Reviews from

in the past

Taught me more about communism than Miss Smirnova in high school

The First game I've ever played....

bitirdiğim ve oynadığım ilk oyun, klişe bir senaryoya sahip olsa da harika bir oyun günümüzde mekanikleri birazcık sıkıntı çektirebilir ama hala oynanabilir bir seviyede bölüm dizaynı muhteşem atmosferi iyi yakalamışlar.

I remember thinking this game was extremely cool when I rented it back in the day. I have no idea how it holds up now.

Excellent title. Great story, characters and levels. The hook here is the squad-based command mechanic, especially for a third person shooter.

Have your squad follow, advance or defend in accordance with your strategies. It's a shame we don't get more mechanics in games like in the context of differing genres.

Closest thing I can think of is Star Wars: Republic Commando or Overlord. Different games in different genres but still executed the mechanic well.

Kurtuluşa Giden Yol


Bağımsızlık savaşları veya özgürlük mücadeleleri, tarih boyunca birçok farklı kültürde ve coğrafyada ortaya çıkmış olan olaylardır. Bu savaşlar, insanların siyasi, sosyal veya ekonomik özgürlüklerini elde etmek veya korumak için mücadele ettikleri dönemlerde gerçekleşir.
Oyunda, oyuncunun çevresindeki direnişçi takımını kontrol etme yeteneği de bulunur. Bu, takım arkadaşlarına komutlar vererek stratejik bir şekilde ilerlemenizi sağlar. Bu özelliğin bokunun çıktığını düşünüyorum bazı yerlerde. Fazla pasif kalıyoruz şahıs olarak. Onlar hepsini indiriyor zaten.
Grafikler bayağı bir hoşuma gitti. Oyunun hiçbir bölümünde özgürlük heykeli görmememiz aşırı iyi bir olay bence. Karakterimiz Chris’in özgürlüğü için ölümüne verdiği bir savaşı izliyoruz. Keşke karakterin iç çatışmasını gördüğümüz bölümler de olsaydı. Çünkü bence bu hayatta en önemli olan şey özgürlük. Chris’in odun ruhsuz bir karakter olması can sıkıcı biraz. Hikaye kısmında en sevdiğim kısımlar Haber sahneleriydi. Özgün kesinlikle, bana atlantadaki bir bölümü anımsatıyor. Üstüne çok konuşmaya gerek yok sanırım. Wolfensteindan aldığı ilham çok hissediliyor. Sokaklar, binalar ve karakter modelleri ince bir şekilde tasarlanmış.
Grafik anlamında yılına göre muazzam. Özellikle bazı sekanslarda oha bunu cidden yaptınız mı dedirtiyor. NYC atmosferini buram buram hissettiriyor.
Oyunda herkesin aksine taktiksel deneyim tadını alamadım. Gizli gitmek istediğim yerlerde buna izin vermedi. Bu rahatsız edici bence. Bölümleri nasıl bitirdiğimizin bir önemi yok, bunu sanırım çoğu oyuncu sevmiş. Bende sevdim tabii. Kısacası

Bring back this IP! One of the first games I ever played on the PS2 when I was just renting back then. This is why I finished it as soon as I bought the system in 2020. One of the very first games that I experienced was a shooter with a strategical system of recruiting men and ordering them. The plot is so ridiculous back then but still relevant now that Russia is being aggressive towards Ukraine.

This game was not what I expected and I regret not playing it sooner.

Sending in the squad to do your bidding never got old. I also appreciated how the game encourages you to go back and forth between different locations to make the objectives easier to accomplish.

The atmosphere is dark, helped immensely by Jesper Kyd's excellent soundtrack.

I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys squad-based shooters.

i was so shocked when i first played it. i had no expectations but it was a really good experience. i recommend this to everyone who wants to play some old tps games. truly underrated.

This was a weird game revisit after all these years. It punches way above it's weight in terms of "cinematic" feel, clearly the people directing the game were going for something there, but it's all a little bit drab and dated. I appreciate the effort to make the game something a little bit more than just a shooter, Jesper Kyd's soundtrack really helps out there, it just doesn't really go anywhere you don't expect it to. The shooting itself if alright, it's nice seeing the studio in charge of the Hitman games from the era nail straight up action gameplay as well. The game picks up in the second half, I think, where you can have a decent squad of fighters running around. There's just something about games where you command a bunch of minions. It's pretty satisfying watching your underlings toss themselves straight into gunfire and watching them wreck shit.

