Reviews from

in the past

bold new ideas in this one like "what if ghosts could walk through some walls, but not all of them" and "what if a witch was mean to ghosts"



Anyway, it was a decent enough game with a boring protag, decent side characters and game play that was engaging enough but sometimes frustrating.
Has a few actually scary moments but those rarely happen in the main plot.

A made-for-CBS movie of a game. Nothing justifies the slog, it merely exists and can be experienced. All memory immediately evaporates.

Murdered: Souls Suspect is a great concept with not great everything else. It's seems very unforunate all around, with the story being so forgetable that it's incredible, and the gameplay being unremarkable at best. There's not much to say, except for the fact that I wish someone makes this very game again, but with a bigger budget and more effort and talent put into development

Bad controls and gameplay, not great camera, good enough story that I sought out the rest of through walkthrough. Only truly fun part was playing as a cat.

"We have Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective at home"

this is definitely a game from 2014, make of that what you will

Murdered: Soul Suspect took me by surprise. It is a game that received mixed reviews when it was released and yet, after fully completing the game, I found that I really enjoyed my time with it.

In the game, you play as Ronin, a detective attempting to solve the Bell Killer case. Unfortunately, Ronin finds himself joining the growing ranks of the serial killer’s victims but is stuck as a ghost until he uncovers the truth and reveals the killer’s identity. Overall, the story is what you would expect from a murder mystery- an unlikely partnership, exploration of various abandoned places and enough plot twists to keep things interesting. I will say the ending did catch me slightly by surprise, in a good way, as I thought I had solved the case but the writers’ decided to add one final plot twist, which was pretty satisfying to see play out.

So, how does a ghost solve a murder? Well, Ronin may not be able to talk to the living, he can talk to other spirits and there are plenty of spirits to talk to. Ronin can manipulate the world through his possession and manipulation abilities. Much of the game consists of you exploring various locations, finding clues and then piecing together the clues to solve the mystery. As far as gameplay goes, it is pretty simplistic. The developers did try to add a little more depth to the game, by including demons- ghosts that have stayed in this world too long and constantly seek out other spirits to sate their hunger. In order to deal with these demons, Ronin must move stealthily behind the demon and perform a quick time event execution. I’ll be honest, I found the demon parts of the game annoying and just served to slow the game’s pacing down. The gameplay, as a whole, is pretty simple and can feel a little repetitive at times however it has been done well, so I guess this is a case of if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

Where Murdered: Soul Suspect does excel is the atmosphere it creates. This is not a horror game but it does a great job of creating an unsettling feeling in many of its locations. Firstly, it is set in the town of Salem, which is an ideal setting for a ghost story and the developers do a good job of incorporating Salem’s history in the story. The game also has a good variety of locations from your standard apartment building to a cemetery. The developers do a great job of balancing out the creepier locations, such as the hospital with a location like the church. This means that even if you don’t enjoy being creeped out, you will have some segments of the game that you can enjoy.

The final aspect of the game that adds to the world are it’s collectibles. There are a lot of collectibles- over one hundred and fifty of them. These collectibles do have a function as they add to Salem’s history, characters’ backstory and add detail to the Bell Killer investigation. My personal favourites were the ghost stories. In each of the locations, there was a location specific collectible. If you collect all of those collectibles in the locations, you will unlock a ghost story tied to the location. I really enjoyed the church’s and the cemetery’s stories but all of them add to the town’s worldbuilding. In fact, all of the collectibles do this which makes hunting them down less of a chore and more an important side activity.

Overall, I enjoyed my time with Murdered: Soul Suspect. It is the perfect game for someone who isn’t a fan of horror games to play in October. It isn’t an overly long game but it is long enough to tell it’s story and do the story justice. The gameplay is the weakest part of the game as it feels repetitive in places and the demons felt like the developers were trying to pad out the game time. However, as a murder mystery game, I would highly recommend people give Murdered: Soul Suspect a go.

It was ok for the most part... well... I payed two dollars for it.

It has a lot of bugs though and the ending sucks ass.

awesome concept and you can possess a cat

having to manually walk through the open world city to get to locations was fucking annoying

The average rating shows how tasteless some of you are.

