Reviews from

in the past

There isn't much to be said about Ms. Pac-Man except being a better sequel to the iconic Pac-Man. Multiple boards, better ghost AI, and if you're lucky, you might run into a cabinet that has faster speeds (the definitive Ms. Pac-Man experience). It's a classic arcade that I enjoy returning to from time to time.

It's literally just Pac-Man but with stage variety. And the orange ghost is Sue now instead of Clyde.

Wow, who knew that introducing multiple mazes and slightly randomizing the A.I. of the ghosts would make for a better game than the original Pac-Man?

Played at Musee Mecanique in San Francisco, CA. Got HS with 91580

Pac-Man but woman (them meeting was kinda adorable)

It's essentially the same as the original Pac-Man, except you play as a female this time, there are new cutscenes, and you actually move faster then you did before. Not gonna lie, that alone makes this the better game in my opinion. So, even though it barely changes anything, it is still a great game.

Game #35

Do you really need a review of Ms. Pac- Man?

You take Pac-Man. You add a bow and some lipstick to show the young ladies of the 80s that they're allowed to enjoy playing arcade games. Congratulations. You just won.

Waka waka (upvote if you get it)

In Namco Museum on the PS2 all the games had these cool borders and for this game the image of Ms. Pac-Man on the bottom right of the screen made me feel very funny.
I'm not the man I want to be.

If you say "Ms. Pac Man" in the mirror three times, a copyright lawyer appears and executes you by gunshot.

It's faster, brighter and more fun than Pacman. Ms Pacman created by GCC (General Computer Communications) as a ripoff of Pacman became more fun than Pacman that Namco essentially made a agreement with GCC over the usage of Ms. PACMAN, and history would forever be great... until GCC went bankrupt and now the people who own Ms.Pacman are ATGAMES (those manufactures of those shitty ATARI and GENESIS consoles you can find at Walgreens or CVS Pharmacies, yeah those guys).

And namco no longer wants to use Ms Pacman because of that, so they created PACMOM as a replacement. Such a shame.

The arcade game is fun, if you have a fat PS3 Model, I recommend you all to buy Ms. PACMAN MAZE MADNESS as it features a great 3D Ms.Pacman spinoff and the original Ms.Pacman

Rip Ms. PACMAN you will forever be known as the original first female video game protagonist in the history books, and you will be remembered for how fun you are 🙏🏻💗(seriously fuck you 🖕🖕🖕 AtGames)

Similarly addictive to Pac-Man. I think I prefer the original, but I'm honestly not sure why.

My dentist growing up had an arcade cabinet with this and Galaga in it. What a legend

Ms. Pac-Man is always a fun arcade game and is one of my go-to's. I love the speed and fast thinking that you need to get the most points possible. I also love the different stages available, which builds from the original Pac-Man. My highest score is 144,000 and I hope I can play it more in the future.

Definitely superior to the original game due to having actual variety in its level design, rather than the same stage over and over again. This forces players to adapt to changing environments constantly, which makes them want to continue playing more.

Too bad that if this ever get's re-released, it's gonna be called "Pac-Mom" and her sprites are gonna add a pink bonnet.

Played at the escape room place in Owensboro, KY and scored 119550

i have the highscore for this at my local arcade. oh also the game's fun i guess.. dunno why they released the same game but made it a girl

I might even say that, in some ways, it's better than the original game.

A bit easier than normal Pac-Man, it seems...

One of my favorite classic arcade games of all time. I prefer it to the original Pac-Man by a country mile. The improvements made to the formula make it much more fun to play in my opinion.

During a trip to a different state last year, we frequently visited a boardwalk with an arcade with classic games, something that's not really accessible to me regularly, and I spent literally like 75% of my time at that arcade just slamming away at Ms. Pac-Man and doing better and better. It's addictive, even to this day.

God, imagine Ms. Pac-Man looking up at you while she just grababools on your prosciutto...eheheheheheheheh

its pac man but your on crack with how fast it is

ok that s an over exaggeration but still its just kinda better lol.

Just like Pac-Man but better in every way. Faster speeds, multiple boards, and better ghost AI. This is the game to play over the original.

I played this one a lot... I mean a LOT. My grandparents had the machine at their house so any time I'd visit for summer vacation or Christmas it was pretty much my only method of entertainment. After 10+ years of putting in the time I became pretty good. I usually set the hi-score whenever I play one in the wild and walk away all smug. There is no "end" that I'm aware of but a quarter can last a good long time and never really feels boring. If I'm not paying close attention I can die on one of the earlier stages so even those require at least a bit of discipline and keep you engaged. Good times for sure and probably my favorite classic era arcade game.
Got 110040 at Game Terminal in Nashville, TN

another victory for women around the world