Freedom Fighters é um jogo de ação em terceira pessoa desenvolvido pela Eidos Interactive que possui o mesmo "motor gráfico" do "Hitman 2: Silent Assassin" sendo desenvolvido em paralelo com ele, só que lançado um ano depois. A trama gira em torno de um encanador chamado Chris que durante um serviço com o seu irmão para desentupir os canos da casa de uma jornalista que já estava avisando há tempos de um possível ataque coordenado da União Soviética à cidade de Nova York nessa realidade alternativa que se passa em meio à Guerra Fria, os dois são surpreendidos pelos soviéticos que invadem a residência e levam o seu irmão desavisado acreditando que ele saberia do paradeiro dela, em que por sorte do Chris que estava longe da entrada na hora consegue fugir às pressas do local com um membro de uma resistência que já estava se preparando há dias para esse ataque.

Conforme a trama avança, seu personagem vai ganhando a confiança dessa resistência até se tornar o líder dela que aqui isso é implementado na gameplay como se fosse o sistema de subir de level em qualquer outro jogo, onde ao ajudar algum civil nas ruas ou simplesmente avançando e dominando as demais áreas do mapa você vai ganhando esse tal "XP" que é chamado de "Carisma" no jogo onde sempre ao completar essa barra, vai liberar um slot para recrutar um soldado por vez que com essa mecânica você pode liderar as ações dos grupos de soldados, que se resumem basicamente entre mandar um ou todos os soldados te seguirem, defenderem uma posição marcada por você ou simplesmente mandar atacarem um único inimigo no mapa. Considerando a sua época, ele é um bom jogo que inovou com seus elementos (ainda que simples) de estratégia em um game de ação em tempo real, o problema é que como ele foi feito por cima da "engine" do "Hitman 2: Silent Assassin", a proposta dele de ser um game de tiro não conversa muito bem com a estrutura que foi inicialmente feita para o "Hitman 2" trazendo uma gameplay bem mais dura do que o normal que no Hitman, por exemplo, dava para relevar pelo foco do jogo não ser o sistema de tiro e sim toda a furtividade do personagem, que talvez por isso e pelos gráficos reaproveitados tenha trazido uma má impressão nesse jogo que possivelmente não o fez ter tanta visibilidade e que inviabilizou uma sequência.

Agora, o que mais me frustra não é nem sua jogabilidade e nem seus gráficos e sim a falta de teclas de atalhos para, por exemplo, usar um "Med Kit" no meio do confronto onde aqui tu tem que se virar entre ou segurar o rolo do mouse e direcioná-lo para o item que você quer pegar ou ficar "scrollando" até o item, que no meio de um tiroteio frenético faz uma falta enorme e certamente vai te fazer morrer bastante de maneira besta por isso, tem também a questão dos "Checkpoints" feitos em pontos de entrada do esgoto da cidade que se você não salvar manualmente entre esses pontos específicos do mapa, pode se preparar para recomeçar toda a fase do mapa do zero.

Concluindo, ainda que com o tempo ele tenha envelhecido um pouco mal, eu ainda considero ele um bom jogo por conter uma história e uma ambientação legal que ainda que não se aprofunde tanto na construção dos personagens e no desfecho, ele te prende pela imersão da ideia da liderança com esses elementos estratégicos e na escolha de qual área dominar primeiro, onde cada decisão errada em torno de onde atacar primeiro pode te dificultar a concluir o game, por isso, é uma boa pedida principalmente para aqueles jogadores saudosistas que adoram um desafio.

A pretty fun classic PS2 game.

The game play is pretty fun, and it has a pretty good atmosphere. But it's nothing more than that. The story is pretty bare bones and generic (Russians invade New York. That's it), but my biggest problem with this game is that it just flat out goes on for too long and gets repetitive. I was having a good time shooting down Russians and getting a gang of new yorkers together to storm and reclaim some buildings, but it's just the same thing over and over. There is basically no variation in gameplay throughout the entire game.

Overall, a decently fun game that loses steam later on, it definitely lost me later on anyways.

This is actually a game I knew was a big deal back in the day and ignored it until now. I don’t if it was because I was too young to understand the concept, it seemed like another shooter, or something else told me to overlook it, but I’m glad I finally dived into one of the most popular and talked about games of the early 2000’s. Freedom Fighters is a squad based third person shooter where you control the main protagonist Christopher Stone, and help the rebel fighters take back the United States from Soviet control.

The story isn’t really anything memorable, but the game does have a decent atmosphere about it. You feel the suppression of Russia as you run around the war-torn stages and view the cut scenes. Real-time scenes are mostly made up of news propaganda and the quick unfolding of the rebels winning. The game moves at a really fast pace, isn’t that long, and feels fairly average today, but back in the day, it was something new.

The game is structured around rebel bases that act as hubs and each set of levels is accessed via a map. Once you get into a level there are a few objectives to complete and then it’s on to the next one (in any order). If you find yourself hurting for supplies you can find manholes which act as checkpoints and can either quick save or go back to your base (but you lose all your squad members). The game actually doesn’t explain any of this and I had to figure this all out myself which was very confusing and frustrating.

