Reviews from

in the past

This was the point where I realized that Layton would be way better as an animated show or series of movies.

i've got so much to say about this game that i don't even know what to write here. i just loved it so much and i cried real hard while playing it

Maybe it's just me - but I didn't like the move to 3D anywhere near as much as other people did. Also - not containing the game in a single, navigatable setting bummed me out. I know that's inconsistent with my love of "travel" games - but this felt more like a menu with multiple mini-adventures to choose from rather than a dedicated journey.

The last game of the trilogy, with amazing 3D animations and puzzles. I also really enjoyed all the minigames. There are a lot of plot twists in the story, and I think the Streetpass function should be included in a future game.

La historia tenia mas potencial y se queda un poco corta, por lo demas pues buenos puzzles.

El mejor final que se puso desear

sorry for playing this game first, i didn't know how professor layton games were supposed to be played

I feel like theres potential for a very good layton game here but its just not... it. The majority of the game is super disjointed and gets tedious after a while, and then theres just a series of reveals with little to no build-up. Not to say the game isnt fun, but i feel like the story couldve been constructed better in a way to make it more engaging

50 % du jeu me donne envie de crever, c'est quoi ce tour du monde tah Martin Matin qui découvre des nouvelles civilasations.
Par contre, la fin pépite, Emmy la grosse pétasse qui se dévoile au grand jour.

This game is a bunch of British people running around stealing artefacts.
One of them is Descole though, so it's okay.

my least favourite from the second trilogy, despite being the finale of it.

it has a great start, puzzles and soundtrack were great as always, but the story hampers down my overall enjoyment of the story. the middle part is dragged down by the whole world trip shenanigans, and not to mention that i wasn't satisfied with how the finale arc was executed.

i feel like level-5 was trying to pull off the same effect with the first trilogy but fails so hard bcos of how the story went. its a shame bcos layton is famous for pulling off tearjerkers at the end of the story.

I was soooo hyped for this when it came out, definitely a fitting end to the series. Naturally though, the ending of this game does not tie back very well to the first even though they REALLY try to.

Otro juego de la saga finiquitado! Me ha sorprendido bastante todo el tramo final, tiene un tremendo plot twist que no me lo esperaba pero me ha gustado!

Ya tengo toda la saga jugada y lista estoy para el nuevo Layton de Switch!

Je pense que c'est mon deuxième layton préféré.
L'histoire est top, les environements sont beaucoup plus beaux que le masque des miracles. Les ost toujours aussi bonne.
Mais je pense que le meilleur point du jeu est toute la fin les dernières heures sont tout simplement incroyables.
À faire absolument.

sinceramente eu quase fui tomado pelo hype do terceiro ato, ele é simplesmente perfeito e encerra o jogo de maneira ótima e vc se emociona tantas vezes que faz essa parecer a melhor coisa do mundo.

mas sinceramente? esse jogo só é parâmetro com os outros jogos da série por conta desse final, porque o resto do jogo tem um ritmo terrível com missões em cidades secundárias que não tem nada a ver e nem se interligam com a história principal. Essas missões são divertidas de fazer e descobrir mas nada demais.
E além disso a maior parte de jogo quase não tem as cutscenes maravilhosas, só na parte final que eu mencionei anteriormente que elas vem com força e como outro jogo da série.

a ost? boa, mas inferior ao q poderia ser.


How Many Plot Twists Can We Cram Into This - The Game

Terminada la segunda trilogía de Layton puedo confirmar que si bien da su lore importante tanto en la Llamada del Espectro como en este juego, está a años luz de poder compararse con la primera trilogía.

Es inconsistente en muchas ocasiones, tiene muchos aspectos de la historia sin cuidar. No se quiere explicar bien. Lo más llamativo es el punto en la historia en que decide realentizarse por completo, pierde el poco ritmo que tenía para pegar un sprint final que no te permite procesad todo lo que ha pasado por el ritmo parsimonioso del que se venía.

Hay varios personajes desaprovechados y sus motivos deben tener pero, esto a mi me transmite que quisieron hacer un juego más ambicioso de lo que al final fue.

Que este sea el último título de Layton y Luke no es digno para la propia saga.