Esse jogo tem uma história boa, a gameplay é muito boa, inovadora e tem um estilo único, esse jogo abrange muitos tipos de gameplay, tem investigação, terror, é um jogo único, é uma experiência.

It's a good and unique enough game. The concept of a detective having to investigate his own murder as a ghost was immediately interesting to me, so I had to check it out. Game is fairly short, I got the plat in two days and most of the time was spent hunting down the over 200+ collectibles (which all provide some backstory to the town and characters, so they're nice). Aside from collectibles, though, there's little to do aside from the story, as there's only 4 side investigations which take no time at all to complete. Wish there had been more of those. The town of Salem can also be confusing to traverse and there's no in-game map to help.

The gameplay itself is nothing amazing, basically being a point and click game with a few stealth sections every now and then, it's about what you'd expect but there's nothing wrong with that. It is, however, rather easy, with little challenge both for investigation and stealth.

Anyway, I found the main story and characters to all be pretty good, though the ending felt oddly anticlimactic for some reason. The game is also fairly atmospheric, though not as creepy as it could potentially be. Graphics are pretty good too, and I like the game's aesthetics (the main character's design was one of the things that drew me in tbh) but the PS3 version I played suffers from a low rendering resolution, which causes some odd pixelation, and some blurry textures, though most cutscenes seem to be pre-rendered and look great despite some compression artifacts at times.

It's an easy game to recommend if the concept interests you, as its probably easy to get for cheap on all platforms nowadays and is not gonna take up too much of your time. Most negative reception seems to be from people that got it at full price and were disappointed in its length and/or difficulty. I went into it with those "flaws" in mind and ended up really enjoying my time with it.

A really underappreciated gem. Feels like a detective game combined with a collect-a-thon, where the collectibles that reveal the history of the characters and the city are as engaging as the main story. It has some pontual moments of incredible voice acting and lore, and though is not an incredible story, it is at least interesting from beginning to end.

WARNING contains zilch of what you'd want to do as a ghost. terribly self-serious for some hacky csi salem nonsense

If you like cinematic games and TV shows like CSI and Supernatural you'd probably like this game. It's a solid detective murder mystery with some cool paranormal concepts and lore mixed in.

This is a pretty mediocre 3rd person adventure deduction game, but it has a cool vibe.

I remember being so excited to play this. Got a copy on PS3. Open the case. Game is cracked. Clearly whoever owned it before me was not a fan. Years go by and it goes on sale for dirt cheap on the XBOX store. Finally play it. If I had a disc to crack, I may have considered repeating the process. Alas, I was left with a husk of gigabytes on a drive that unfortunately had to be used to store this pile of garbage.

Ghost Trick is one of my favourite games, and I really thought this would be similar to it, but it falls flat so fast.

Esta weno pero molaria alguna mecanica mas que el escondite

This review contains spoilers

was the game play good? not necessarily. but was the story good? also no. i remember getting to the end and thinking wow im so shocked they made it so predictable! play it ig

I haven’t been so misled by a game than Murdered. A murder mystery game about a cult in Salem, Massachusetts (my favorite type of murder mysteries) all wrapped around a serial killer known as the Bell Killer. You play as a ghost detective named Ronan who gets murdered by this killer during an investigation. You have a bratty teen named Joy who helps you in the real world and the story all comes to a nice close at the very end.

It’s everything in between that really disappoints. This game not only feels about 10 years old but is sometimes downright boring. In each area, you have items that need to be “examined” this turns into pixel hunting like the adventure games of yore. Some times I found myself to frustrated because the examine button wouldn’t come up unless you were facing it just the right way, that’s glitchy and annoying. Once you find all clues in an area you conclude the investigation by picking three of the clues that relate to the scene. This is where some of the nonsense gameplay comes in to play. Most of the time you don’t even need all the clues to conclude and most clues are pointless for the scene. I feel like I’m hunting for all these clues as just filler for gameplay.

Is there any combat? Not really. A shoehorned combat scenario was put in by sneaking around demons and executing them with weird button combos. Sneaking around them is pretty tense, as is running from them. But was this merely an excuse to be able to die in the game to call it a full on game? The only other way I died in the game was getting hit by a ghost train in one area. There’s also an open world which is boring and lifeless. The game is also full of items to find which is archaic and just plain boring. Why would I run around in an empty boring world finding items I could care less about?