When you complete objectives you get Charisma which gives you a squad member slot with every level. It’s imperative that you do most of the side objectives as later in the game you will need as many members as you can get. When you actually start shooting and playing the game feels extremely unbalanced and very difficult. The sheer amount of enemies that are thrown at you is insane. There are probably over 200 enemies in each level and the levels aren’t that big. The game uses an auto-aim mechanic which actually works with how many enemies they throw at you. Just pull the trigger and Stone will auto switch enemies on the fly without any issues. There is a manual aim mode, but it’s finicky and you can’t move while you aim. I would have liked fewer enemies and a more robust cover shooting mechanic instead.

This shooting mechanic is what makes the game so difficult to begin with. I actually had to turn on cheats for rocket launchers as helicopters would come after me and there were no rocket launchers in the entire level. I was probably supposed to run from them, but the constant restarting was infuriating. Checkpoints are far and few between and the last thing I need is to mow down the same five waves of enemies over and over just to try a different zig-zag path with the helicopter.

This extreme balancing issue brings the games fun down quite a bit and after about three or four levels it all starts to feel the same again. There are not that many weapons to choose from with just standard assault rifle, submachine gun, heavy machine gun nonsense that has been done many times over. Squad member control was decent, as they followed you around, but send them out to fight on their own and they drop like flies. I’m actually glad the game was as short as it was as it got so repetitive and numb that I wanted it to all end.

The visuals and audio in the game are actually impressive for the time. There’s a lot of detail everywhere and the voice acting is rather excellent, but there’s a lot of slowdown when too much is happening on screen at once. Overall, Freedom Fighters is a fast paced third-person shooter on steroids, but the balancing issues, repetitive objectives, and overall frustrating difficulty brings the fun down quite a bit.

As neat as the mission structure is, it doesn't salvage the terrible gunplay and appalling AI. The combat gameplay just doesn't cut it for how much of it there is.

Vodka, balalaika and bear on a bicycle. The amount of cranberries is off the charts several times over, but this madness is interesting to watch and, in fact, to play with.

Водка, балалайка и медведь на велосипеде. Количество клюквы зашкаливает в несколько раз, но на это безумие интересно смотреть, собственно и играть тоже.

Never forget that IO decided to drop this banger and then never made a sequel

Um grande jogo da IO interactive feito em 2003 onde voce assume o papel de um revolucionario em uma nova iorque invadida pelos russos.
O jogo tem uma historia bem basicona pra servir de pano de fundo para a gameplay contudo se vista com os olhos de hoje tem certas coisas que ficaram bem datadas. Só que para mim é o ponto alto do jogo é a gameplay já que voce é uma das faces da revolução tu tens a capacidade de fazer o uso da guerrilha e as batalhas ficam tem um micro gerenciamento dos teus guerrilheiros onde eles ajudam a defender/invadir e capturar posições já que voce não tem a capacidade de ser um exercito de um homem só (salvo missões de stealth)
o jogo tem um sistema de mira bem pouco confiavel onde o rip fire da arma mesmo no aimcross não centraliza bem os tiros deixando dificil para fazer tiros de precisão e como joguei no hard dificulta na eliminação dos inimigos (eu sempre me dizia que era a consequência de por um fuzil nas mão de um cidadão comum meio despreparado pra ocasião em que se encontra) já que eles são um pouquinho tanks e tirando essas duas coisas acabam o que eu não curto no jogo.
o jogo tem um level design bem legal que quebra a linearidade te dando e quase obrigando a usar rotas alternativas para evitar confrontos maiores assim como em uma guerrilha te instigando a usar o micro gerenciamento das tropas, emboscadas, flanqueamentos e o uso de molotovs/granadas
musicas extremamente fodas e épicas que tocam nos tiroteios deixando tudo mais legal te fazendo sentir-se como um comandante liderando a revolução
arsenal de armas bem baixo
e sem checkpoints já que tu tem que salvar manualmente te forçando a jogar com atenção

