Reviews from

in the past

Não costumo jogar jogos de investigação e achei interessante a proposta desse. Gostei muito. O final foi surpreendente

cool af concept and fun playing as a ghost (i remember constantly trying to walk through walls in the game i played after this), slightly unmemorable mystery as it’s only been a couple months since i played it and i had to google just now who the murderer was lmao. tries to act like an open world game but felt super limiting where you could go, obviously it’s a linear story but i’d love to play a game with a similar ghostly concept but more world to explore. fun tho, still got pretty hooked and is worth getting on sale!

this game was actually so good. you literally solve your own murder. thats so sick

Although I'm not a fan of horror, I was able to play through this one without being too scared 😅 I enjoyed the story, and the way you had to do the detective work was interesting. It's worth checking out if you enjoy puzzles, murder mysteries and some horror elements.

This game does not advertise how downright corny it is on the tin.

muy buena historia muy buen gameplay proobablemente lo rejuegue

A really fun adventure game where you chase a notorious killer through Salem, but have many side-missions where you help ghosts move on by revealing what happened to them and why they were dead. Ontop of that, the collectables you find reveal horror stories based around Salem and they are VERY creepy and sound like real horror stories with the first one with the water boilers sounds similar to a real creepy story I heard about recently.

The detective parts are somewhat irritating with what piece of evidence contributes to being "Most Relevant" and some it feels like "Duh" much like the main story where half-way through I already realised what the Killer's target was before the character did, but the twist at the end I never saw coming, but should've.

Highly recommended for any fan of the paranormal and detective TV series too.


One of my favorite games, it has the things that I love the most in story mode games: detective/mystery + horror/ghosts! I felt like the story was too short, I enjoyed every part of it. The demons (ghouls idk I forgot what they were called) were so scary when I played it the first time lol. I finished it 2 times and I am sure I will replay it again in the future.

Nice concept. Inspect your own murder and find the bastard

The story and the looks carry the entire game; being the phantom of a dead cop that needs to understand why he was killed to get to the afterlife is really cool, but the gameplay itself is nothing to write home about.
They tell you to be carefull when choosing your deductions but you literally CANNOT lose, you never get a game over screen because your prediction was wrong. In the end it's a walking simulator with cool looks, an overall engaging story and very shallow stealth mechanics.
I had fun, sure, but mostly because of the story, just watch a playthrough and you'll get 99% of the experience.

Uhhh, the bullet holes glowing in his ghost form are cool I guess?

Tava mt empolgado, mas o jogo bugou e simplesmente n tem como avançar.

Before we start, let me say that this won’t be as in depth because I have a bad memory and this game was completed in December.

This game was on sale as part of the year-end sale. I looked it up and it looked like a unique and interesting concept.

Without spoiling anything, you play as a ghost detective who has to solve his own murder in order to move on to the afterlife, but his murder ends up being part of a string of murders that had been plaguing Salem (you know, that place where the witch trials took place.)

I’ve seen loads of detective games, but none where you play as a ghost. Actually, I don’t think I know of any games where you play as a ghost, either.

Wait, you can do that in Among Us lmao

Anyway, this game seemed intriguing and it was on sale so I took a chance on it. I was surprised to find out it’s a Square Enix game because apparently, I can’t feckin’ read. I was hooked on this game from the moment I started it!

The story is really intriguing and so are the ghost abilities you develop as the game progresses. You can’t just enter homes, you have to possess someone and follow them inside and there are some structures you can’t go through so you gotta find a way around.

There are also these short side stories to complete (which you need for the platinum.) The collectibles aren’t too difficult to find, but there are a few in unlikely places. I did have to start a new game because there’s no chapter select however, the game saves your progress. So if you start a new game and you find the one collectible that you’re missing, it’ll trigger the trophy!

Like most detective games, I try to figure out who is responsible for whatever the crime is and this game is no exception. I thought I was right, but there was a major twist at the end that threw me for a loop. My jaw was literally hanging open, I couldn’t believe it!

It starts a bit slow, like most games, but once I started to get further into the story, I really got hooked. There weren’t any bugs or glitches that I noticed and the voice acting was really good. I love the main character, Ronan. Even his name is cool! Ronan O’Conner, damn.

This game also has one of my favorite quotes:

“We all got a dark side. Sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden. If we’re lucky, we keep our dark side hidden.” – Ronan

I’m so glad I took a chance on this game, it was fantastic!

why do i keep finding the mediocre games i have played ten years ago and logging then to appear in my page as "games i have played". maybe im going literally insane.
in this game, the reason why you, a ghost, cannot ghost through walls, is because - and they make a point in telling you this - all the buildings, every construction in the goddamned town were, in some point of the past, consecrated. every. single. one. of them was blessed, anointed or whatever. thats the kinda of game this is. agressively mediocre.
and i know that i beated it this game back then but, kid you not, i dont remeber who killed the guy. who the fuck is the soul suspect???????

Enjoyed the story, especially liked that the plot isn't what I thought it was. Characters were well written and I genuinely enjoyed exploring Salem and getting all the collectibles. The cool thing about playing it again and knowing what is going on is that the cut scenes and some of the character interactions take on a whole new meaning.

Difficulty Played: Normal

Repetitivo en momentos, jugabilidad tosca, muy buenn juego, buena historia aunque predecible.

[Main Story]
History a little cliché in my opinion. But apart from that I enjoyed being a ghost and detective at the same time. I did some side quest that I found along the way.

El gameplay bastante simple, la historia estaba molona.

Murdered: Soul Suspect (2014): Sorpresa del año. No esperaba nada y me ha encantado. Atmósfera muy bien construida,personajes interesantes y una gran narrativa detectivesca. Me apena que su recepción fuese tan mala, porque me habría gustado ver una secuela de este universo (8,30)

This boring ass white boy detective should have stayed dead

Very weak investigation mechanics - you just collect clues and the story proceed by itself without any kind of logical challenge/puzzle.

I can't talk much about the story since I haven't finished the game (and I won't), but from everything I've seen before abandoning the game, the story was pretty generic.

Ghost x L.A Noire en una historia sobre la aceptación de los errores; ubicada en una gran representación de Salem llena de recovecos fantasmales reminiscentes de épocas pasadas. Ritmo muy acertado.

The best part about this is being able to play as a cat

Best sinopsis, bad development. You cannot fail on anything, the game literally doesn't let you. To much handholding make this game a boring walking simulator. The story starts really good, "a ghost detective that investigates his own murder" but then the plot just moves forward, missing important points and a lot of levels felt that didn't serve any purpose to the plot.

Plusy: świetna fabuła, dobry voice acting
Minusy: beznadziejny gameplay, słaba grafika

noir (de todas as formas: monólogos, detetives, fantasma fumante!!) sobrenatural sobre o ciclo de morte causado por traumas geracionais e intolerância dentre pessoas que deveriam estar do mesmo lado.

sem combate, só investigação e exploração, mesmo sendo uma história super violenta. muito feliz que a square voltou a dar dinheiro pra pessoas fazerem essas coisas pequenas agora como estava fazendo nessa época.