Reviews from

in the past

Apesar de eu não ter terminado, é um dos metroidvanias mais divertidos que já joguei

Amazing artstyle, music and gameplay with some of the most satisfying combat and bosses in gaming

Like metroid but if the world was interesting to explore and like castlevania if the combat was good. My experience of playing this for the first time and exploring everything was unlike any other game.

Esse jogo LITERALMENTE fez eu voltar a jogar videogame.

- Ambientação 10
- História 9
- Narrativa 10
- Gameplay 10
- Ritmo 10
- Exploração 10
- Game Design 10
- Level Design 10
- Identidade visual 10
- Estilo Artístico 10
- Mapa 9
- Sistema de progressão 10
- Chefes 10
- Inimigos 8
- Trilha Sonora 10
- Direção de arte 10
- Conteúdo denso 10

- Silksong n lança kkk


Cara, sério, que jogo lindo. Acho que hollow knight é o tipo ideal de introdução ao gênero de metroidvanias e não digo isso por ser mais fácil que os outros (não acho que seja), mas por ser tão lindo e se expandir em tantas outras áreas pra além do seu gênero principal que pega o interesse. Eu mesmo não sou de jogar jogos assim e adorei a experiência.

Gostei muito da movimentação, das lutas (apesar de quase todos os chefes terem os mesmos 3 ataques com leves modificações) mas o principal pra mim é a progressão de arma e magias, é tudo muito intuitivo e te incentiva a buscar esses aprimoramentos.

É hollow knight, cara. Eu não preciso te convencer a jogar isso aqui. Cê só tá aqui pra ver mais gente falando bem do jogo, então tá lá: MUITO FODA.

112%, todos los jefes en radiante, ídolo del vacío, camino del dolor, diario del cazador, alma de acero.
Pero igual no le puedo poner 5 estrellas porque necesité una wiki para pasarlo JAJA.

I hate bugs. I love Hollow Knight. How funny

Best game ever made. If you ever think about playing it dont look up anything about it and just play!

This is the absolute peak of the Metroidvania genre, an unbelievably polished monster of a game. I am a huge Metroid fan and didn’t think this would top those games but it just does everything so incredibly well. The combat, the exploration, the boss fights, it’s just so satisfying to play. I don’t usually replay games and I’ve gone through this three times so that speaks for itself, you have to play this game!

Quite the game. Honestly it's been so long since I last played the parts of the game that aren't tied to the pantheons, boss rushes, etc that I kind of forgot some of the opinions I used to have on those things. But no matter, I will still try to talk about some of the things I enjoyed and disliked in this game.
For starters, I'm honestly impressed by how gorgeous this game looks, it's only about 5,3 Gigabytes yet it looks so good. This is also helped by presentation of this game, the amazing backgrounds and the gothic aesthetic really give this game a solid identity that is quite unique to it.
Now for the map design, It's quite good, there are a lot of areas to explore, each having their own fun gimmick and creatures, so you get to have a lot of fun exploring all the stuff there is in the game. If I recall correctly there are about 161 creatures in the entire game, which is quite a lot, I wish some of them weren't just fillers like the guy who fixes the sign at the beginning of the game that only appears with rng.
The powerleveling of the character is quite entertaining to witness too, going from only being to walk and use the nail to dashing, double jumping and getting to use many spells really gives you the feeling that you're progressing through the game and getting stronger, which helps with the game's pacing since it is quite long.
One thing I do wanna bring up is that I wish you could see the charms, masks, nail irons you missed in each area of the game after getting your first ending to make it less of a hassle to keep track of what you didn't collect in a certain area. It's not too big of a deal just something I'd have wanted.
Now the most important gameplay aspect of hollow knight in my opinion, the bosses. There are justso many of them, so many fun boss fights to experience. Some are godly like Pure Vessel, some are boring like winged Nosk, some are stressful like Markoth, some are just rng hell like one of them... Most of them have a distinct identity and backstory which makes them quite memorable except for a few ones which are just the same bosses but stronger. Still, there are enough bosses for it to not be too big of an issue. One thing I didn't particularly appreciate about the last section of the game that's filled with boss rushes and stuff is the amount of added difficulty the game slaps in. Like for example the arena change for Markoth just makes the guy a pain to go through every single time. There is also the bindings... I wasted so much time trying to get these all binding challenges down, it was nearly completely fruitless because the odds are so stacked against you it's not even funny. On all bindings, you have 4 hearts, a nail that does 13 damage, no charms and you can only save one spell. This is so ridiculous especially in Pantheon of Hallownest where you have to fight 42 bosses, some of them have 1600 hp. It just takes forever and it's so stupidly hard, like the challenge doesn't feel designed around these settings at all, you need an ungodly amount of practice in every single boss fight to even stand a chance and I just find it silly. Hopefully in silksong, if it has a challenge similar to Pantheon of Hallownest, the bindings will be more generous towards the player or at least make the bosses more tolerable to fight even with all the nerfs to your abilities. I needed to rant about this aspect of the game because it frustrated me so much.
Anyway, overall an amazing experience which nearly took a year of my life to complete, but it was all worth it in the end for me.