By far, the best Layton yet on a purely visual level: never have the environments and locales been so lushly detailed, each puzzle so lovingly illustrated and animated. The actual puzzles are nothing extraordinary, though: very entertaining and enjoyable in their variety, but the series has had more inventive and challenging collections. The narrative, however, is arguably the series' worst: the pacing suffers from the non-linear structure as the final act's developments feel rushed, forced and unearned, while the end aims for an anime-esque grandiosity that feels alien to the series' original identity.

A middling end to the 2nd Professor Layton trilogy, but is still charming. The puzzles are weak but the game is still fun.

Was a birthday gift from my friends <3

Review in progress:
An extremely forgettable story compared to the original three games. No innovation whatsoever.

This review contains spoilers

An absolute marvel, visually and technically, and just absolutely rebounds from the series' first attempt at 3D. Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, this series' first on the 3DS, wasn't an awful game by far, but, especially compared to what this game accomplishes, really shows that they had a long way to go (complimentary). Just really builds high on the foundation that 'Miracle Mask' built, because this is a series that should've been really tough to adapt from 2D, since most of the charm of these games is its art. Upon playing this game for the first time, the only 'Layton' that I hadn't played before, I was astounded, again and again, at the environments and visuals this game creates within the bounds of the visual novel's diorama. After playing 'Azran Legacy', I have much higher expectations for the new installment, since this was just an amazing note to end on.

Story-wise, this game kind of pulls a "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull," in that it's just crazy how we got to here. The twists and turns that unravel in the final couple of hours just really start to craft a web whose string spells out "oh, holy shit... uh-huh..." Just kind of wanna run them down with you, real quick, for those curious or who might need a reminder.

- Professor Layton's assistant who has been by his side for three entire games (and one feature length animated film) is actually a double agent who has been working for a para-military force of international mercenaries run by a Hershel Layton's biological father.
- Which, yeah, Hershel Layton is adopted, by the way, but real quick, the archaeologist that invited Layton and co. to travel with him around the world is actually Layton's masked rival, Jean Descole, the antagonist of the last two games (and one feature-length animated film)!
- Oh, and he's Hershel Layton's biological older brother, whose name is actually Hershel. Yeah, turns out when they were around, idk, 7- & 3-years-old, Hershel was set to be adopted by the Laytons, but told his little brother, Theodore, to take his name and go away with the nice family. This left the future Jean Descole to toil away, alone, and obsess over the ancient civilization that his father was so obsessed with that he joined a para-military force of international mercenaries.
- Because, yes, the main antagonist, Leon Bronev, is Professor Layton and Jean Descole's biological father, who was kidnapped by a para-military force of international mercenaries who were hellbent on discovering the treasures of an ancient civilization that are, canonically, promethean humans whose big treasure they left for future civilizations to discover was actually the golem workforce that they gave conscious and reason to, who, during a slave uprising, almost annihilated said ancient civilization.

So, yeah, after unearthing that, I would also be like, "Hey, kiddo, I kind of feel bad I got you into a situation where you almost gave up your life for the entire human race, do you wanna just do an easy one and go to this curious village?"

This series is, just, so important to me. I really hope we get some news for the new one and that it's on the horizon for the first half of the new year. Level-5 on top!

It's a true Professor Layton game, through and through.

Good conclusion to the prequel trilogy, decent puzzles, great characters, and very charming all around, although both the stories and the puzzles drag in the middle.

It's biggest flaw is that it dumps all of it's lore on you in the third act and doesn't elaborate. It's horribly unbalanced, especially when compared to other entries in the series that sprinkle the lore throughout and then tie it up at the end (such as Unwound Future and Miracle Mask)

It's finally over
Not the ending we wanted, but the ending we needed. Thank you Layton

Started this, forgot it existed. I should try it again

Having played all the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy now, I've started to get tired of the writing style in Layton games where they throw twists without good foreshadowing or lead up between games. It really makes me feel like questioning everyone's motives without any reason. For puzzle games, it would be nice to have more payoff in puzzling out the plot. This game isn't really that much worse than the other Layton games, the series has just lost its charm for me.

Shame how expensive the series is getting now. Wish they did ports I feel like this entry in specific would be a great switch port.