Reviews from

in the past

having to redo the worst stages in the game if you die at the final boss is awful but the rest of the game is fun

If you want to be a ninja.... you have to suffer like a ninja

Decently fun early on but it just gets frustrating later

I didn’t play this on Wii yet for some reason there’s no option to selected nes as the platform.

ANYWAYS this games a lot of fun and one of the action greats on the nes…..also it sucks and I hate it. Ok let’s just get this out the way there’s A LOT of bullshit in this game. Seriously the enemy placement is a mixed bag and the further you get into the game the more you’ll be pissed off by it. Especially the respawning enemies. Thankfully this game is the most manageable of the trilogy meaning you can actually enjoy the good parts of the series. The fast paced kinetic action and the precise combat. Everything in this game requires just the right timing to get through and getting to the point where you’re speeding through levels slashing up enemies while wall jumping and timing your hits just right is so satisfying. This game is brutal and at times unfair but its gameplay is thankfully rewarding enough to push you forward. The story and cutscene presentation is very solid too. I can admire the attempt here a lot and even today some of the sequences really stick with you and gives you motivation to keep you going. Even if In many ways it’s just a cheesy anime or action plot and can be a bit generic for what it is I think it was done very well.

son bossdan önceki bossun anasını eşşek kovalasın

Bu oyun tüm souls oyunlarından daha eğlenceli.

If Act 6 was fair I would give this game 3 stars

Para mi uno de los mejores juegos de nes tiene su grado de dificultad pero cuando lo dominas se hace algo facil.

(Played before 2023)
I get it, everyone loves this game. If you don’t like it you’re just bad, but this is the type of game that feels like it should be twenty minutes but takes eight hours because of poor, frustrating mechanics. I guess you get bragging rights if you beat this legit, which I did, but it probably ruined the experience since this game had cool movement for the time, fun slashing, good graphics and a killer soundtrack. But the got’cha mechanics got old really, really fast.

Did it again for the trilogy. PHD in Jaquiology holds up. I am Ryu Hayabusa.

PHD in Jaquiology, easy as shit, I'm a god, catch me any time and I'll beat 6-4 like I'm rubbing Leo's nards with sandpaper. Thanks Leo for the support. I am Ryu Hayabusa.

I don't think this is the NES version and it seems many people don't realize that.

post nut clarity if it was a game

Who would win?

A ninja with a dragon sword and spinning slashes

One feather boy

El juego que lo inició todo... Y bueno, es un juego arcade de los 80's, así que de base la dificultad no es su punto fuerte, debido a que como el objetivo de las empresas en aquella época era sacarte hasta el último centavo, se encargaron de hacer el juego lo más frustrante e injusto posible para que llegar al final sea casi imposible, con enemigos cuya hit box llega a ser impredecible, con poco o nulo tiempo de reacción, obligándote a moverte constantemente con tal de ponerte en la posición adecuada para poder golpear a los enemigos (mayormente fallando), sumado a unos controles lentos y tocos de a ratos, y que los enemigos por momentos vienen en hordas, da como resultado una jugabilidad frustrante y muy mal planteada. Jugablemente es bastante endeble en cuanto al combate, ya que solo consiste en machacar el boton de golpe hasta que el enemigo caiga, de vez en cuando usando la habilidad de lanzarlos y que a veces aparece una espada como power up momentáneo para poder vencer a los enemigos más facilmente (ryu lleva una espada todo el rato pero solo la usa si consigue un power up, lmao). Los jefes no destacan realmente, más allá de ser más grandes y hacer más daño que el promedio de enemigos (por no mencionar que los jefes del último nivel te matan de un golpe), y bueno, lo más positivo que puedo decir de este juego es que su presentación es competente, el diseño de nivel intenta variar con algunos gimmicks para que la travesía no solo sea de ir de punto A a punto B, y su banda sonora es muy buena, pero en general es un juego muy de su época, y envejeció fatal.

This game will haunt me in my nightmares for years. If not for being able to save whenever I want there is no way I would have been able to beat this game. Reaching the final boss and dying then having to restart all of the final level would have driven me insane.

Ninja Gaiden is an incredibly frustrating game, but also incredibly fun. It's one of those old school games that push you to be better and understand the rules in order to overcome them. And when you do, you feel incredible. Getting better at the game makes the game more fun and makes you want to play it over and over to keep getting better (or at least I did).

A lot of the challenge does come from unfairness caused by poor programming (most notably the respawning enemies and dying to the final boss sends you back to the beginning of the last level). While that is unfortunate and keeps me from giving it a perfect score, the game functions in its most important features, such as hitboxes, controls and movement.

And I think it's that paradox of being both incredibly unfair and incredibly fair that hits a sweet spot for an incredibly engaging title, worthy of being considered a classic. While rough around the edges, Ninja Gaiden is well worth playing even to this day.

No jetpacks allowed in the dojo

o wilson realmente foi muito cuzão com o fresh

Uno de mis titulos favoritos de la Nes. Una epica aventura acompañada de un diseño de niveles injustos donde por mas que mates enemigos nunca dejan de aparecer mas, acompañado de una banda sonora que inspira a que no te rindas. Cuenta con cinematicas que ayudan a enriquecer y entender la historia. Solo para los mas pacientes este juegazo.

One of the best games the NES has to offer. It's got some of that frustration of other NES games but they're not enough to ruin the game. A must play for retro game enthusiasts.

I have achieved a PHD in Jaquiology this shit baby food, i did it upside down with my hands tied behind my back with a broken madcatz controller while suffering from dehydration

La pinxe vieja de los palos como la odio

Very difficult which was cool honestly. Not much more than that for me, though. 5/10

Miksen voi laittaa NES:iä siihen :((((

Frustratingly difficult, but the controls hold up surprisingly well, making it quite fun to play