Познавая серию Hitman моей «любимой» студии IO Interactive, Я пришёл к неутешительному выводу уже со второй части, что всемирно известная стелс эпопея имеет крайне отвратительную стелс составляющую. Перестреливать всех и вся от уровню к уровню представляется куда более потешной затеей. А теперь представьте моё удивление, когда Я узнал, что у этих горе-творцов есть нечто, подразумевающее шутер с первых же мгновений игрового процесса. Неужто художники от слова худо нашли применение своим искусным талантам на должном поприще? Не-е-ет, не тут-то было! Представьте себе положение Хитмана, но ровно на 180 градусов противоположное! Играя за скрытного киллера, вам было весело забивать огромный болт на эту самую скрытность и просто шмалять во всё в округе? Так вот, здесь стрелять вам будет нихуя не весело, скажу Я откровенно. Целые полчища однотипных болванчиков, разбросанных сотнями на каждом уровне, отнимут у вас малейшее удовольствие от любых пострелушок. У вас нет никакой мобильности. У вас нет разнообразного оружейного инвентаря - вы лишь можете менять свой ствол на тот, что подобран с трупа. Всю игру вас ждёт изысканный боевой стиль имени WASD+ЛКМ из стандартного автомата. Никакой Ragdoll физики из Хитманов здесь нет и в помине, поэтому вместо угарных полётов вражеских доходяг на 5 километров от вашего выстрела здесь вас ждут солдатики, вяло падающие на месте, словно Злая Ведьма из страны Оз, таящая от воды. Ах да, чуть не забыл. Та самая система распоряжения личным составом - нерабочий кусок корявого искусственного интеллекта, и годится оно лишь как неумело прикрывающее вашу модельку пушечное мясо. Эх, пожалуй, я умолчу обо всём остальном, что прожигало мои нервные клетки в течение тяжело перевариваемых десяти часов, иначе писанина моя изрядно затянется. А писать есть о чём, уж поверьте мне на слово. Но не будем о плохом, закончим же на хорошей ноте. Саундтрек Борцов за свободу весьма неплох и со своей задачей более чем справляется. Маэстро Йаспер Маглот вновь постарался на славу!

I/O Interactive really said "what if HItman but action?" AND IT WAS RAW!!!!!!

One of the first games I ever played and the only one I had on my first PC, played it over 17 times, good times :))

Godly game! This is one of the first games I finished and it was a masterpiece. I loved it so much!

An interesting take on shooters for sure, but not one I could reasonably get behind. Great timekiller in 2008.

ranks real high in the pantheon of "games where you tell your buds to go do stuff and then watch them do it"

ioi's legacy shows in these wonderfully constructed levels full of tunnels and alleys with which to flank your assailaints

skip the cutscenes though

Este jogo simula perfeitamente a sensação de se viver numa região em guerra civil, e em grandes capitais do nordeste do Brasil.

Fun (if unoriginal) premise and polished gameplay made this one I returned to a couple of times, plus a fully cooperative split-screen campaign on consoles provided a good excuse to keep this one on the shelf. It did nothing new, even for its time, but the high degree of polish was what set it apart.

This is ok game, but it is exciting as a Hitman series fan to see something so inbetween Silent Assassin and Contracts, from visuals and sound design to some gameplay and stylistic decisions, it's almost uncannily similar to those games.

I loved this game so much that I named my Gamertag after it once I finally started gaming online. While I'm 100% looking witih Nostaligia glasses the game actually had some really cool ideas for the time(Squad based commands, branching missions paths). The thing I commend most about this game is the soundtrack. Jesper Kyd(of Assassins Creed fame) composed a soundtrack that is haunting and gets the blood racing at the same time. The piano playing against the backdrop of wartorn New York is my first core gaming memory. For 4-5 years my entire neighborhood was also obsessed with the multiplayer component(even though it wasn't the strongest).

I remember seeing this cover at Blockbuster a few times thinking it looked rad as hell but I never rented it for some reason. Freedom Fighters is a 3rd person shooter taking place in an alternate reality where the Soviet Union dropped a nuke on Germany ending WW2 and becoming a mega power in the process. Fast forward to the modern day where you're some New York plumber doing work and then the Russians invade so you gotta drop the plunger and pick up a gun to become the resistance leader and save the greatest state in America. That is pretty much all you really need to know about the plot, it's there and nothing too special but gets the game going to its end.

The gameplay I found more fun than I would've thought. The maps in missions are these big sections of the city and you take on each mission in a different part traveling all over. The graphics for the time look nice (it reminds me a lot of the early Hitman games, which makes sense since same developers). Combat is nice, the game tries to be a little strategic and you can't really run and gun everything. You have squad mates you can recruit and set them to do actions such as defending the position, retreating, and suppressing fire. I found basic enemies really hard to take down since most seem to be bullet sponges for some reason. Maybe because I played on hard this is the case but I found myself running low on ammo very often in the middle of gunfights. For some reason though I found aiming at enemies to be less accurate than shooting by the hip. When you aim down your bullets tend to spread all over the place, weird. I found myself really using the game's squad mechanics to my advantage in order to survive a lot of fights since this game get's pretty challenging towards the end of it.

Game runs good on PC but the one mission towards the end of the game where it's snowing in NY chugs so hard for some reason.