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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

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Been waiting for this game for years since playing the demo, and it did not disappoint.
The thing that immediately drew me to this game when I played the demo was the style and the intriguing lore, and the full game is just more of that. I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan and generally hate it when a piece of media throws a million futuristic-sounding terms at me and expects me to remember or care about them (which this game did a bit as well), but the lore was pretty consistent and not too overbearing. It was the right amount of vague and mysterious at times too
The combat felt very satisfying and gratifying to learn; it was exactly as difficult as I wanted it to be. It was challenging and made me bite my thumb in frustration a bunch, but it never felt unfair. There were a couple of difficulty spikes/skill checks, most notably the first real boss fight. I only managed this one with relative ease because I had spent some time learning this fight in the demo. fun fight, though. the boss battles were so enjoyable that I found myself wanting to replay them just for fun, which I never do

also, I would die for shuanshuan. baby boy. baby.

Didnt really know anything about this game going in other than 1) its published by annapurna and 2) its a game involving puzzles and patterns and ciphers and mysteries, aka a game for me. I did not expect to be as into this game as I was.
This is a really effective puzzle game, once you get going it completely ensnares you in its gameplay loop. There keep being new crumb trails to follow both in the puzzles you solve and the mystery you unravel. You probably need to take some notes while playing this which is a plus in my book.
The central mystery is incredibly intriguing (if pretentious, but i forgive it), and much of my gameplay time was spent reading and re-reading notes i found to try and piece together some tangible narrative, but it was not until the end that (most of) the full picture became clear (which I didnt mind, and honestly at that point i wouldve been happy NOT to get explicit answers from the game)
Obviously the one big flaw that many people have already talked about is the bizarre control scheme, especially when the player has no option to set custom controls. This is a weird choice and causes some frustration and confusion, but i personally didnt find it that detrimental to my enjoyment (plus i really truly got used to it. still a bad design choice, but tolerable)

This game lived in my head rent-free after i just started chapter 11 so I accidentally solved the entire case at 2 am and physically sat up going ''OH SHIT'' when i Realized. Game good