Reviews from

in the past

Mesmo sendo o mais simples dos três episódios (o que faz todo o sentido, já que foi o primeiro a ser desenvolvido) cumpre completamente todo o papel de introdução da história, personagens e universo de Hello Charlotte. Eu vejo muita gente dando uma nota baixa para esse, mas eu simplesmente não consigo. Eu adorei cada detalhe e informação que consegui com esse episódio, mesmo que metade não sirva para nada depois. Pode até ser confuso e às vezes tedioso, mas eu não recomendo pular ou coisa assim, ele é tão curto e bastante necessário. Eu acho que não teria sentido o mesmo com os outros episódios se eu não jogasse esse primeiro. AH a ost é simplesmente perfeita, me deixou impressionado.

<One by one, the channel switched off.>

very charming rpg maker horror game with amazing characters

très brouillon dans son ensemble, inamusant, le moins bon et le plus oubliable de la trilogie.

Hello Charlotte 1 is a hidden gem. A beautiful one, at that, despite the fact that it's just a little bit rough around the edges.

I discovered this game by sheer luck. Back in 11th grade, I was recommended a HC meme group on VK (think Facebook but for Eastern Europeans), and eventually, I became interested.

Despite being a little over than an hour in playtime, this game certainly feels longer than that, due to the fact that you get too invested in the story and its characters, even if there aren't many.

The art style is just immaculate. The writing is really interesting and definitely unique. (I appreciate the Kurt Vonnegut references that are Felix Honikker and the Slaughterhouse-5 location). In the pile of many RPG Maker games, this really stands out, simply because it does its own thing, without trying to follow any trends all too much. This feels like an actual passion project, rather than a product.

Being honest, I didn't jump into it blind. But after a good while, I forgot the spoilers, and I managed to jump into this blind. I nearly cried at the ending, considering how... actually, how about you play the game and see it for yourself?

This game actually influenced me. Congratulations, Etherane, you actually made my lazy ass to start reading books.

Weird little RPG maker horror game, it's nice

me lo rejugue hace nada estoy psuocpata aunque es el q menos me gusta de los 3

Great artstyle and chara-design
Charlotte my wife

Mid 2010's tumblr core, i can't believe I wasn't on the ground floor of this when it came out, I was slacking.
Throws kind of too much lore at you for a first entry.
Its kind of messy, actually very messy and i really dislike the art on a subjective personal level.
I like the mansion with all the deafult assets. I like the last tv room.
This very much feels like a set up that could have been done quicker i guess? I only really became interested in what was going on at the very end.
The "puzzles" are ok.

The player insert in this being named "Seth" is so fucked up.
It's like if my full legal name was "Big Dick".

This game uses a bunch of royalty free music and they dead-ass use kevin macleod minecraft tutorial music at one part.

Really funny looking at the rating disparity between this game and the rest of the series. This being a 3.3 and the third game having a 4.3 and being in the top 200 games on this site lol. If this is the kinda mid one then i am incredibly excited to check out the rest because i really loved this!

Puzzle design does kinda suck. Every puzzle boiling down to "Count! Now count in a different order! Add it all together now!"

Good entry into the "RPG maker horror game where you play as a little girl and guide a confused twink along with you" genre.

Tried so hard to have thought provoking and interesting lore and characters but failed

Has really cool vibes and striking visual style, but ultimately I found it to be shallow. Narrative feels like quirky, edgy randomness for randomness sake, without a clearly defined characters, theme or a point through most of the storyline. There is an idea behind it, apparently, and I think I quite like it. I like the concept of a whole story and its world being a surreal mirror or a character's psyche - but in this state it feels like an ineffective cliché, because aforementioned fixation on edgy randomness prevents these ideas from saying anything meaningful, or form a compelling narrative experience.

And gameplay consists of obnoxious puzzles with instant death traps. It was not interesting to explore this game's world.

But I really do like the vibes.

hauntingly evocative, and very very charming. despite its not quite intuitive puzzles, dated (imo) drawings and rather short length, i found this game an overall endearing experience! looking forward to the next two for sure :)

The first game of an amazing trilogy. It's really charming, the mix of pixelart and hand-drawn characters really works for me, and the horror elements are well-put. The story is a bit messy but since it's only the first game, it's not that terrible.

really good game. love all of the parts of it.

