Reviews from

in the past

Do not let the guys who make unironic Walter White sigma edits on tiktok find out about this game.

Smells like Suda spirit.

This game is loud, crude, in your face, and maybe even a little obnoxious at times but I love it. It almost constantly maintains this super goofy over the top tone, and it never takes itself too seriously, opting to go all in on it’s satire of what I believe to be the entire video game medium.

The gameplay is an often disliked part of this game, but I feel it works incredibly well. In that classic Suda fashion, it chooses to purposefully stray away from something “fun” in favor of using the gameplay thematically. The game follows this super tedious, super linear format of grinding money, paying the United Assassins Association all your hard earned cash in order to set up the next rank fight, play a level to get to the boss, kill the boss, wash rinse and repeat. It isn’t very fun, especially the money gathering.

It seems pretty amateurish to have such a system, but under the lense that the game is a satire, it becomes a bit more meaningful. Think of a solid 80% or more of the games you’ve played and think about their gameplay loops. How much you do this gameplay loop under the runtime of the game. I don’t know about you, but for me I quickly realized that for a lot of these games I’m basically doing the same thing over and over. I just never notice it since these games strive to be fun and that masks the monotony.

By removing the “fun”, No More Heroes gameplay highlights how extremely repetitive so many games are. It laughs and makes fun of them.

Even the combat is like this; both the bosses and you only have a handful of moves and the bosses have A LOT of HP (especially the final boss) so you’re going to be going in cycles of dodging attacks, blocking attacks, counterattacking, and so forth over and over until eventually you or the boss dies. When I fought the final boss for the first time, my hands actually started hurting from how long I had to fight them.

And of course, it’s really impossible to talk about this game without talking about it’s protagonist Travis Touchdown, who is honestly one of my favorite video game protagonists ever. If I met him in real life I’d probably hate the guy, but as a character I love him. Travis perfectly encapsulates both the satiricalness of No More Heroes as well as it’s commentary beautifully.

If the gameplay and its format is satire of video games, then Travis, the one who’s actually rising up the ranks and doing the fighting, would be a satire of us, the players.

When we first see Travis just outside of the intro, he’s easily decapitating some guys and doing cool poses and the like. He seems like the most badass guy ever. Then we see his daily life and find out he lives alone in a motel, has no stable employment, has shelves of anime girl figurines, and his walls are plastered with Mexican wrestling masks (classic Suda).

Frankly, he lives a pretty pathetic life. He’s a very not subtle satiricalization of many video game players and anime fans, some guy who surrounds himself with fiction rather than attempting to improve his life. So when he’s a super cool badass it’s really an illusion masking this patheticness, and it’s really an illusion we would all want to be in reality. We would all want to be the cool guy destroying enemies and saving the princess and all that, and so in order to live out this fantasy we play video games and surround ourselves with fiction, just like Travis.

The game indulges in our fantasy with the rank matches, but after the level is done and the boss is slayed, we are forced to return back to the motel and our real lives. From there the only thing we can do is work and then blow off all our money towards more fantastical fiction…it’s kind of a depressing loop, and one I could easily imagine many people becoming entangled in. Hell, I could end up in that situation to be honest.

But despite some of its more saddening comments on modern consumerism, it still maintains a silly tone throughout. Messing around with Jeane the kitten in the motel, hearing about the ridiculous DVDs Travis rents, driving around town in an uber custom motorbike, it’s such a goofy and lovable title. In order to save the game you have to take a dump in a toilet for Christ's sake.

I haven’t played any other No More Heroes game just yet, but in the near future I’d love to play No More Heroes 2. From what I’ve read online it’s a somewhat less fondly loved game, but if it maintains at least some of the spirit this game has I know I’ll enjoy it, to some extent anyways.

one of the goatest games evar made

So crazy I can play this as a teenager and than later as an adult and love it for completely different reasons.

This game is quite a strange one, It feels like a Wii game but at the same time I feel like I would hate to play it on the Wii. The early game sucks like the bosses are really tanky and most of the time I feel like they weren't really engaging. It then picks it self up around the half way mark (I'd say after Destroy man). if this game were in a Mission based structure where you select the next stage or shop through a menu I feel like it would help with it's pacing but it's just not like that. For example, in the game, once you beat a boss you then have to complete very boring jobs to get enough money to move onto the next stage and I just don't like how it's done (maybe in the sequels it get better). The game does make up for it though with some great memorable characters who really help with the style it's trying to go for. That's not to mention the last like 2 bosses in the game with the dumbest twists ever but since this game doesn't take itself too seriously and I love them.

Tirando os bugs do port de PC e algumas side quests chatas o jogo é bem divertido

character + boss battles: 8/10
traveling in world + mini-games: 3/10
total evaluation: 5/10. Not that bad, not that good, just meh.

Un juego bastante único de lo que he jugado y pese a ser sencillito, su gameplay loop es bastante adictivo, y las boss fights son una chingoneria.

