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Its kind of remarkable, how many other devs do you see making fully featured total remakes of Game Boy Advanced games? The original has a charm but this almost feels like a full sequel - tho of course the card system causes some disappointment when the game now looks like the other games that had full combat.

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Holy fuck, this game is shit. I literally had to force myself to keep going and finish it

1. If you can get the higher leveled sleights, they're fun to use
2. The soundtracks good but only by default since it uses a lot of KH1's Songs

1. This game arguably started KH's story becoming confusing. It throws so many concepts at you that you NEED to keep track if you don't want to be hopelessly lost during KH2 (ex: castle oblivion, organization 13, Sora going into a deep sleep, twilight town, the whereabouts of Riku and Mickey, etc.). It''s even worse if you consider the gba version on release when people thought they could skip it since it was on a handheld only to come to a rude awakening
2. A significant amount of the graphics are recycled from KH1 which isn't a problem on it's own but the environments are so barren and boring compared to KH1 that it just feel more insulting
3. The randomly generated level design sucks. It recylces the same layouts a lot and is way too underpopulated and boring.
4. The story within the disney worlds are almost carbon copies of the one's from KH1 expect they kinda revolve around memories and the in engine cutscenes are animated stiltedly and lazily.
5. Sorting through your deck to find the best cards for the situation can be very frustrating considering that you have to not only level up but also choose to get more card points and sacrifice health or new sleights for that level up which on your first play through, you wouldn't know the optimal decision to make so you'll either not have a comfortable amount of health the survive the bosses, you'll not have many cards in your deck for any and all combat, or you'll have a lot of sleights with barely any of the cards to use them
6. The combat itself is fine but can be either very infuriating with constant card breaks and low level cards or completely broken in your favor with busted slights and card combinations. There is hardly ever an in between
7. The bosses are the definition of unforgiving. They expect you to either rock the very broken sleights or constantly spam elemental weakness. Difficulty in itself isn't the issue, the issue is that the bosses give you zero breathing room for any other strategy, it's either those two or die.
8. While the prospect of the Riku story is great and it's better than Sora's technically, It's still mostly the same as Sora's story with the same problems and it's crucial for the story so if you wanna follow that, you can't skip it (I honestly recommend watching the cutscenes online if you can't stand this game)

in short, fuck this game from the bottom of my heart

i delayed for so long but i finally droped it, i never gonna like this game kh 1 and 2 will forever be in my heart but this one stinks so bad i can't force myself to keep playing this.

no me acuerdo nada de este juego

Building a deck never really clicked for me, but for reason I find the dialogue to be the best localization the series has ever had???

Card combat is a bit repulsive at first but you get used to it after a while. Not great but not ideal either. Overall I liked the game. The animation quality, the thematic and visual cohesiveness and the charm of the disney worlds are still there, and I liked this game's plot more than the first one because it feels faster paced and I felt more intrigued about it. The disney parts of the story being shorter probably contributed to this a lot, they were a bore in the first game. It would be a great game if the cards were left only for combat, searching for a level 9 map card for an hour just to progress half an hours worth in the game before needing to do that again felt a little off. (It's not an all the time thing but happened once or twice for me.)

I know it's kind of a meme that a lot of Kingdom Hearts players just skip this one and watch the cutscenes online, but I wanted to at least try it. After finishing about half the game, I think I've had enough. Would probably rate this lower if I understood the battle system enough to describe exactly why I don't like it.

That said, there's a lot of good ideas at play here, especially with the story. Looking forward to playing KH2 :)

Re:CoM is my trash that I loved playing once but would never want to play ever again.

The card system is fascinating to learn and intensely rewarding to inevitably break and it’s exhilarating to watch Sora and Riku get pushed to their emotional limits in the leadup to 2, but the repeated worlds from KH1, horrendous balancing, extremely steep learning curve and the game overall being 10-15 hours too long makes it such a tough sell that you’d be forgiven for deciding to skip it, especially when every cutscene in the game that isn’t in Castle Oblivion is entirely skippable.

Easily the worst kingdom hearts game. Why cards? Why 20 hours of play for 5 minutes of a riddle for a story?

If torture was a video game, this would be it.

Some of the best plot progression in the whole series that is unfortunately buried by the worst combat in the series.

The rebuilt graphics are of course fantastic, especially in the HD remasters. I applaud them for basically making a completely new game from scratch, but the change in combat is just god awful and extremely painful to get through. It's basically math: the video game, but with the added challenge of needing to dodge enemy attacks.

