Reviews from

in the past

Pokemon but I AM the trainer

From 2019 to 2022, I played this game daily and absolutely loved it. As time went on however, Niantic slowly began making changes to the game I didn't care for but ultimately, I uninstalled the game because I'd gotten what I wanted out of it and was ready to move on. I still remember my time with it fondly.

not paying attention to my surroundings hasn't ever felt this good.

I always have a blast playing the game, and its nice to see it still has a dedicated community.

Revolutionary at the time, now it has become boring

I almost get assaulted while playing this game. Real world is scary

I’m absolutely in love with the new avatar update and how it makes my guy look like a Xavier: Renegade Angel character

Repleto de contéudo e viciante até os dias de hoje

A game where the main appeal is catching guys and not battling, played by a man who hates catching guys and likes battling.

Decent. Even tho its still pay to win garbage mobile game

its really only fun if your at disney land or smth with some pals

destroyed my phones battery. got me to leave the house more though! would love to get back into it once I upgrade my phone.

Closest to world peace we will get

Comecei a jogar mesmo em meados de 2019. Jogava todo dia e foi muito importante pra mim. Jogava com amigos e conheci algumas pessoas em eventos do próprio jogo, esse é um diferencial muito grande que poucos jogos além de Pokémon Go conseguem proporcionar.

O sistema de captura é o ponto forte. É uma mecânica muito viva e que proporciona boas distâncias de habilidade entre jogadores novatos e experientes. É muito gratificante fazer um acerto perfeito!

still playing since 2016 so it must be doing something right

I'm hooked and can't stop plating, help me

Played at launch and loved it, came back last August and fell in love all over again. There are some questionable choices like the avatar design change but all in all the game is fun and enjoyable still despite what many will tell you about this gem of a mobile game

I love a raid boss escaping after hitting 8 Excellent curve throws in a row with Golden Razz

Adictivo en su momento. Sí me fomentó salir a caminar, pero al igual que me pasó con los juegos clásicos de Pokémon, una vez que sumaron más de los 150 originales perdí interés.

Tal vez lo retomé en algún momento, pero sólo hasta saber que ya han implementado nuevos modos de juego.

Puro Suco de 2016.

5/10 Mediano.
( Aliás, a comunidade dessw jogo é incrível... Uma das melhores que eu já vi, amo vocês 🙌 )

Nothing will top the hype of the first few months after this game's release. I may not play Go much these days, but what I played when it debuted alongside my wife & sister was a ton of fun. Plus the memes were on point & the sense of worldwide comradery was neat too. Everyone was playing it but it didn't come across as abrasive or annoying. Pokémon Go in 2016 was a vibe.

Na época que lançou e estava no hype, meu telefone era muito merda, e eu só conseguia jogar se eu carregasse o jogo com algum wifi e dps ativasse o 4G, se não o jogo não abria nem fudendo

até sua mãe jogava isso quando tava na moda

Eu, nerdão que gosta de ficar em casa, andar na rua e capturar pokemon? Nah

Pokemon GO was easily one of the best mobile games back when it first launched and keep going on strong for many years until last 2 years where they just been greedy sadly