Reviews from

in the past

Eu realmente gostei do jogo! E adorei o impacto causado pela Puppet Combo na nova era de jogos de terror baseados em PSX. Definitivamente, estou esperando o próximo jogo da Gemezl.

um dos jogos que existem sinceramente

Lazy attempt at a scary ps1 art style horror game


Short as hell too

"Im falling asleep slowly" Yeah me too.

A whole lot of nothing throughout, building up to a nothing payoff. Though it does let you commit Sudoku so bonus points for that I guess. Those points then get subtracted by the game breaking bug that made me have to replay the previous 10 minutes of snoozery. This game having 85% positive with 1,700 reviews on Steam is more proof that as long as a game is free and runs when you click play, people will give it a positive rating.

My bite-sized horror journey is back on baby!

There seems to be an abundance of these sort of PSX graphic horror games that rely more or less on one or two jump scares. Missing Hiker is very much in that vein, though at least it has a couple of different scenes and captures a bit of atmosphere when you are walking through the woods. It's a fine short diversion, but the one jump scare to end the short experience didn't get me.

short but very simple in terms of premise like it

ehhhhh ok, atmosfera boa mas o final foi meio meh só com um jumpscare e nada mais

I played Driving Home before this, and thought it this was going to be a general improvement over it.. The car controls this time around don't feel all that much better. The ambiance of walking in the forest was exactly what I wanted more of and did greatly appreciate it.. The inclusion of more people definitely made it feel more of a real world, but ultimately this game had an even worse weakness of relying on a loud jumpscare than the last game.. I understand with such short campfire story type of plots, you need to go out with a bang, but.. This does just feel a bit cheap and trite.. The atmosphere is otherwise nice.

Developing process must have looked like this: "So, if we make our game loud, people might think it is good."

A atmosfera é legal, mas é um jogo curto com velhos clichês e jump scare barato, porém pelo tempo de jogo, e sendo de graça, 20 minutinho ou menos, vale a pena testar.

thought the jumpscares would be atleast decent

Missing Hiker is a short 15 minute long PSX Styled Horror game that isn't very remarkable at all, but isn't anything bad at all. It's pretty okay, I do enjoy this game more than I do dislike it. The jumpscare at the end reminded me of a poorly done Puppet Combo jumpscare, but overall, you should give it a shot, it's completely free on steam.

Overall: 6/10

Very unremarkable short horror game - but at least it's got a decent look to it.

Fui jogar no tédio e puta que pariu, que jogo de merda, é só mais um jogo de terror indie com estética de PS1 sem terror algum e um final de merda, se sustentou unicamente em jumpscares patéticos e covardes em uma caminhada entediante

manage to build an atmosphere and destroy it by using a puppet combo type jumpscare you can see coming from a mile away.

ENOUGH of these games that create a great atmosphere but destroy this with unnecessary and/or bad jumpscares (especially at the end of the game.)

Unoriginal, predictable and with an ending that's just a jumpscare with way too loud fx

Good little game, really good atmosphere capturing that midnight feeling of driving alone.