The bosses are fucking dirty cheaters who can move around during their reloads, but Sora/Riku have to stand in place with a thumb up their ass holding the button down for you to reload yours. The UI requires you to be looking in 8 different places at once, while still only have 2 eyeballs. It's not easy to learn, but it can be bested. There are easy sleights you can learn that essentially turn most bosses into dust, but I shouldn't feel like I have to resort to cheese in order to get to the next level.

Riku's campaign is fairly okay and I enjoy it, even with the cringelord dialogue. He doesn't get a say in the types of cards he can use, but he's significantly stronger than Sora and in turn his campaign is much shorter.

I had an extremely hard time fighting Vexen in Proud Mode and accidentally quit out of the game after finally beating him so the progress didn't save. I considered killing myself. Alas, I am still here.

I am not put off by it to try the original GBA version as it was originally intended to be played, but the PS2/HD Remaster version is two and done for me.

dropped a couple hours in after realizing the gameplay was not for me and decided to watch the cutscene/gameplay movie instead.
interesting story, great setup for the beginning act of KH2
originally gave a 3 star rating but i’m adding a half star because it’s the first title to introduce my babygirl axel

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I’m really hesitant to say whether or not this one is even worth playing idk, i felt like my time wasn’t really respected by this game a lot of the time, I found myself often fighting enemies and grinding for cards to progress the story and that shit sucks, I just wanna fucking get on with it. The actual gameplay changes, I didn’t mind, I found the game to be way too hard for me but I also played it on proud so that’s on me, you’re expected to react super fucking quick to break enemy cards and stuff and idk, I found myself struggling to break cards in time. The level design is fucking horrible and it’s literally KH1 over again, I literally feel like the story was AI generated sometimes, I was this close to skipping some of the world stories but chose not to, and I can now say with full certainty, it wasn’t worth it. Apparently the actual story itself is very important but I d cannot confirm that yet, I however don’t think it was worth replaying kh1 but worse for little tidbits of story every now and then.

I will say, I loved playing as Riku, he was way more fun to play compared to Sora imo (not that sora was bad by any means) can’t say I was too captivated by the story side of things for riku but it’s pretty important for his character so fine, I fucking hate having to play kingdom hearts 1 but worse again though, at least for Riku they cut a lot of the bullshit and kept the levels short, it felt like a lot of the fun gameplay mechanics and stuff was just saved for Riku lmfao

Anyways, overall, I literally just feel like I’m playing kh1 but a degrade in every way shape and form with this game, I’m really not feelin it, I don’t think it was worth my time personally.

game gets a 3/5 because I get to play as riku
I’m glad to finally be done with this game and move on to KH2 soon, but a little break is in order first.

I GIVE UP! The bosses in this game (specifically the castle ones) singlehandedly ruin this game, they are egregiously overpowered and can only be beaten by extreme grinding or cheese strategies that weren't intended and sometimes don't even work COUGH Vexen COUGH

this game was fun as hell as a kid

ehh combat was weird it was grindy as hell and they reused a bunch of assets from kh1 the games only saving grace is the story which is pretty good

it's... not great. I appreciate what they were going for: take this (also not that great) GBA card game, put it on the same hardware as the big releases, use the fancy character models and have your actors record lines for it. it's just not very fun, is the thing. it's mostly just a rehash of KH1 with some weird memory bullshit going on, with a little bit of actual story. at least the characters introduced in this game are solid, and I think all of the Org XIII characters from it actually matter(?), which is more than I can say for KH2 lol

you've gotta play it for plot reasons, but honestly you'd probably be better off just pulling up a youtube video, unless you're really stubborn

A remaster of a remake of a GBA game that was canonically the second game in KH. I have a notorious dislike of deckbuilders, but this? I found it unbearable to play and only suffered through it to fill the gap in my KH knowledge.

الان وقعت في حب مملكة القلوب

An interesting concept in theory but in practice makes for a pretty repetitive game that is just not very fun to engage with. Not worth playing outside of novelty and story stuff setting up kh2

boa historia, triste que reutilizaram os mundos, otimos personagens, e sora aos poucos está se mudando, mas CARTAS me quebra

I like the cards sorry not sorry ✌

I just can't get into this one, and this is my favorite franchise of all time. Shame really

esse eh o kingdom hearts mais forte de todos fodase

Gameplay ain’t for me but imma watch cutscenes lol

unpopular opinion but i think it's fun

part of my finishing all my physical games for the ps3 is included in the hk 1.5 remix but I still played this on an emulator mostly cause of high resolution and save states and yah I needed those this game is hard it doesn't help that the combat just does not click with me like its clearly running on the kingdom hearts engine and re-using a lot of the animations but this whole card system does not feel tactile enough for me

this game was so hard for no fcking reason

OG is better, but CoM just ain't it for me. Story is great but man is it not fun to play..