Reviews from

in the past

QUE JOGO DIVERTIDO! A ideia de misturar poderes pra criar novas habilidades é genial e extremamente criativa, é um poder mais legal de usar do que o outro. Cada fase do jogo demonstra desafios diferentes na Gameplay pra conseguir experimentar todo tipo de combinação possível nos poderes. Mesmo sendo bem fácil e simples, ainda consegue ser absurdamente viciante e gostoso demais de jogar, foi maravilhoso explorar cada coisa que essa bolinha cor de rosa e fofa era capaz de fazer.

O real problema desse aqui é o mesmo dos Dream Land: Não apresenta nenhum desafio. Acredito q eu poderia ter terminado esse jogo usando apenas um poder o jogo inteiro.

Mas o level design é bem interessante, a nova mecânica de combinação de poder é bem legal, e se vc se instigar a aproveitar o que o jogo oferece, ignorando a falta de desafio, vc encontra um bom jogo.

I sure love getting Fire + Bomb and then sprinting through the entire game, only to have to backtrack every single level just so I can get the shards for the not bad ending

So playable, so adorable, so simple.

Punishing af, especially for the specific ability crystal shards.

A really unique Kirby game, i should comeback to it to fully beat it

lindo, maravilhoso e tudo de bom.

genuinamente um dos jogos mais bonitos do Nintendo 64, com modelos muito expressivos e bem animadinhos. o Kirby em si controla melhor do q em Dream Land 3, voltando a ter mais mobilidade e velocidade. apesar disso, é meio q bem mais difícil do q a maioria dos jogos anteriores, com pequenas mudanças de gameplay q tornam o platforming mais desafiador. no geral gostei dessa mudança, apesar de alguns chefes serem meio frustrantes. a combinação de habilidades é uma novidade até q interessante, mas meio q esqueci q isso isso era uma coisa pela maior parte do jogo.

um dos melhores trabalhos de Jun Ishikawa e Hirokazu Ando na série tbm. acho q é a minha trilha sonora favorita do Kirby até o momento. e um dos meus jogos favoritos do Kirby até o momento. curtinho e muito doce.

Nostalgia personified. All it takes is to hear a single note of any song from this game's soundtrack and I'm instantly six years old again, in my friend's game room and spending what seemed like an eternity enraptured by N64 goodness. I want to go back, bros.

Great game, part of my childhood and got me into the Kirby series. The music and environment design evoke a huge sense of nostalgia and wonder. Combining abilities encourages experimentation and some offer very creative gameplay. It is pretty short even for a Kirby game but it somewhat makes up for that with each level having a totally unique theme.

The definition of comfy.

Adorable visuals, wonderful music, creative ability combining mechanic that's more there to let you have fun than to "Beat that specific boss that's kicking your ass".

To the people that don't like this game, you should try playing it on a cold winter night under a blanket with some hot choco to drink, it'll bring you so many smiles!

One of my favorite Kirby games - I love the 2.5D approach to Kirby. The power-mixing is still my favorite gimmick they've ever done. The cast of characters are cute, the graphics still hold up, and the music is full of energy. May not be everyone's cup of tea, but I personally love this game and hold it in high regard.

Combining copy abilities to wacky results was so fun in this game, much better than Star Allies. A lot of the crystal shards can be unnecessarily obtuse to find without a guide, however.

Easily the best in the Dark Matter trilogy. The pastel/anime style makes the visuals look gorgeous on the N64 and there's nothing quite like it in the console's library.
In regards to the gameplay, Kirby can feel a little too slow at times but it's easy to get used to. However, the best part is the inclusion of fusing copy abilities. Even if not all of them are easy to use, it makes the game feel fresh from start to finish. Besides, the level design is pretty fun and the level themes are extremely creative making the experience all the more memorable.
Overall, one of the best Kirby games I've played and a very fun platformer in general.

The fusion stuff is so cool man

A classic Kirby game that has been on my to do list for years and after finally playing it. I would genuinely consider it my favourite of the pre Wii/3DS era Kirby's

Being able to fuse your abilties is such a fun thing to mess around with and makes up for how few abilities there are in the game overall, the game looks amazing and aside from a couple collectables was a comfortable breeze.

Highly Reccommend (though those playing on the Switch NSO might find it uncomfortable because of where the D-Pad is placed)

Esse aqui é Goat, não sei porquê ninguém fala dessa jóia do 64

Would be a really fun game if everything just moved like 50% faster. Nonetheless, incredibly charming and cute with fantastic visuals.

i just really really like this game...i really like when kirby and waddle dee do their special handshake to show that they're best buds.

Very loveley and cute game, the music is really good and I love all the characters. I'd say its one of the more cozier kirby games from the series. Nostalgia hard carrying this game for me but its still so good.

Esse jogo consegue me deixar nostálgico mesmo tendo jogado pela primeira vez agora. Divertido e com uma estética bem vibrante e única, me lembra chiclete. Tem poucos elementos, mas o fato de conseguir fundi-los torna a gameplay bem criativa e diversificada.

blew my mind when you could suck things.

The copy abilities combination system is genius and I wish it came back in the series (Star Allies doesn't count >:\)
I just wish the games idea of hiding shards wasn't just forcing to use random combo's, it makes 100% a bitch.

