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this is probably the worst game i've played

Doesn’t deliver in any aspect, controls are clunky, gameplay is repetitive and annoying even though the game is 4 hours long, the story is basic and the only interesting idea wasn’t developed.

As interesting as the vile eponymous characters are, little can save Kane & Lynch: Dead Men from the mediocrity, if not outright terribleness, of its entire package. Gameplay is banal and tedious, even on the easiest difficulty; the narrative twists Max Payne, Trainspotting, and Tarantino into baffling nonsense to justify Kane's search and later rampages (although the cooperative mechanics driving Lynch are intriguing in a way Kane's never is); technical aspects are wholly deplorable with AI and graphics seeming antiquated for 2007; and, in comparison to its sequel, there's just no style to this game to warrant a playthrough to segue into Dog Days. There's worse games out there for sure, but Dead Men isn't really trying enough to not be deemed amongst them.

Really interesting game, not the best by any mean or capacity but interesting enough to keep you hooked through it's story. It's a well made movie-like experience with a great variety of locations and scenarios. The atmosphere feels opressive and dark at times. The Japan levels were the best in my opinion. Something strange I recalled is that the characters just go from one side of the world for another in a matter of just seconds? it helps to keep the pace of the game but come on, it feels kind of lazy.

Both protagonist make a good couple, one being sane and the other being a psycho. One is selfish, the other one is loyal and so one. The best of both worlds and it works Both are deeply flawed on their own way.

Why is just "Decent" then? Well, the gameplay cannot be more tedious for a shooter. The cover mechanic is not associated to a specific button for some ungodly reason and it's just does it by itself when you are close to a wall. The shooting itself feels janky to say the least, the bullets spread like crazy and you don't much options for a more precise weapon such as a rifle or sniper through the game. Sprinting is non-existential, it last less than 5 seconds if you are lucky and the sprint isn't like a huge difference from walking either. The Team mechanic is a mixed-bag it can serve on some specific ocassions but most of the time you ended up killing yout target before your team does most of the time.

Most of the unique mechanics to this game don't flesh out that much really through the journey. Stealth is close to non-existent, specially in the Jungle levels when there is an incentive to use it. You will ending up shooting everyone without consecuence anyways.

Conclusions: Interesting game, but it's not much of a fun ride, but it doesn't need to be it either. And by the end, you will ended up empty.

I just didn't have that much fun. Shooting was barely serviceable. I know the characters were supposed to be unlikeable, but man they almost are TOO unlikeable. It's just not very memorable.

No reason why we should remember this game

of the time this is what the market wanted i almost can't blame them but i still will

I love me a janky game with a lot of great ideas that it's reaching really hard to achieve in ways that more polished games just don't. Kane & Lynch was probably a lot less interesting at its time. I've really only known it all these years as the game whose review started the saga of Jeff Gerstmann's firing from Gamespot and subsequential launch of Giant Bomb. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men has some of the worst gunplay I've ever encountered, but it's also head and shoulders above its peers in so many of the other details.

Really only played this game to be able to be able to play the sequel which I’ve heard mixed things on. I hardly see any discourse about this first entry and I can see why…

There’s really not much to say here. This is about as cookie cutter a third person shooter that exists. If anything it’s below average.

The shooting never feels great. Can’t really tell if you’re hitting anything especially on some later levels with enemies far away obscured in windows and pitch darkness. The strongest gun fights are in the bank and night club levels earlier in the game.

The cover system is also jank. There’s no dedicated button to get on cover which was a big mistake. You’re constantly fighting to get on the contextual cover of objects like pillars and walls that are very clearly meant to be cover but for some reason Kane won’t get on the wall. It was extremely unreliable and frustrating for the entirety of the 4 hours I wasted playing this.

The only saving Grace for this game was the narrative which was solid and the characters, especially Lynch were amusing bantering back and forth. The absurdity of it all was fun but really couldn’t make up for the lack of any depth or fun in the gameplay.

Even co-op I can’t recommend this as there are much better co-op cover based third person shooters out there.


This is the equivalent of watching an old man with AID's take a wet shit and being forced to play with it.

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Kane and Lynch: Dead Men? More like getting canned, lynched and dead brain cells after playing this game!

