Reviews from

in the past

Fun, light perspective puzzles.

A very interesting puzzle game, although I didn't finish this game before. The visuals remind me a lot of Journey/Sky.

I had a ton of fun with this game. I absolutely adore the art style as well as the relaxing music. The puzzles are also so much fun to figure out. They're not too difficult but not too easy. They strike that great balance.

Very cool and artsy game that I really like

Os triunfos estéticos de Monument Valley não podem ser subestimados. Cada frame desse game pode ser usado como um papel de parede, sem exageros. Nem de longe este é um puzzle que coloca estilo à frente da substância, mas haja estilo!

Mas pra mim o mais interessante do game é como ele encapsula o que mobile games podem ser, mas apenas muito raramente são. Toda experiência de MV foi feita com smartphones em mente. O jogo se aproveita muito bem da proporção de tela mais alongada dos aparelhos e a densidade de pixels para criar seu deslumbre visual. Mecanicamente, ele torna até as geometrias mais abstratas intuitivas de se navegar com a touchscreen. Jogar Monument Valley no PC ou console é mais do que possível, mas foi pensando nos smartphones que ele foi criado, e é neles que a experiência é realmente melhor.

Smartphones modernos são maquininhas incríveis que podem proporcionar experiências especiais. Não experiências tão boas quanto a dos consoles e videogames portáteis; experiências que só demonstram seu pleno potencial neles. Infelizmente, nesse mundo dominado por GaaS e microtransações predatórias, Monument Valley acaba se tornando uma raridade. Um verdadeiro monumento.

“So let us then try to climb the mountain, not by stepping on what is below us, but to pull us up at what is above us, for my part at the stars; amen”
~M.C. Escher

Mobile gamers are always looked down upon as the most pathetic gamers. They’re usually classed as fake gamers, usually playing Fortnite or plants vs zombies. Mobile gaming has always been looked down upon and yet console and pc gaming is held up in such a high regard. Of course this actually makes quite a lot of sense if you really think about it, mobile gaming as a whole has always been filled with terrible and poorly designed pieces of trash, but what hasn’t? Console gaming has definitely had its fair share of shovelware but yet unlike mobile, it never clouds some really special games. One of these special games that is usually clouded a lot is monument valley.

Monument valley begins with you controlling the character Ida as she goes on a quest to return the geometry she stole. She has to go through ‘monument valley’ a land that looks like something straight out of a M. C. Escher painting which only makes it even more intriguing. This leads me onto the gameplay of the game which you can probably guess:

It’s a puzzle game! Because everyone just loves a puzzle game on their mobile phone. But what makes this one so special? Well just like an Escher painting, the game allows you to almost interact with it and find a way to get Ida from one spot to the next, and make sure to get to the end. Simple right? The beautiful backgrounds are also what make this game in every single level they mix it up and this is only reinforced in the sequel. Yes they gave this game a sequel and I couldn’t be happier. The music is also super ambient and peaceful, almost putting you in that puzzle mood.

Finally, after returning every geometry, Ida returns to her true form and everything is restored. The ending isn’t the most exciting but it isn’t meant to be. It’s still absolutely beautiful and the game wants you to know that.

Honestly, I hold this game really close to my heart for many reasons. It’s one of the only games our family have truly bonded over, this and its sequel will always have great memories because of that and I’ll treasure the games forever. This might not be a masterpiece, but it’s certainly a hidden gem that should be given a lot more respect than it gets. So I push you to try this, I really do. Because you might just find one of the best puzzle games in the palm of your hand.

Beautiful ambience, great puzzles, poetic story, eye candy, shapes

It has a really nice style and had me thinking "That's cool" quite often. However, it never made me that feel smart, or even that the puzzle designers were especially so. It was too easy and straightforward for my liking. Had the game been twice as long as it was and continued to ramp up the difficulty instead of just ending, I would have enjoyed it a lot more.

ive played this game a million times i love it so much

ENG: Exploring a world with an exotic geometry and a different way to interact with the environment. I never played anything like MV.

POR: Explorar um mundo com uma geometria exótica e um jeito diferente de interagir com o ambiente. Eu nunca joguei nada igual o MV.

beautiful looking game, puzzles are a bit too easy, and im a totem stan.

Um jogo simples, mas com puzzles
brincando com a perspectiva,

Um dos melhores jogos de celular.

isso é maravilhoso, melhor jogo que já joguei no celular, é lindo o tempo todo

Um bom jogo de puzzle, gráficos lindos, brinca muito com perspectivas e jogos de câmera.
Vale a pena!

Best mobile game made for mobile ever.

Monument Valley contextualizes the impossible. It creates these headache-inducing optical illusions, and asks you to navigate them as if it were merely a street. It asks you to traverse something so fundamentally impossible, so intangible, unthinkable, and then it makes a sport out of it.

Monument Valley should feel like it's bending my mind, but it doesn't. It doesn't fabricate anything, instead it builds physical, real, tactile environments through mechanical interactions in ways only a video game can.

Very excited to return to this one in the future!!

LOVED this game! i remember playing on my phone at work.

Charming little puzzle game with intuitive controls and simple yet engaging puzzles that make full use of their diorama-like design.

Nice puzzle game with good atmosphere. It's crazy to think this was a mobile game originally. There was never too much challenge, but just enough to keep me engaged.

I remember playing this at a table in a restaurant and I intrigued my family members. A very good mobile game

Fonte: Lista - Indie of The Year Nominees

The game is super pretty. Puzzles were fun too

looks nice but goes to show the land scape of phone games that this was showered with praise

Decent little puzzle game that got an absurd amount of hype at the time of release

A very enjoyable puzzle game that uses your sense of perspective to twist your expectations. Puzzles are just endearing to solve here. It's a short game, but left more of an impact than most.