There are actually rules to this game though. Just because you’re a ghost you can’t walk through everything otherwise you’d be clipping into gaming abyss. Most items can’t be walked through and ones that can’t have a blue aura around them. You can teleport yourself which only comes in handy for a few parts of the game. You can possess people to read their minds or influence them during an investigation. This isn’t nearly as cool as it should be.

The only thing that kept me going was the story. The twists and turns were just interesting enough to make you think you figured it out and then it turns out to be something else. The game actually has a satisfying ending with no cliffhanger. When I played through this whole game I just couldn’t help but feel how dated it looked and played. The graphics, while not ugly, are simple and boring. This game would have looked amazing about 5 years ago. I also didn’t feel an attachment to any characters because of how boring and cookie cutter they felt. Ronan is just your typical New England cop, Joy is a snotty goth brat, and the other characters don’t really show up enough for you to care about them. Soul Suspect had a lot of potential but in the end, it felt like there wasn’t really a goal of what to do outside of the story.

If you’re a fan of adventure games I would give this a shot. Murdered isn’t going to revolutionized the nearly forgotten point and click adventure style gameplay, but it is worth slogging through the gameplay for the interesting story.

By Request Review #1 - 2021

It's a really clever game, ruined by unpatched game breaking glitches that kept me from progressing. I've had people say nothing happened to them on their playthroughs, and others say they did. Unfortunately, it happened so many times, I had to just set it aside. It's a shame, because I love the idea of a ghostly detective having to solve his own murder. I'd love to return to it in order to see what happens and give it a proper review, but until then, shelved. Hopefully all that gets fixed, but I'm not confident given Square Enix probably has no interest in funding the devs to patch a game from 2014.

I hate to rag on a AA production like this when it's clear the developer wanted to bring a somewhat fresh take to a long-standing genre like this. The issue is that every single one of their gameplay ideas feels two to three steps behind the rest of the industry to the point where this feels more like Playstation 2 game than an eighth generation title. The story is also pretty subpar - late game revelations feel rushed and underdeveloped, and the actual mystery itself isn't interesting enough to justify the artificially extended length. Points for a cool setting and decent atmosphere - beyond that, entirely skippable.

Boasting a unique premise, an immersive morbid and off-kilter tone certainly helps carry the repetitive, simplistic gameplay, which admittedly is very much a product of 2014, when compared to the investigation methods seen in later releases in the genre. Though it may be fairly dated in terms of its character animations and graphics, the game undeniably still cuts a gloriously stylistic and gothic noir edge. The mystery, protagonist presentation and mood of the game all bleed noir, which for me is huge positive. A worthy and decent revisit to the game that was actually my first foray into the previous XONE/PS4 generation.

This review contains spoilers

Pretty good game. It's great for people who like a focus of story in the game over game play. I kinda wished we could've had a longer game with more of a variety of demons to fight and even boss battles. I personally got tired of the repeated hide from demons and execute them when they're not looking game play. I also wish we could have possessed more animals to move around with and even people since we could never possess people to move around with except for Joy. I also wish, SPOILER, Rex had died and Julia had stayed alive to grieve Ronan kinda like in the original concept art of the game. And that Baxter would've helped us out more when he became a ghost. He could've become our partner for a few levels and it could've added to character growth in him and made him more likable. This critique isn't to put the game down, it's to just reflect on what I wish we could have had in the game since I love it so much. Overall, great game, needed more game play, less collecting stuff all game and more fighting and more character scenes so I could care more about the characters dying.

(Wrote this on Steam back in 2020)

Um detetive com um passado criminal é assassinado por um famoso Serial Killer da região que deixa marcas de Sino em suas vítimas, após o protagonista morrer não podemos seguir em frente para o nosso destino de ir para o céu ou inferno pois a sua alma está em dívida de descobrir quem de fato é esse assassino, e assim se começa a história de Murdered Soul Suspect, um jogo com uma premissa bastante interessante e curiosa sobre a nossa pós-vida, agora fora todo o valor que tem no seu enredo, o maior problema que temos aqui é dele ser linear demais, chegando a ser um tanto quanto monótono pela repetitividade em suas ações, acredito eu que funcionaria bem mais se fosse uma série do que um jogo de verdade.