I should start this review by letting you know that I’ve gone through Kane and Lynch franchise backwards having already played the sequel K&L 2: Dog Shit™ prior to this game. As you might guess - I don’t think very fondly of it. You can find my full thoughts on the sequel here:

Now, why would I go out of my way to play the K&L: Dead Men if my experience with the sequel was so negative? Simply put - I wanted to see where it all started. I want to make it clear that I didn’t go into this game with the intention of hating it, quite the opposite, in fact. I gave it the most benefit of doubt humanly possible. SURELY it can’t be as bad as Dog Days? SURELY the first game must have been good enough that it warranted a sequel. After all, Dog Days is quite notorious and the reception for Dead Men was generally more positive, albeit still somewhat mixed from what I’ve seen. Oh, how wrong I was…

A fair warning that this review WILL contain spoilers, including explicit details about the ending.

I’ll start with the positives, since it won't take long. Unlike K&L2, the initial story set-up and character motivations in Dead Men actually are somewhat decent for a typical crime drama. While nothing original, I, at the very least, didn’t find the story to be nonsensical drivel, unlike the sequel.

Another positive aspect is the soundtrack. One of the game’s composers is Jesper Kyd, who’s best known for his work on the earlier entries in both Hitman and Assassin’s Creed franchises. Kyd has a very particular style and his dark, suspenseful and melancholic arrangements go together quite well with games about murders.

Easily the most redeeming aspect in this otherwise incompetent slog is the level design. The levels are quite varied in their locations, type and scale. Rather than being stuck in your typical rectangle shaped shooting galleries that look and feel artificial, Dead Men’s environments actually feel like a believable part of the world. From a densely packed nightclub, a skyscraper office building and streets of Tokyo to a military compound in the middle of jungle. It’s a globetrotting adventure and levels do a great job of reflecting that. The design itself - from shoot-out sightlines, verticality, cover placement and general flow of direction was also mostly solid with a couple of exceptions.

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let’s get down to the meat of the matter.

This game fucking sucks.

It continues to impress me IO Interactive - a studio which made great games before and after the Kane and Lynch entries somehow managed to make not just one but TWO incompetent third-person shooters released during the heyday of the genre (2007 and 2010). How could they possibly screw up the shooting mechanics, you know, THE most important aspect of the genre, THIS badly? The game uses an antiquated way of handling aiming. Rather than your bullets actually going where you’re aiming with the crosshair, they simply spread around randomly. Unless you’re shooting a worn-out rifle with badly adjusted sights, the first bullet should always go directly where your aim is. Missing shots should only be a factor after the recoil kicks in, should you fail to adjust to it.  Well, that’s not how Kane and Lynch works. Instead, the first 3–4 bullets will always go around the cross-hair in a somewhat random pattern before a single bullet goes even near where you intended.

This sucked in Dog Days and it sucked here. Arguably even more so here given the scale of the environments. The level design itself might be good, but it’s ruined by simply having an enemy positioned more than 10 meters away from the player.

I cannot stress enough how much this artificial baked-in bullet spread RUINS the entire game. It never stops being an issue. People who say that it “adds to the realism” clearly have never seen a gun in real life, or heck - have even the most basic cursory understanding of how modern projectile weapons work. The way guns behave in Kane and Lynch simply goes against common sense and physics of this world.

Next issue is the AI system. The game features an AI partner system with the ability to issue commands to them but I never really felt like I had to engage with it. That is, until half-way through the game where the unique levels are abruptly exchanged for your typical brown modern military setting. This is the turning point when the game went from bad to worse. You are forced, yes - forced to have a squad of blind, deaf and braindead AI squadmates who, I swear, are trying to get you and themselves killed. By the way, if they die it’s a game over for you. Having to baby sit these incompetent chuckle fucks made the game 10 times harder and 100 times more infuriating. I would have much rather dealt with the entire army of enemies on my own.

The only way of getting past this miserable part is to slowly and meticulously clear out the enemies while continuously yelling at your mentally handicapped squadmates to sit in a corner somewhere out of sight, out of mind. HOWEVER, this very same level features the most ruthless enemies in the entire game and a helicopter that can basically just one-shot you dead. Essentially, if you get unlucky and accidentally get in the line of fire of either the passing chopper or an enemy machine gunner - your squadmates might be too far to revive you in time and you will die faster than you can slam a fist through your monitor.

I’m at the age where I’ve generally mellowed out and don’t really get angry at video games anymore but this game made me yell, swear and bash my table like I was 13 years old again. The word “infuriating” does not even begin to describe the sheer anger I felt towards this poor joke of a game.