Suda51 se provando novamente Jesus Cristo no mundo dos jogos entregando o ápice da mente humana em forma de jogo, PEAK PEAK PEAK.

brother, isso aqui chegou tão perto de ser perfeito, mas as falhas dele me trazem um desgosto tão enorme que fez eu ter dor de cabeça jogando isso.
porém eu me diverti o mesmo tanto que tive dor de cabeça, eu só não quero pensar em grindar mais por um bom tempo, por que puta que pariu esse é um dos jogos com o grinding mais insuportável que eu já vi, sem mencionar as bolas.
mas tirando o grinding insuportável e umas falhas técnicas, CARALHO QUE JOGASSO.

What do the hell do I say about No More Heroes?
A subversive, funny as fuck, parody of the sandbox action genre (a popular style of game at the time)
It's story feels like an edgelord take on Scott Pilgrim, and the ending is a mindfuck that forgets what the fourth wall is.
I found it's combat exceedingly fun, and I found the lil minigames jobs in-between each story level to be oddly enjoyable.

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"i can't bear to look at your awful swordsmanship"
proceeds to boom my shit 86 thousand times with the cheesiest moves known to man. still better than shit joke + star wars reference ending

One of the best stories in a game, with my favorite video game character. So absurd, wacky, surreal, yet amusing and charming. Unforgettable characters and boss fights, kickass music, the gameplay loop is satisfying and cathartic. There really is no game like this one. A must play.

As melhores ficções da história são as que o autor só taca o fodase pro que os outros vão achar e fazem oque quiser, fiéis a suas capacidades e aos seus gostos.


games today wld never let u jerk off to recharge ur powers. people woke now :(

im on that good kush and alcohol

this is a really stupid game, and i love it so much. it gets surprisingly deep after a while with themes about how culture and media has desensitized us to violence and murder and how you can never truly escape the cycle of violence. once you're in, you can't get out. Travis is such a pathetic loser who is willing to kill hundreds of people just to score with some french chick, so you're rarely laughing with him but rather laughing at him. this is kinda a guilty pleasure of mine, because this game is really stupid most of the time, but it's campiness is more charming than obnoxious.

the perfect mix of style, ludo, and retardation

The choreboy wageslave aspect brings up a bit of trauma, but at least GODvis GODdown carries this game

The sheer amount of sauce and silliness carries the game hard, the core gameplay is severely lacking in depth, and once it gets a bit more difficult it really doesnt hold up, however the short length and pretty easy difficulty throughout makes sure it doesnt get too bad. Very funny and continuously surprising, but with a lot of possible improvements that I hope the sequels deliver on. Also possibly the horniest protagonist I have ever seen.

Very glad I didn't force someone to get this for me when I was 12. I would have made this game my entire personality.

La obra más popular de Suda51 y una de las más alocadas que tiene para ofrecer. Si bien es bastante sencillo para el género del hack and slash, me parece sumamente entretenido y satisfactorio el acabar con tus enemigos usando el Wii-mote.

Entre todas las capas de violencia desenfrenada, humor rojo y absurdo, un claro mensaje sobre como la búsqueda de una identidad y de un propósito en la vida te puede llevar a puede que no sea el mejor camino. Identidad que no puede ser llenada con parafernalia y metas superficiales.

Título Obligatorio para la Nintendo Wii.

Muita alma envolvida nesse bichinho aqui, uma pena que vejo ser tão pouco falado

O combate, mesmo não usando controle de movimento (Wii/Switch), é muuuuuito divertido, simples porém eficaz... só vai mostrar alguma fraqueza quando o jogo exige MUITO de ti, i.e. a absoluta última luta do jogo, essa sim pega um pouco, mas nada absurdo
Pra esse jogo ser o verdadeiro GOAT, um dos pontos que eu acho que há espaço pra uma melhora bem expressa é justamente o combate... a little rough around the edges, como uns bugs de camera, combates muito longos se tornando repetitivos a beça (olhando pra ti, Henry) e no geral, clássicos sintomas de um primeiro jogo numa franquia que experimenta com o novo. Impossível deles acertarem tudo de primeira

Visualmente falando, o jogo é lindo, óbvio que a parte técnica é fraca pois era um jogo de Wii que nem tentava ser realista, mas tudo é compensado com a direção de arte daoríssima

Minha maior decepção com o jogo foi a história, fica bem claro desde o início que o jogo é bem descompromissado com esse aspecto e não existe em função de contar uma história ou passar uma mensagem, mas ainda sim, acho que um contexto, pacing e escrita melhores deixariam o prato principal do jogo, os combates fodas, mais fodas ainda.
Muito momento com potencial incrível acaba sendo só "legal" pq não foi construído de forma satisfatória

Mesmo não sendo perfeito, é muito bom jogar algo diferente quando tudo que temos em evidência é tão similar ao próximo... esse ponto, por si só, já garante uns pontos a mais pro jogo ;)

Eu como maior mama bolas do Suda51 digo com o peito estufado
No More Heroes>Indústria de videogames
I myself being the most Suda51 ass-kisser, say with none remorse
No More Heroes> Games Industry

shout out my friend kadon for getting me this game! the gameplay is awesome i love hack&slash and the story (even tho i knew most of it) was fun! wasn't a big fan of grinding money in between boss fights but still made some fun out of mowing lawns and cleaning up graffiti.

He's too goated...
Stiff combat, but lots of fun minigames and fun open world to go around and get collectibles.
Soundtrack goes incredibly hard and some bosses like Holly Summers and BadGirl are the best.