[Played on NSO] I have been meaning and wanting to play Kirby 64 very immediately for about 2 years now, but I was specifically waiting for a day in January when it snowed. I dont know why, but this game always gave very “post Christmas winter” energy to it. I think it may be the soundtrack. Regardless, it did not snow where I live really last year, so this year it did and I dropped everything and started playing. Kirby 64 was one of the few Kirby games I never really played. Growing up, I heard alot of people compaire Squeak Squad’s ability combo mechanic to Crystal Shard’s, but a much worse version of it. I remember being somewhat dismissive to these claims years back, thinking people were just kinda caught up in nostalgia and even if there are that many unique abilities in the game, how fun could it be? I was dead wrong. I honestly think Crystal Shard’s may be my new favorite Kirby game. Better than Super Star (and Ultra), better than Forgotten Land, better than Nightmare in Dreamland. It’s everything I love about Kirby games with next to none of the shortcomings. First, the tone of the game is unmatched. The game has almost a Super Metroid quality to its world and storytelling. Theres not an ounce of dialogue in the entire game, but it manages to grasp whatever emotion its aiming for at any given level. Shiver Star and Ripple Star are stand outs. Shiver Star everyone always talks about, being implied as post apocalyptic earth. But just the level progression of Snowy Wilds, to happy sky, to abandoned but functional shopping complex to creepy factory lab, manages to tell such an eerie and cool little story. I like Forgotten Land alot, but I think what holds that game back from me from being this level of awesome, is characters talking, explaining things, etc. Kirby 64 tells a complete story in one of its worlds, without explaining a single thing. And Ripple Star is possibly even better. Your first level is like this baby easy stroll through the park that looks like a 5 year old drew with rainbows and pink grass. Then the next level shows the same world, but with Dark Matter’s influence and it feels so off. It has this same looping 30 second creepy song the whole level. The whole world is probably one of the creepiest things Nintendo ever made up to that point (maybe baring Majora’s Mask though, idk which came out first). The soundtrack is fantastic too, very reminiscent of its predecessor Dreamland 3. The whole structure is also very similar to Dreamland 3, with there being a world with a few levels, and multiple collectibles to go after within a level in order to progress. However, I have yet to beat Dreamland 3 because I feel like the eay it handles this gameplay loop to be infuriating and Crystal Shards DEFINITELY learned. It feels so advanced for a N64 game to be able to pop in and out of levels to get abilities or just one shard and then directly leave without losing a life. You don't want to complete a level 5 times just to get a certain ability combo or one shard and the game knows it. Also, the ability combos are fantastic, the best set of abilities in the whole series. They all feel wholly unique to each other and its shocking how many combos you can really make in this game. I cant see modern Kirby games ever trying something to this scale again. I only have one small gripe with the game, being alot of Shards are hidden behind ability blocks that you need to know the right combo to unlock. The locks always feel kinda random and alot of the time, you need to go to a different level to get the copies you need. There is no good indication as to what ability you really need though aside from maybe taking a good guess based on the colors of the locks, so I think that kinda annoying. But its so forgivable based on everything else in the game and the whole pop in and out of levels mechanic I mentioned earlier. Zero-2 is great obviously. Would love to see a true continuation of this game one day.

I've put this game off for awhile purely because I couldn't see how a 3D Kirby game from the 90s could work, I assumed it'd be an aged, low-poly platformer similar to Mario 64 but wouldn't have what made that game so good, and that there was a reason why this game isn't really brought up when talking about the best N64 games. Obviously I underestimated this game as Kirby 64 is a really great 2.5D platformer, and whilst it does stay to the usual easiness of Kirby games having a new perspective helps keep it fresh.

Whilst the overall game isn't anything different to other Kirby games, the 3D levels give it an interesting depth even if you can't explore off the path, and the gameplay of being able to mix power-ups is very unique and gives you a reason to always try new combos instead of sticking to one item. Similar to other Kirby games this came out nearer the end of the console's lifespan, and it managed to utilise the limitations of the N64 really well and make one of the better looking games I've seen, with everything looking very polished compared to other games like Mario or Zelda, with only the odd close-up being able to see the pixels or low-polygon count.

Overall, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards is a really fun time, and whilst it's not an exciting or tense experience I think it's a nice change of pace compared to other games with it's easier difficulty, which is what I find Kirby games are best at doing.

I like it! Visually looks pretty cute and the abilities are really smart. The game's way too short, though, and Kirby's incredibly slow.

the story is a lot better than the gameplay


Uh yeah it's decent. Absolutely love the visuals; that low-pokly N64 vibe always hits real nice, and I love the idea of combining powers, in spite of how damn cumbersome initiating the action is. Some real toe-tapping music throughout, which is always a way to endear me towards your game just a slight bit more.

Most importantly though, Kirby 64 is still more Kirby. At this point, I've kind of accepting Kirby as a pretty bread-n-butter platformer series that rarely has an abject bad game (DL2 not withstanding through my experiences thus far), and even when it doesn't outright wow me like Forgotten Land or Nightmare In Dream Land did, I can generally come away having a good time. 100% being a bit of a drag not withstanding, but at least it's better than the unbearable slogs of 100%ing DL2 and especially 3.