So how does this train wreck end? With multiple-choice endings, of course. There’s two to be exact and they both suck. You get a simple choice - after rescuing Kane’s daughter from the main villains, you can either leave your braindead squadmates to die in the middle of the jungle and get in a chopper with your daughter while Lynch is screeching at you for being a traitor bitch OR you can play an additional level and go on a rescue mission. The choice here is obvious - ROLL THE CREDITS AND TURN THIS SHIT OFF! This is how I felt at that moment and jokes aside, after seeing how much worse the “good” ending was, I am convinced that I made the better choice initially.

The common practice in video game design dictates that players who put in the extra effort and/or do additional content should be rewarded with a more satisfying conclusion to the story.

Kane and Lynch on the other hand, is just “built different”. If you choose to actually go through a yet another tedious level, you essentially get spat on as not only Kane fails to save a single soul, his daughter that you just spent the entire game rescuing ends up dying. Thus, it was all for nothing, once again making the “traitor” choice a more satisfying one.

Listen, I get it. The writers of Kane and Lynch keep trying to emphasize how there are no “lived happily ever after” endings. The world is a horrible place and K&L universe even more so. But the way it’s handled is poorly done, essentially betraying the player's expectations and not in a compelling or clever way. Writing a subversive crime drama is not easy, I get that, but the writers behind both Dead Men and Dog Days are simply not as good as they presumably think they are. Perhaps it’s the trash gameplay that sours my opinion of the story, but after playing both Dog Days and Dead Men, it’s clear to me that the writers of both games are simply incapable of creating a truly mature story besides throwing some gratuitous end edgy scenes sprinkled with a load of obscenities.

There is a reason why Kane and Lynch franchise is dead and forgotten and quite frankly, it should remain that way.

"We fucked up" i don't care fuck you 5 stars

Good story and music

The shooting is pretty bad, if you are more than 30 ft away your just hoping the spray hits em

The missions were fun, except the last 4-ish (the military) were not that fun

Why wouldnt you get on the helicopter? 6

This review contains spoilers

TL;DR: Story/character interactions are great, Gameplay is serviceable until the 3rd act which just becomes dreadful with half-baked ideas.

Feel a bit conflicted on this one. One hand its story is intriguing with starring an ex-merc named "Kane" and a schizo who go by "Lynch" who are complete fuckups going on a quest to pay back the debts of mercenaries called "The7", but everything goes to shit for em.

And im not playing that they're fuckups up either, as soon as the first prison breakout mission ends and the real events begin from the word "go". Botched heists, Botched deals, so many people distrust both of em for valid reasons.

Kane being a selfish dick whose implied to basically use and discard those he comes into contact with for his own personal needs, addicted to "making deals" and weaseling his way out of jams and Lynch for being a pathological liar with a severe case of mental illness and having blackouts to where he loses it and kills those in his sight in the process, including his own wife in his backstory and many civilians whom he sees as cops when you play as him in the co-op mode.

Despite them being massive fuckups by every sense of the word, i feel bad for both of them. Lynch due to his condition, constantly uttering to himself and violent impulses which led to him being in this mess ironically over watching kane, only for him to also be betrayed by the7. and Kane, despite being a traitor using and discarding everyone, having a troubled past when he was a former police officer, his son got a hold of his gun and discharged, causing his wife and daughter to leave him.

Only for spoilers, his wife and daughter getting kidnapped & dragged into his beef with the7. Not only his wife gets shot in the head due to his own fuck ups, but his own daughter, jenny, the only person he cares about left on this earth, RESENTING him. On top of him having disturbing moments play in his head, subconsciously beating himself over and feeling overwhelming guilt while you have near-death experiences during gameplay waiting for someone to revive you with adrenaline.

Just with little bits and pieces, and obvious inspiration from michael mann's work, mainly heat and collateral, and may have been considered an inspiration & often get compared to the likes of GTA V with both characters sounding awfully familiar with A former heister whose selfish and only make deals to go awry and a psychopath who has much resentment towards him, even having the same backstory of a botched heist gone wrong. Though with GTAV, that at least has a "3rd option" or a "Happy ending", with Kane & Lynch, There is no "good ending" here, You either get branded as a traitor by your own daughter for leaving your squad behind, or risk going back for your crew only for one of em to bite the dust and the other ditching you, lynch and jenny.

On the other hand, This is a third person shooter. and ive wrote multiple paragraphs about the story since thats the games saving grace alongside with perfect lighting and cinematography acting like a legit crime drama. ...For the first 2 acts. The third act is such a drastic shift in tone and even quality, that it fucks up any enjoyment i had towards this game and i thought "how bad can the havana levels be", IO interactive just said fuck it and tried their damndest to throw EVERYTHING at you, even on "Codeine" (Medium) difficulty.