Genuinely one of the greatest gaming experiences I have ever had.
If I could replay any game without any memories of it, this would be it.

The game starts off slow but once you get the dash It's perfect

Review numero 2

Ostia puta que GOTY.

Como vergas me dropee este juegazo? Mira que es dificil, pero la historia que te cuetan a trozitos sueltos por ahi y los bosses, las mecanicas, objetos del mapa, la musica, los escenarios con estos graficos can bonitos, QUE TODO ESTA DIBUJADO, nah, es todo espectacular. Volvere cuando me haya hecho el 100% de los logros.

Ahora ya puedo decir que tengo un set up de amuletos (Brujula, dash cortante, mas daño, mas vida, mas rango, daño al recibir daño )y un boss favorito (Rey de las pesadillas, Grimm)

это очень сложная игра я не осилил, но красивая в целом.
но по факту то хуйня же игра прыгать чет там бить это ващеееее я в ахуе

Hollow Knight é um ótimo respiro de ar fresco em meio a um oceano de jogos Metroidvania que não conseguem provar o seu valor, optando por ser uma aventura que se inspira no primeiro dos dois jogos criadores do gênero: Metroid.
A gameplay empresta a dificuldade e outras mecânicas vistas nos jogos Souls, e combina com a exploração desacelerada e misteriosa de Metroid, e ainda consegue encontrar espaço para usar ferramentas encontradas em Castlevania.
A história segue o clássico modelo souls/metroid, onde a exploração e atenção aos visuais ajudam a construir a consistência e coerência da narrativa. A trilha sonoroa também merece destaque, com cada composição ajudando na construção da atmosfera e sentimento de cada local do imenso mapa.

Was having a conversation with a friend a couple months ago who said that Hollow Knight surpasses any Castlevania game by a significant margin. I had already been playing Hollow Knight on and off for a while but hadn’t gotten far enough, and being the Castlevania fangirl I am was highly skeptical of this claim. I mean Hollow Knight was a good game from what I had played but better than Aria of Sorrow? I didn’t start to really make progress in the game until the last few weeks or so and wow I think my friend was onto something. This game is immaculate in literally every single way. The story and atmosphere are incredible. Every single bit of flavor text serves the word-building in its own way. The game is full of so much hidden stuff that makes you want to scour the whole map because a room you’ve been to a hundred times can still have something you didn’t figure out until 20 hours in. The charm system adds an entire layer of strategy and has something for almost every style of play. Certain bosses and platforming puzzles can be very hard but in a way that makes you want to spend 40 minutes retrying the same thing out of stubbornness rather than saying “fuck it” and quitting for the day. If a Castlevania game had this level of storytelling and gameplay depth I think it would have an argument for being the greatest game ever along the same lines as Final Fantasy 6 or Chrono Trigger. I will definitely be replaying this one sometime in the future.

Literally everything i want in a game.
Expansive world, gorgeous art direction, hand drawn animations, tight controls, engaging combat, beautiful soundtrack, interesting world building... i could go on but i feel like im preaching to the choir here

The best Metroidvania of all time is neither a Metroid game nor a Castlevania game. How cool is that? This game, made by two people and a composer, is one of the best video games of all time. I love every single thing about it from top to bottom, gameplay to presentation.

