Reviews from

in the past

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

Pac-Man has a girrrrrlfrieeend, ooooooohh. What's the difference between this and just regular Pac-Man? I couldn't find a difference. I'm pretty good at Pac-Man. And I have an idea for a cereal called "Pac-Man Dots", and it's gonna be like one of those 90s kids that like on the TV, the advertisements that pop up, but they forgot to write the paperwork to put Pac-Man in the commercial, so they got sued, so it's out of business. (chuckles) This is not real.

I always found getting used to the AI of the ghosts a tenuous extensively difficult concept when playing this for any longer than like a few minutes. Somehow reached a zen-like state with the AI though and managed to blow through to where the acts started repeating for this classic, which I will take as my victory. I'm not exactly sure WHY I chose to take this game as my use of birthday hours other than obligation of it being next up on my list so I'm just going to blog some bullshit about the last year and desperately try to somehow link it to this game cuz fuck it tim rogers can talk about this game for several hours why can't I?

22->23 isn't exactly the most exciting of yearly jumps, especially when said last year could very well be defined as "terror", "terrible", "terrifically shit". The end of quarantine is barely visible on the horizon now where it hasn't been for some time, and I walk into the celebration of living another year in it feeling like I haven't changed much. I like to think I've worked to improve myself in some areas, in that I've been able to refine my writing and express myself better, that I've been able to curb some of my worse behavior in terms of aggression, that I've gotten better at managing my time. I've managed to make due on some goals, and been able to make new ones I'm making good progress towards. Otherwise though, I still find myself feeling a bit of sorrow on an afternoon of celebration.

It's interesting I suppose to reflect while playing something that otherwise feels timeless, completely unchanged as years go by. We've Certainly Gone A Long Way since this, and hopefully I can look back on today feeling like I've gone a long way as well. Hope you all have a good rest of the year.

It's Pac-Man but better (in my and... honestly a lot of people's opinion) and what you're most likely going to have played if you're from the United States, as Ms. Pac-Man was a North American-only cabinet, taken by Midway after being shown the Crazy Otto modification to original Pac-Man. Pac-Man was an enormous hit in the US (I mean, who doesn't remember Pac-Man Fever!) but Ms. Pac-Man was made directly in the United States, which made distribution (and not needing to change that pesky Puck-Man casing to our beloved Pac-Man) significantly easier and cheaper.

I was reading online about the complicated history that Ms. Pac-Man has, and apparently Namco doesn't really like talking about her because they're a bit embarrassed a game using their mascot but made by a separate company overseas did so well. The creator of Pac-Man refuses to even acknowledge her either. I think Ms. Pac-Man is really cool, though, and I think her weird history makes her even cooler. Game's not half-bad, too ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝


Someone really owns the rights to Pac Man with a bow that's so funny.

reminds me of my ex wife because they both suck balls everywhere they go and eat whatever they get their grubby hands on. stupid cunt.

It's essentially the same as the original Pac-Man, except you play as a female this time, there are new cutscenes, and you actually move faster then you did before. Not gonna lie, that alone makes this the better game in my opinion. So, even though it barely changes anything, it is still a great game.

Game #35

They slapped a ribbon on pacman and called it a new game.

Ms. Pac-Man killed my marriage 👍

Just like Pac-Man but better in every way. Faster speeds, multiple boards, and better ghost AI. This is the game to play over the original.

Do you really need a review of Ms. Pac- Man?

You take Pac-Man. You add a bow and some lipstick to show the young ladies of the 80s that they're allowed to enjoy playing arcade games. Congratulations. You just won.

Let's say just for the sake of experiment you take Pac-Man and give it to a bunch of greasy hackers and tell them to whip up a more advanced version with new features. If you do, you get Ms. Pac-Man. It's like Pac-Man, but better, with additions designed by avid players of the game.

4 - Great: Deserves to be played

If you say "Ms. Pac Man" in the mirror three times, a copyright lawyer appears and executes you by gunshot.


atgames free her you cannot imprison the ms. pac

i played this on an old arcade machine and it had cockroaches in it 💀

she slayed so much harder than pac man. and i'm only half joking. the game is actually better.

Waka waka (upvote if you get it)

Nah bro this shit is just pacman again. Can't fool me.

PERSONAL BEST: 29,180pts

On a glance it just seems like the old Pac-Man but with changing mazes and a smarter AI(which I feel sometimes is too nuanced to notice). Certainly substantial differences, which makes this more focused and lived-in than the first Pac-Man, but is that enough for it to receive accolades? I can't tell.

That this game places a female protagonist is quaint, but it is such a predictable, corporate, Batwoman kind of move to make that I see its achievement as shallow. Then again, not a lot of male protagonists at this time were really stunning etiher.

(Glitchwave project #004)

I played this one a lot... I mean a LOT. My grandparents had the machine at their house so any time I'd visit for summer vacation or Christmas it was pretty much my only method of entertainment. After 10+ years of putting in the time I became pretty good. I usually set the hi-score whenever I play one in the wild and walk away all smug. There is no "end" that I'm aware of but a quarter can last a good long time and never really feels boring. If I'm not paying close attention I can die on one of the earlier stages so even those require at least a bit of discipline and keep you engaged. Good times for sure and probably my favorite classic era arcade game.
Got 110040 at Game Terminal in Nashville, TN

genuinely amazing how making the protagonist a girl instantly makes the game better

but seriously, it's another enjoyable addition to the franchise, even if it's marred with all sorts of legal issues

Adds great stuff to the Pac-Man formula but it isn't as polished as Pac-Man

Proof that copy write infringement can only do good things for video games (though it's only a 5 star if you're playing a version that has a turbo mode)