Le jeu est bourré de défauts,
que ce soit les nombreux softlocks ou bugs en tout genre
ou bien une histoire qui a encore du mal à savoir où elle va,
il est indéniable que c'est le moins bon de la trilogie, et pourtant son ambiance horrifiquement féérique arrive à nous emporter, à nous captiver et nous faire suivre le récit

I've heard amazing things about episode 3, so I decided to try the first one out... and it was alright. There's some really neat art you see during moments such as deaths. They were definitely the highlight for me (the parody stuff was neat, too). Otherwise, the setting and story felt quirky, but not really in an interesting sense. The game was rather short (only taking me about an hour to beat), so I can't be too harsh on it, but I found myself rather bored. The puzzles sometimes felt like the only way to solve them was to just interact with every item. Although I am pretty excited to play the rest, here's to hoping the next one is better!

Extra: Charlotte is a cute main character, and I'm interested to see where she goes.

i heard that this was supposed to be a parody of certain horror rpg games... well this was better than 90% of those lol.

jogo okay

a charlotte é uma fofuxa querida

i like it so far… dont get me wrong. but i think theres way too many fucking ways to die so early on in the game. like seriously, with every corner theres some trivial way to die whether it be guessing a box incorrectly or something stupid. its a good idea on paper but it leads to me constantly having to open my save again and again. at a certain point its just not fun to do that.
not only that the world is just kind of hard to grasp for me, like its probably just a me thing but you dont really get to know the “dystopia” all that well through the characters. its plastered in boring-to-read texts that serve as nothing significant to me. maybe im giving this game too hard of a push for somebody whos still playing it, but generally speaking its a bit troublesome after only an hour of playing…

The writing is insufferable, and the meaning is that of a thirteen year old child thinking about how rotten our world is.

A primeira vez que eu joguei o episódio 1 eu tava fascinado, apesar do gore gratuito que tava tentando demais me impactar/assustar e a incoerência total de design do mundo em si que só parecia uma colcha de retalhos, eu ainda queria entender como funcionava o universo de charlotte e como que esses elementos iam retornar pras sequels, e mesmo achando ele meio pretensioso fiquei satisfeito o suficiente com o final pra falar "isso foi ok, hora de jogar o resto". Agora retornando pra franquia praticamente um ano depois de ter finalizado a dlc do episódio 3, eu percebi dois negócios:
1 - 70% das coisas apresentadas aqui não retornam pra franquia, então a maior parte do tempo além de você ser enchido de merda pretensiosa essas coisas ainda DESPERDIÇAM seu tempo.
e 2 - Mesmo nas partes que são relevantes, eu ODEIO como elas são contadas, o jogo escolhe um escopo tão maior do que ele, que toda vez que tem diálogo é em um tom expositor que não deixa brecha pra interpretação ou é só IDIOTA mesmo, tem esse pedacinho no começo que me incomoda pra caralho e exemplifica bem isso que eu to falando, em que pra caracterizar mais os personagens que vivem na casa da charlotte, a etharane utiliza TÍTULOS DE LIVROS da estante de cada um, isso mesmo, nem trechos de livros ou passagens favoritas de cada um, mas t í t u l o s, então o personagem do adrien que é mostrado pra gente, em 2 linhas de diálogo, que em algum nível ele se importa com a charlotte e a casa, tem na porra da estante dele livros como "Costura pra todos", "faça vestidos com facilidade" e "Dobraduras chiques" E PARTIR DAI VOCÊ INFERE QUE ELE É EDUCADO E SABE COSTURA. É tão idiota que me faz questionar TUDO nesse jogo, por que apresentar tantos personagens e plot lines se você NÃO tem tempo pra fazer porra nenhuma com nada que você mostra????

mas eu tenho que dar colheres de chá pra isso aqui, tem momentinhos engraçados como o efeito dramático de neve (uma das únicas piadas que vai além de "hahaha, morra."), o final tenta amenizar os defeitos do jogo como um todo e fica bem claro revisitando isso que a etharane percebeu que esse primeiro jogo tenta mastigar muito mais do que consegue, e a partir daqui continuou com o lado, faca de dois gumes, ambicioso dela, mas segurando um pouco a barra enquanto ela trabalha com um pouco mais de atenção os temas levantados nos eps 2 e 3. ou pelo menos é o que eu lembro, espero não me decepcionar revisitando eles em seguida.