People have talked to death about this game already, but one thing I feel goes underappreciated is the backgrounds in this game. They are what turns a great-looking game into one of the most beautiful I've ever played, the sheer atmosphere and depth they lend to the world is insane.

And yeah, the soundtrack is unbelievably good, the boss design is both tough as nails and incredibly fun, there's like two full games worth of content, and you can get all of this for a measly 20 bucks or so. Oh, and as the Team Cherry on top, the sequel's gonna be even better. Wild.

my favorite game of all time, got me out of my teenager phase of only playing multiplayer shooters. not the biggest sidescroller fan still, but i love this game

zerei hollow knight, sou horrível em jogos de plataforma, foi meu primeiro metroidvania, um ótimo jogo, exploração impecável, tirando a parte do parkour até chegar no rei pálido que foi um inferno, a sensação de jogar algo que eu n sou bom e ver minha curva de aprendizado é mto foda, então partiu pras conclusões finais

me senti o mahoraga me adaptando a tentativa, mto pika

This game is seriously awesome. Hand-drawn beauty with crazy good metroidvania gameplay. Seriously can't think of where this game falls short. A pinnacle of the genre, which raised the bar for gaming in general.

I started this journey in 2021. I clocked 74 hours (ingame; 85 hours according to Steam) over the period of almost three years.

This will be picked up again. My reaction to the first ending was literally "Oh, okay...!" - intrigued, but not blown away. Different save file, though; try and keep the playsessions closer together lol

Not to sound like an epic gamer contrarian but Hollow Knight is a game I've never really understood the overwhelming hype for. It feels incredibly safe, lacking any originality whatsoever and desperately trying to appeal to the masses (which it obviously succeeded at). Most things it does pretty badly to fine with few things it's truly outstanding in.

Let me start off by explaining what I mean by saying Hollow Knight is <safe> and <desperately tries to appeal to the masses>. I think this is most obvious in its aesthetic, being minimalist scrimblo (bug)guys in a dark world. These things obviously work and have wide appeal. The easily ignorable lore-based story is also a victim of Hollow Knight's addiction to playing it safe, I really wish metroidvanias in general would get over lore-based storytelling, it's really boring. I could go on and on about how safe this game is from the world design, to the simplistic combat, to the movement upgrades being as bland as possible, but the point is that these things make game feel like it lacks any personality, putting that aside to be safe and easily marketable to the masses. It's basically The Minions but for adults. This isn't a problem depending on who you ask, but to me it really just made this feel super unremarkable. I love when games try new things being as creative as possible, this game is the opposite of that, some may even call it ehehhehehehehhehehehehhehe hollow.

Anyways on to the aspects of this game I actively dislike and think are bad. I think the easiest things to call bad are the bosses, while there are 2-3 great bosses the majority of them feel extremely underwhelming to outright bad. They just kinda feel like nothing and are very forgettable. Shoutout to the dream bosses for being especially nothing. The walk of shames back to bosses are also pretty bad but none of the bosses are really difficult enough for them to be that annoying, still worth nothing tho. The lack of good fast travel also makes some areas feel like an extreme slog to return to, very often having to retread the same ground you have before, the pretty w/e level design also doesn't help this at all. Most of the souls-inspired mechanics in general feel tacked on for no real purpose and only add tedium, I really wish games would stop taking inspiration from Souls when they have no clue what makes those games so good. I also wish there was more customization, the badges don't really give you much to play around with and aside from those there's practically nothing customizable which isn't great when this game is as long as it is.

That being said it's not like I despise this game, there's honestly a good bit of things I think Hollow Knight does absurdly well. Despite the boring setting the game visually looks fantastic and the sound design I'd easily place on top of the genre. This game also feels fantastic to control. I may think the bosses suck ass but the actual enemy design is really good, with plenty of enemy variety to make every area feel unique. It's absolutely worth noting that what this game does well it does VERY well. It just doesn't have much that really goes over the bar of <ok>.

tldr this is like basically the golf of video games when u rlly think abt it

Game so good you almost wish they were making a sequel