Reviews from

in the past

It was not too obvious what to do once I finished the last story and I hit another thousand clicks before thinking maybe I should check the trophies to make sure this has a ten-thousand-tap trophy like the others (aww crap, it doesn’t). Had to back out of the final scene and re-enter it to trigger the shroom-hike, which I thought was amazing - how were people not enjoying all the cool games? Were they just not imbibing in the off-trail mushrooms?

I gotta re-download the other games now. I watched the credits for the first time and got really invested, and discovered the credits for the other games were the same likeness.

This is now one of the only franchises of which I’ve played every game.

I had no clue when I started this trilogy that it would turn deep and existential by the end. Somewhat profound even. Left a mark on me.

Kind of a let down after the improvements and fun diversity of My Name is Mayo 2. The story of dealing with a parent's death was an interesting take.

The best way to end the trilogy.

found out about this shit ass game today from this website then bought it

100%ed it and got the platinum

The trilogy we didn't want or ask for but trophies are trophies

I have been with this trilogy since it’s inception. Each new instalment blew me away. When My Name is Mayo 3 was announced as the finale to this exceptional series it had driven me to tears and had me emotionally unstable for a few weeks after. Despite my depression at the end of this series which has been a huge part of my life since I first started playing; I couldn’t be more pleased with the finale to this mammoth of a trilogy.

My Name is Mayo 3 is an absolute masterpiece.
As a My Name is Mayo veteran myself I have always enjoyed what the previous titles had to offer and everything that Green Lava Studios did right in the last 2 games had been channeled into the complete work of art My Name is Mayo 3. It is by far the best game I've played ever, I can only hope that when I die from clicking this jar of mayo that I’m reincarnated as one.

It's the same thing as the other ones, a little longer and less funny than the others but most are grabbing this for the easy plat anyway.

first one was funny, 2nd one was boring it's just getting stupid now.

Was not ready for the last 4 trophies

This game just clicked for me until the end.

Just a simple game for platinum


All jokes and goofs aside, these were FUN little games.

This time round it’s really not too bad, has some cool art styles going on and makes it at least a little bit interesting when all you’re doing is tapping a mayo jar for meaningless trophies.

Well, it was bound to happen eventually - the joke has now officially gotten annoying. The Mayo trilogy ends not with a bang... but with a whimper - a series that went from passable and kind of funny to downright torturous. Feels like a chintzy rehash of the first two with a worse art style than both and what seems like only half the actual gameplay. Making the back half into whatever that walking simulator part was turned out to be a dire move, with minigames that feel awful and increasingly more stale humor ripped right out of 2014. Not even funny bad, just bad. Hated it.

The original My Name Is Mayo is pretty much the poster child of the easy trophy genre. Trophies are a great way to increase your playtime with games and it turns out that little dopamine hit you get with every "ding!" can be quite addicting for some. It did not take very long for developers to capitalize on it. The trophy hunting crowd is surprisingly big and full of everyone from casuals to of course "hardcore gamers" who get mad at people who don't solely go for "Beat the game without dying while you're blinded and dismembered" type of trophies. Its a sizeable crowd of addicts and makes it easy for publishers to take one of two routes. They can shit out shovelware asset flips for like two bucks. Or they can use the promise of easy trophies (that often unlock far before completion of the game) to get hunters to try out an obscure indie game and maybe even like it enough to beat it. I chose to believe the second option was done the most. Even if most of the games end up being cheaply made or bad, with how some hunters even buy the same game in different regions or across systems to stack I can't deny how enticing the profit sounds. However overtime it quickly became a lot more of the first option. You couldn't look at the new games section on PS5 without being spammed with shit like "Hot Dog Jump" and "Hot Dog Turbo Jump" and it was actually insulting. Sony never bothered before because its more money for them but it got so bad they actually did something for once and delisted most games like that.

So, that's all the background information you really need about these types of games. My Name is Mayo is the most popular one. You simply click X a few thousand times and boom that's 50 trophies for you. For every couple milestones you'd get a little random fact. Or you could do some side stories (if you can really even call them that) that would maybe put your mayo in a costume or do something silly with the background with every new milestone you reached. Basically the very bare minimum to even call it a game, its pretty lazy even for a clicker game. But the sillyness and quickness of just tapping a jar of food a bunch made it become both popular and infamous. The sequel, My Name Is Mayo 2, was surprisingly an improvement. It's still pretty terrible but it looked better, had a few minigames and was a little funnier too. Unfortunately 3 feels like a step down.

It is funny to me that this series falls into the common trilogy trap of the 2nd being the best and the third being kinda uninspired. This is certainly the best looking of the three, it tries to go for like a 60s vibe. But everything else leaves a bit to be desired, even for a game of this quality. The little side stories are dull and sometimes even derivative of previous entries, and only once do something interesting with the background. But after you've gone through all of those you unlock a bonus final story. Now you are no longer tapping the jar, but instead holding up the left stick as you peacefully walk up a randomly generated forest. With a goal of making it ten miles. Each mile you unlock a trophy and a little blurb like usual. Along the trail you can find different types of mushrooms. These will either change the visuals in a psychedelic way which is cute, or will throw you into a random minigame. Before you start it briefly shows you what buttons are used but it never tells you what they do or what you're supposed to do. All of these minigames are terribly designed, terribly explained and feel terrible to play. What's worse is for the little story bits it tries to be a solemn reflection on the titular Mayo's father passing. This would of been a great opportunity to reflect on trophies or something in a meta way, but they try to do some wholesome "spend time with your loved ones thing" and with how its framed - you being a fucking jar of mayo, for one - it comes off like a really longwinded, out of touch and borderline disrespectful joke. Good intentions or not it just feels gross and cheap. It soured the already lackluster experience to begin with. This is the worst one yet.

Nancymeter - 30/100
Time Played - 1 hour 25 minutes
Trophy Completion - 100% (51/51) Platinum #226
Game Completion #8 of December
Game Completion #154 of 2022

completed the whole franchise, it was worth it..

Doesn't hit the highs of My Name is Mayo 2 but I did find myself surprisingly engaged with the narrative.

Emotional ending to a great series of "how to destroy your fingers". Also the second bit of the game was mid.