A shit ton of soldiers surrounding you, including a few tanks and helis which are tedious to take out, gunplay pretty much taking the piss, shooting everywhere but your target, which i was willing to forgive up until this point (being early 7th gen) since you were facing criminals and cops and not a whole ass militia with M16s and LMGs, oh and half-assed attempts to implement both mechanics from the devs previous work,
Ai squads to back you up with a shit ton of solider fodder from Freedom Fighters (which this game was originally started out as a sequel to but thanks to rights issues, it got morphed into whatever this 3rd act is), and half-assed "stealth" sections and give your pistols and sniper suppressors which is baffling since a year prior, a little small game of theirs called Hitman: Blood Money came out and to go from that games stealth to this feels like a joke.

Wish they had kept the same amount of janky confidence they had with the first 2 acts with the 3rd act instead of basically throwing away a serviceable TPS with Ai giving you ammo when you run out and only have 2 revives with adrenaline until you die completely, a shoddy cover system where it randomly SNAPS onto random objects you duck behind and not having a contextual button like Gears of war and other TPS at the time, and gunplay that makes bullets go all over the place instead of your target, with a good ass story, to make this half-assed spiritual successor with a gimmick you can do without coming from a 2003 game they never got the rights back to. (until modern day when they split away from Square Enix to work on the nu-Hitman games and Now, an untitled James Bond project.)

The story and the first two acts really saved this game from being completely shat on, the bugs (including a game breaking one which at 120+fps a police car spawns, killing lynch and you cannot revive him since its a shooting segment, only fix is to limit it at 60fps), and the 3rd act really drags this from a fair 3 to 2 1/2.

Goes from serviceable to just straight up exhausting, its other saving grace that its short so you don't have to play the last levels for long, but at the same time, if you're planning to play this or replay it, enjoy the good bits because they do not last for long.

I just completed Kane and Lynch, and I must say it's one of the worst gaming experiences I've ever had. It plays like Hitman: Blood Money except strip away the stealth and the strategizing, leaving only the shooting aspect to be the sole focus, which makes it already doomed to be a disaster. But Kane and Lynch manages to outdo itself in its ability to make me miserable to the point of straight up crying during the final chapters.

One of the major issues is the abysmal accuracy of the guns, which I initially tolerated for the first few chapters. It's baffling to have such poor accuracy in a third-person shooter where you're supposed to be an experienced mercenary. Additionally, the game's cover system is outright schizophrenic. There were countless moments when I expected to take cover in a spot, only for Kane to refuse to snap into position. It's equally frustrating to watch my teammates repeatedly walk into a hail of bullets, forcing me to constantly revive them. However, if you happen to get revived more than twice, You'll overdose and die. An "realism" aspect that was really needed in a game where you genocide the fuzz and the population of Cuba.

If the intention behind Kane and Lynch design was to immerse players in a miserable and chaotic world, mirroring the psychology of its two protagonists, then they certainly succeeded. I found myself appalled rather than enthralled by the Inner psyches of Kane, the neglectful sociopath, and Lynch, the character who seems to revel in unpredictability for the sake of being 'le random xd.'

I've had enough, Goodnight.

doğuş arkadaşım ile bizim hayat hikayesi

I have an odd relation to the first Kane & Lynch. When I first played it on the PS3, I absolutely HATED this game. Everything felt so clunky and not precise. I couldn't hit ANYTHING with these damn weapons and wasted a lot of ammo, but the PC-version is miles better. Writing wise, IO Interactive tried hard to catch the vibes of Reservoir Dogs or Heat, but it falls mostly flat. But I really need to say, that I dig the downward spiral this game goes... even though the ending is pretty shit. A tale of two detesting human beings, who just fuck up all the time and even jump into a Guerilla War, which reminded me from the mechanics a lot of their previous game "Freedom Fighters".

This game is god-awful. The plot is predictable, the writing is terrible, the shooting is frustrating, the cover system is borked, and the team-based gameplay is a hinderance. I do not recommend this game.

Somewhat schizo kino hidden behind a very mediocre game.

Bueno el juego tiene sus años y no ha envejecido muy bien, pero tiene momentos entretenidos y cumple con su cometido que es ser un juego de acción. La historia es bastante cliché, pasamos de ser un ex mercenario condenado a pena de muerte a mover cielo y tierra para rescatar a nuestra hija, al menos le agregaron la curiosidad de tener dos finales.
Los gráficos son aceptables para la época en la que salió, pero donde debe brillar y no lo hace es en el gunplay, para ser un juego de disparos creo que los desarrolladores debieron de dedicarle un poco más de tiempo a pulir ese aspecto.
El juego es corto y no ofrece rejugabilidad, pero para pasar el rato está más que bien.

