Reviews from

in the past

A playlist podia ser um pouco melhor mas é guitar hero poh

Oh época boa, dando início a saga Guitar Hero com um jogo excelente, as músicas são muito boas, personagens caricatos porem ótimos e com gráficos bons para a época, amei a mecânica de poder comprar novas guitarras melhores, um jogo muito divertido.
Veredito: até nos dias de hoje vale a pena, curtir um bom som e uma gameplay simples e viciante.

foda demais, acho que esse tinha mais músicas que eu não gostava do que gostava, também as músicas serem covers era estranho mas ainda sim é excelente. jogar com o grimm reaper era IRADO

Pra um primeiro game da franquia está mt bem feito, nunca tinha jogado Guitar Hero antes mas sempre tive curiosidade pra ver como me sairia.
Pensei q daria conta pq curto aqueles jogos tipo Piano Tiles do celular onde tem q clicar rápido nas teclas certas, mas meu amigo o negócio é foda, demorei um pouco até memorizar as teclas e tbm só descobri bem no final q os raios serviam pra dobrar os pontos.

>> Prós
• SOUNDTRACK : É Guitar Hero, não preciso falar nada sobre esse ponto.
• DESAFIO : É um jogo q requer uma coordenação motora bem alta, demorei um pouco pra memorizar algumas teclas ( considero mais fácil acertar as notas duplas : vermelho + amarelo, verde + amarelo, verde + azul / e mais dificil de acertar o verde + vermelho ).
• JOGABILIDADE : Com a guitarra deve ser mt mais fácil mas ainda assim a jogabilidade no controle é boa.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Música Favorita = "I Love Rock n' Roll", "I Wanna be Sedated", "Iron Man", "More Than a Feeling" e "No One Knows".

>> Listas
• AXE-GRINDERS = 4/5 ( meu favorito )
• FACE-MELTERS = 3.5/5

Now Ziggy played guitar
jamming good with Axel Steel and Judy Nails
and the bonus setlist.
He HOPO'd left hand, but couldn't get far...

The first in an iconic series, and it wasn't that good at first. using the guitar controller for the first time and matching up each of the coloured buttons to the notes, you can tell that there were some growing pains here, mainly issues with syncing.

Because of that, it is very difficult to recommend this game to anyone. Despite that, this did have a lot of charm to it and laid the groundwork for something truly iconic to be created.

Легендарное начало, полное панк рока, и возможно, лучшего набора песен

Felt nostalgic and managed to just barely beat the game and all the bonus songs on Expert with a regular controller, and honestly with how quickly the series got very difficult it's so nice that I was able to do that with relative ease.

Weird flex aside, this game is overflowing with charm. Within just a few minutes of starting I had an uncontrollable grin on my face, in awe at how much Harmonix had gotten correct right from the start. The visuals are goofy, character movements and facial expressions are so exaggerated and the menu and UI designs just look so awesome.

The song selection is great if a bit forgettable at points, but this is easily looked past considering the budget and the fact that the vast majority of them are very fun to play. All the songs in the career are covers and it just adds to the charm of everything, I honestly think this game is more fond to look back on thanks to these covers and their quirks. The bonus songs also pleasantly surprised me, you're very unlikely to know any of the songs or their bands but after playing them I was very delighted by what I'd heard.

This game really was the stepping stone that led to Guitar Hero 2 which carries over the first game's charm and adds to it with a bigger, better soundtrack and a far more forgiving (but still fun!) engine, but that doesn't mean the first game should be overlooked. In fact, it's such a short and sweet delight that I'd say everyone needs to try this first game at some point in their life. Again, they really got so much correct in the first entry it's baffling.

eu tinha o jogo, a guitarra do jogo, o carisma do jogo, o videogame que rodava o jogo, família que jogava o jogo comigo agora HABILIDADE QUE EH BOM..........

Seleção de músicas perfeita, me fez gostar de rock e influenciou muito no meu gosto musical hoje em dia

guys will play this and just think "hell yeah"

As far as I know, only the true Ride Or Dies played this one. All I really remember was Thunder Kiss 65 tho (banger)

inicio de uma era, set list respeitavel porem engine é uma porcaria e sem hammer on é foda mas jogasso mesmo assim

This game made me dream in falling frets.

Nearly every game in the franchise improves on this one in some capacity, but I still respect GH1. It introduced me to Harmonix & helped make me a fan of theirs. It helped solidify my affinity for music & rhythm gameplay. And it played a big role in turning me into a lifelong lover of rock 'n roll. I may never truly learn how hammer-ons & pull-offs work in this game, but it's still a good time. Reminds me of my childhood.

Great start of this series. Lacks key features like video/audio sync and practice mode but it's in "playable" state on emualtor

eu não faço ideia de quantas vezes eu joguei esse jogo quando eu era criança, provavelmente jogava todo dia, até que ganhei a guitarra desse jogo da minha mãe de dia das crianças, ai só fez eu amar mais ainda a franquia

muitos clássicos eu conheço graças a esse jogo, e devo muito do meu gosto por música atual por causa dele

foi muito nostálgico e divertido rejogar esse jogo depois de TANTOS anos (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)

The original Guitar Hero is rough around its edges but it’s the idea that matters most. (Not that it’s the first ever for this genre) Main setlist is solid, your usual classic / hard rock, metal affair however all songs are covers; some good, some bad. Also, with spotty note detection and the inability to hold down lower frets, long load times makes this one that didn’t age well.

It's got your expected warts of a first-entry in a flagship series: some inconsistent tiering for songs, so many bad fake outros, a wonky hammer-on/pull-off system, iffy hit detection, and a lot of graphical ugliness among others (Neversoft style > Harmonix style imo). But overall it's impressive how quickly they were onto what made this series so magnetic in its day (before it was milked to death, of course). Injecting traditionally eastern rhythm gameplay (at the time) into a traditionally western frame was a genius move - and even if master recordings will always be superior, I'll be honest... I've always found a sort of charm to these early GH covers. They're not that bad! And the ones that are are at least uniquely and humorously so. The fact that this is still so playable even today should perfectly showcase how airtight the formula is. Pandora supremacy 🤘

Foi incrível revisitar o primeiro jogo de uma das séries mais incríveis e distintas dos jogos. Essa série influenciou um pouco do meu gosto musical e minha inclinação por jogos de ritmo. Jogar no emulador não é a mesma experiência; levei um tempo para me readaptar aos comandos, mas foi massa relembrar essa jogatina.

Bom demais, porém consigo fazer nada na hard mode kkkk

A very fun proof of concept that paved the way for the Legendary Guitar Hero 2. It has a good tracklist, but some of the song covers that they created for it are subpar. The gameplay had a few kinks to iron out as well (most notably how restrictive hammer-ons and pull-offs were to execute.)

Divertido ao extremo e criador de um conceito novo de jogos de ritmo que iria alcançar o topo de vendas nos anos seguintes, o jogo em si não tem muito o que comentar, apesar da boa playlist fica um pouco atrás das suas continuações, senti um leve "delay" na gameplay, e o jogo é um pouco vazio comparado aos extras que seriam implementados nas sequencias, mas, recomendo bastante a jogatina, guitar hero é um jogo confortavel demais, quando quero me entreter, esquecer algumas coisas e focar na gameplay, este é jogo é a pedida perfeita.

The attitude and art direction this game took felt so badass as a kid, classic set list too.