Reviews from

in the past

i hate this, but i can't stop fucking playing, help, i have 150 games in my backlog, but i keep coming back to this game, i've bought so many skins, im sure 1/4 of my soul now is riot's property. Since I started playing, a part of my world just became this game, suddenly people around me also plays it, everything are references to League, this is a prison, a social prison, even if i don't play for month, i end up coming back, i have a toxic relationship with this game, i have around 30 games installed in my PC that i want to play, but i always end up opening this, this is not a review, is a cry for help.

Gwen and illaoi besto waifus.

I met this game in 2012 and since then it has only ruined my life. Love it.

if you play with someone wearing a 500 dollar skin go ahead and laugh at them its free to laugh

remember how overwatch 2 made me want to kill myself?

this is like that but worse

I have been playing this since 2013. . . . . Wig !

Defined my childhood - playing since late Season 1 until ~Season 6. Very fun, the best designed MOBA IMO.

Facilmente um dos jogos mais nojentos da atualidade.

Se qualquer jogo on-line lança atualmente sem voice; sem um matchmaking bem feito; todo desbalanceado; com um client podre; uma engine de 2011; sem modos de jogo variados; sem o menor apoio ao jogador; sem ouvir um A da comunidade, esse jogo seria flopado em menos de 4 meses.

Porém LoL se mantêm, pelo simples fato de ser o único MOBA bom. Sim Dota é lento e chato de mais e MOBA mobile não conta. LoL só existe, pois não há um concorrente que tenha se dado o trabalho de tentar fazer um jogo à altura.

Qualquer empresa que faça um MOBA e dê o básico (itens que citei antes) já estará anos a frente desse jogo.

Dito isso, jogo todo dia.

not the best game ever but it's solid

Even if the game can be incredibly frustrating due to teamwork with random strangers being required to get anywhere, clearly broken character designs, unbalanced gameplay, annoying mechanics, lack of gamemodes, outdated models older than my grandfather, lack of communication from the developers, outrageous monetization and the most toxic playerbase I've ever experienced in a video game...

it's still really fun

my teammates were nice but this is kinda boring

obrigada meu deus por hoje ser uma pessoa livre disso

Lolsito es realmente un muy buen juego, aunque es dificil de ratear porque cambia constantemente. Basado en el tiempo en el que fui realmente un jugador activo, la comunidad aunque se diga que es una mierda y es muy toxica es muy buena, especialmente muy potenciada por el mismo juego. Riot fue por mucho tiempo solo lol, y Riot es una empresa muy pendiente de sus jugadores y de las cosas que quieren y les gustan, hay fanservice del bueno (no hablo de tetotas). El hecho de que cambie constantemente tambien lo hace especial, puedes pensar en cada temporada o par de temporadas jugadas y es casi una experiencia distinta. Cabe destacar lo desgraciadamente dificil que es entrar al juego y aprenderlo a jugar.

Id rather get bit by a gerbil infected with rabies and die from it than play a game of Season14 alone

[insert stock image of the guy breaking free from chains]

I love this game! It's so fun and silly!

I hate this game, too much to learn and when playing with others, instead of being goofy and having fun, they take it way too seriously and get mad when you do something wrong.

league manages to go toe-to-toe with the horribleness of valorant.

unfortunately, this isn't my account's goal. we're here to find the game worse than valorant. this game is as bad as valorant.

i was addicted, but i ESCAPED. i can feel myself get cancer whenever I play this game. something about it just makes my blood boil and I can feel myself get angry at NOTHING. this game needs to be studied for its effects on peoples brain

When I was in college a friend of mind told me about this game and said I should give it a try. I had never heard of it, or MOBAs in general but it sounded like fun so I figured why not. I went home, installed it on my HP laptop and we played against some bots so I could get a hang of the controls. We eventually decided to try a regular game and when we got into the lobby we all called our roles. I called mid since that's where I went when practicing, but one person in the lobby waited until everyone was locked in to tell me specifically that they were going mid, and I needed to go top. I said no, they called me some slurs, I relented just to shut them up and said I'd go top. We get into the game, I go top with my friend, and 30 seconds later guess who came up top with us? They started going off in chat with some more slurs, telling me to go mid or they were going to DC. I didn't go, they DC'd, we lost.

I uninstalled after just one game and came to the conclusion over the years that nobody who plays this game actually likes it, or themselves and instead of going to therapy they play this game and take it out on everyone else who plays.

10 years later I found out that friend was talking about me behind my back, and I swore i'd punch him in the face if I ever saw him again. I should've known something was up back in 2012 when he told me I should try playing League of Legends.

idk how to rate this, sometimes it's fun and sometimes i want to kill myself

Entertaining gameplay, diverse character lore and abilities, and polished graphics. Not to mention the basis of a truly EXCELLENT animated show!

I lost so much time on this omfg I'm really glad that I don't play it anymore with this shit ass season

Posso afirmar que o LoL é divertido no início. No entanto, após algum tempo, torna-se mais agradável jogar com amigos. Jogar sozinho atualmente pode ser bastante estressante.

Péssimo jogo, tenho jogado toda semana há 11 anos. Todos os jogadores deveriam entrar em combustão espontânea