Reviews from

in the past

I had no idea Mario was so good at board games.

Mario's hella cheating in this

Mario think you fantastic! 👌🏻

The surprising debut of Charles Martinet
not terrible honestly

Not even Mario can get me to be interested in Backgammon.

It’s such a bad and shovelwary Mario game. None of th games are enjoyable and fun, and the games are extremely generic. but I sort of enjoyed it because of how terrible it is.

3-1 me-mario, dominoes didn't work so didn't play that

i still have no clue how to play backgammon but i smoked him on every game i knew anything about

i wish this game's animations were skippable, it made some of the games grueling with their length and they're already not particularly fun or interesting no matter how charming mario's voice is


whenever I have to tell Mario to go fish I wish I was telling him to go fuck himself.

I swear this thing is rigged to make him win 70% of the time

i don't care if mario thinks i'm fantastic. flattery will get him nowhere