Câmera estranha, gráfico estranho... É muita brancura.

Generic and bad

While Kane & Lynch starts off promising, with an interesting premise and tight corridor third-person action, it quickly devolves into a slog.
Long range engagements in the second half of the game are piss-poor, as the players shoots in vain at vague silhouettes resulting in poor player feedback. Scripted turret-esc sections strip player agency and are boring.

The unique duo of characters and “antagonist of the week” style of story telling is dropped in favor for the most generic “save your daughter” plot line ever. Controls are unresponsive and confusing; instead of a button to use cover you walk into it and it’s very inconsistent. Aiming feels sluggish and the squad mechanics are pointless.

A pretty sluggish game. The characters and narrative had potential but it’s wasted on the most generic third-person shooter ever.


Vuruş Hissi 101 dersini almamışlar

A passable if rather generic cover shooter that takes inspiration from the filmographies of Michael Mann and Joe Carnahan. Solid voice acting for the two leads but nothing too special just kinda in the middle.

Interesting if not kinda dogshit garbage.

one of the most interesting games ive ever played. not great from both a technical and gamplay perspective but this thing has the insane style of a shot-on-video crime drama and its wild.

«Польский шутер» от авторов Hitman.

«Кейн и Линч» очень плохая игра, которая очень хочет быть фильмом. Кейн — наёмник, Линч — натуральный псих на таблетках. У Кейна похитили жену и дочь, требуя чемодан алмазов, а Линча приставили за Кейном присматривать. Неплохая основа для бадди-муви, но...

Как можно испортить обычный шутер от третьего лица? Ну, можно взять движок от Hitman и без изменений перенести оттуда шутерную механику. А она там дерьмовая, потому что Hitman совсем не про стрельбу. Попадания во врагов практически не ощущаются, отдачи у пушек нет, и вся разница между ними — количество попаданий в противника. Враги при этом тупые и берут исключительно количеством и шквальным огнём. А ещё их бывает очень тяжело разглядеть в темноте.

В качестве фишки добавлена совершенно ненужная простая система приказов напарникам: стой, стреляй туда, иди за мной. Работающая через жопу автоматическая система укрытий.

Отчаянно пытаясь походить на фильм, в первой половине игра явно вдохновлялась фильмами Майкла Манна. Штурм банка — «Схватка». Клуб в Токио — «Соучастник». Но всё эти попытки, помимо отвратной стрельбы, добивает ещё и крайне убогая графика и постановка: буханки на колёсах и залитый белым экран при столкновениях. Погоня после штурма выглядит непередаваемо убого, а взрывы машин выглядят лучше в «Мафии» 2002 года.

Во второй половине игра совсем выдыхается и нас забрасывают в унылые джунгли, где врагов совсем непомерные толпы, а говнистость текстур оправдывается серо-коричневой цветовой гаммой. Я не графодрочер, но в этой игре графика реально дерьмовая. Нормально выглядят только главные герои. И штукатурка у стен отлетает!

А что про сценарий? А он тоже говно. Максимум это тянет на скучный боевик категории «Б». Кейн за всю игру не выдаёт вообще ничего интересного: только постоянно орёт о том, что ему надо спасти дочь и что все должны его слушать. Линчу выделили два потенциально интересных момента. В одном он убивает всех заложников, а потом заявляет, что у него часто бывают такие помутнения. А во втором выясняется, что во время такого помутнения он убил (или не он?) свою жену. И всё! Вот и вся заявка на неоднозначных персонажей и их взаимоотношения.

Спасает игру только то, что она пробегается за 4-5 часов. Но это сомнительный повод мучить себя дерьмовой стрельбой, слабым сценарием и дешевой постановкой.

Finished this one in just over 3 hours. You gotta respect the intent, there are few games where you get to play as bad people doing bad things. Of course, there are some attempts at sympathy but for the most part, the writers don't try and make you think Kane and Lynch are anything but horrible people. The music is also a standout, fitting extremely well, really accentuating the spectacle, but not going too far as to make you forget you're doing some messed up stuff.

However, the gameplay is where it all falls apart. The gunplay is bad, the squad mechanics are barely required and might as well be forgotten and to cap it off the final levels are just not good at all, replacing the glamour of earlier levels with copy-paste enemy engagements that just drag on. It's short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome, but it is really held back by a lack of polish to bring it together.