouts to determine your playstyle you select from a group of characters at the start of each match with their own skills and abilities. Not a terrible idea. The problem is that it's difficult to fully relish using any of them when the core gunplay is so odd no matter who you go with. Most shoot in this bizarre arcing fashion usually used for throwing grenades pretty much everywhere else. This means you have to determine where your bubbly bullets are going to land in order to effectively hit someone, which can be tough to do in the heat of the moment causing the majority of firefights to devolve into everyone simply spraying and praying they land enough damage to open up opponents for the surfboard slide finishers. The ones who do shoot in a more traditional straight line tend to have significant range issues.

Slightly awkward gameplay isn't necessarily always a deal-breaker though. In fact, I'd say you're more likely to put this down over the general lack of content instead. There are only three match types right now. One of which, a twist on TDM with lives where the final kill has to be against the opposing team's top player, is constantly available while the other two cycle in and out on a confounding hourly rotation. Why the devs would choose to do this I have no idea, but it merely serves to make the offerings of an already fairly meager package feel even slimmer. There are single-player and co-op PvE missions where you defend generators from waves of pathetic enemies who strictly approach from a single direction and typically culminate in a marginally less pathetic boss battle. The latter does contain some value due to the fact that it can be pretty challenging on the hard difficulty setting, yet ultimately isn't enough to keep either inclusion from being altogether dull and entirely skippable.

It's also worth noting the former features super annoying writing to boot. All the dialogue is incredibly juvenile. I don't mean in a crass and crude sort of way, rather that it comes off as aimed at very young children. Quite at odds with the sexual designs of a few of its heroines. The voice acting delivering it might be the strangest part of this entire package. I'm not convinced about half of it isn't AI generated, because there can't seriously be a reality where they found this many individuals who read that unnaturally even on a first take.

Whether this being (currently) kind of, sort of, but not truly or always going to be "free" depends on how much you're bothered by the microtransactions. They are 100% optional and avoidable so there is NO pay-to-win bullcrap going on and therefore cause me to take zero issue with them. That being said, I will mention the price tags are ridiculous, with a lot of bundles costing nearly the same amount as a brand-new released game, and there's the usual irritating seasonal battle pass junk. The freemium mechanics don't stop there, however. In a downright borderline hilarious move, the perks-esque boost loadouts you can equip the roster with are inexplicably randomly generated by a gacha system, mercifully fueled by in-game currency rather than real-world cash. You can't make this stuff up and that may be the sole aspect more unbelievably peculiar than the voice-overs.

Despite everything I've talked about, the multiplayer can still be mindless fun in spurts thanks to the creative modes. At least when you're winning. My personal favorite sees teams split up into two groups, requiring both halves to coordinate while one is in the fight and the other provides support from outside of the arena. The designs of the current cast are also appropriately striking, eye-catching, and cool in spite of the storytelling portraying them as huge dorks. Originally, I was intending to stick around long enough to unlock the complete trophy list. With such a variety of better games out there these days, I simply can't justify wasting any more time on something this mediocre and flawed, or recommend it to anybody else. Certainly not when you have to start paying for it. Psssh, forget that! Square Enix needs to smarten up and backtrack on those plans IMMEDIATELY!


I abandoned Foamstars. Why? For, many reasons. The biggest being that it's just not that fun. I never played Splatoon because I never owned a Nintendo console so I was low-key excited for Foamstars.

If Splatoon is as boring as this is, I really don't understand people at all. But it can't be that boring, right? Maybe the problem here is that Foamstars' characters are pretty boring, the maps are pretty boring, the graphics aren't very good and they aren't very artistic. And while the gameplay seems fun at first mostly due to DualSense, I think the game modes here doesn't work.

This game is much more about killing the other team then foaming the environment but I just didn't find that fun. I want to end this abandoned review with one little crazy thing. It's just, incredibly dumb so here we go.

While opening the game, you are presented with a choice to select your region. I did select my region which is a smaller country, a country that would not play Foamstars much. I started matchmaking and, it can't find anyone. I waited for like 10-15 minutes and then saw my friend in game. I asked him how he found matchmaking and he told me that he changed the region because this idiotic game only looks for matches in your selected region. And it does not think of looking at other nearby regions if it can't find any.

This, this is Foamstars. It's, pretty bad. I don't see myself going back to this, I don't see anyone going back to this and I just don't see this game surviving more than 6 months.

Banger OST, but the game itself is pretty bad.
I waited over 10 minutes in the queue two weeks after release and the game being on ps plus.
I guess it won't survive long.

What the fuck is even going on

Currently playing in-between adventures. Good game concept, it can be fun, it can also be fairly tedious, and unlocking rewards is a slow grind. The overall game experience is chaotic. It;s like splatoon but with hero shooter elements that make me not want to try the other characters. There is a single player mode that can serve as a training mode for the characters. Its meh to be honest.

Oh, it's a game that will cost money later on down the line and is more focused on forcing us to spend money for battle passes and what not. No thanks.