Reviews from

in the past

I do think this game is an overall improvement from the first game. The writing is honestly better, it still has at times borderlands levels of humor based purely on knowing pop culture references but when it is not that its a pretty decent time. I do ultimately think I am not the biggest fan of the core concept of these games of making a dating game as a party game you can play with friends. By making each round at most an hour long I do not really get much out of it as I would an actual visual novel. Still I like the characters and art, and I would even say I far far like the cast here then the first game. I think the party game aspect is a little pretty here also though I do not like the drinking minigame at ALL. Ultimately still not a game that I am in love with in any way but I could see myself playing more of it if ever in a mood. Helltaker girl being a playable character took me by massive surprise.

Este jogo é muito fofo, escrito por pessoas com humor randômico e com cuidado em como apresenta seus personagens e suas relações. Amo de coração.

its more monster prom, who couldve guessed

love the drink minigame . and lovr joy

mentally kissing calculester rn

its basically like the first game but with 10x more piss jokes for some reason? there's an option to turn it off but i imagine that turns off like 90% of the events in the game. It's really hard to sit through a whole game of this with friends without tapping out halfway through because you've had to read 80 paragraphs about being pissed on aloud

Very cute, very charming and quite replayable. Ultimately, it's a party game, and it does need a very specific vibe and group of people.

Monster Prom but Twoer.

Still has the same problems as the original (being pigeonholed into a single romance path at the very start of the game through a semi-vague question, answers to scenarios being l0lrandom enough where it's difficult at times to discern what stats they draw from, the writing itself being super hit-or-miss, special endings requiring you succeed at most three sequential events in a row or else you fail it for the entire run, knowing you had an essentailly 50/50 chance of actually having fun or just being treated like a jackass, etc.) The difficulty is also unexpectedly high, my friend essentially aced every question with Aaravi until the very last event, which caused him to fall out with her at the very last second. It's also like, really hard to keep up the energy to read out loud for even the short games when you're not a YouTuber (~90 minutes). But hey, it's more Monster Prom, so if you like that I guess you'll like this one as well.

(Also also also the amount of Whedonisms/Lampshade Hanging in these games is sometimes just...too much? We encountered the Evil Capitalist Billionaire CEO who threatened to bulldoze the camp to make a shopping mall like, 4 different times. Yeah, I get it, it's a common camp trope and you're intentionally drawing light on it for comedic effect, write something else it's getting tired)

This is good, but something about it is just not as charming as the first game. I can't quite put my finger on it.

It's fun, I just don't like dating simulators.

The characters are nice, the interactions are fun, but I really can't play dating simulator games without finding them immensely boring.

If you like this genre, I'm sure you'll love this game, everything about it is really good and funny.

aaravi.. i think i hauve covid..

More Monster Prom, more fun with friends. Now I'M Zoe and i can try to get Aaravi. Perfection.

During our first playthrough i stole my friend's date at the end because i said i liked nuggets with hot sauce on the bus at the beggining of the game.

extremely hilarious, joy rejected me three times

Unfortunately, the sequel to monster prom is less engaging than the original - I think it's still a solid enough game, particularly if you enjoy the characters enough to want to see more than them. I can imagine this still being fun for playing casually with friends also, it just wouldn't have hooked me like monprom did.

The upsides:
- The routes continue to be fun. Highlights are darkest ending and Liam father.
- aaravi and dahlia here
- campfire is cute
- special events
- drinks are fun first time round

- event length
- no of events
- the drinks shop
- side characters feel less integrated into the game.
- no wolfpack :(
- no Miri :(

I am gonna come back and edit this review into non bullet points I need to do other stuff

Interactive multiplayer dating simulator with unique scenarios however in camp they can get a bit longer to read through compared to prom

It was fine. Not really my type of game but it was funny playing it multiplayer.

Second full installment of the Monster Prom universe and just as horny as the first game. Strange dating sim to be playing as an ace but it's funny and has some charm.

I enjoyed this class much more than Prom. Although, one is a recurring character. They feel less high school clique one dimensional. The characters do still fall into tropes (eg: one is styled as an RPG video game character and another is a robot trying to learn about emotions) but they have more depth to them.

More importantly the developers got rid of the worst stat in the previous game: money. The store is now free and you can always pick an item that adds a special plotline without having to save up dough. It plays much better.

The soundtrack is okay, kinda whatever. But the illustrations and character designs are fantastic as always. I love that they give credit to the artists in the game.

You also have a guide to track every. single. event. in the game. Getting most of the outcomes wasn't bad. But for some reason, one route has a very finicky trigger for her secret ending. I played for 30+ and it wouldn't want to pop for me. It was awful and I started to regret putting my time into this. I have zero interest doing the same for the first game because it is even more reliant on RNG.

I'm just happy to finally uninstall this. May the RNG gods bless you if your achievement hunting.


Calculester will be mine one day.

damiens XXX costume..jaw dropped

A little slower than the previous game, but milo could seduce me any time any place.