Reviews from

in the past

Fun, quick, imaginative little game. Some parts can seem overwhelming or impossible, but everything's doable, and completing a puzzle or level is really satisfying. Plus there's a neat option for speedrunning, if that's your thing. Through its visual cues and forgiving structure, it never got so difficult or frustrating that I gave up on it. That said, the game can be beaten in less than two hours, so if you only feel like going through it once, its regular price can seem a bit steep. But overall, I enjoyed my time with it!

I really like qomp. Always introducing new mechanics to test you and keep your interest. The minimalist visuals and audio are great, and the achievement are very reasonable (no speed run or zero death stuff).

Kreativ, geht nicht auf den Sack, anspruchsvoll, aber nicht zu hardcore (dafür ist der Challengemodus im Anschluss.. den habe ich nicht mehr gemacht :D)

Klare Empfehlung, wenn man mal 1-2 Stunden Zeit hat und nicht mehr als einen Button drücken möchte.

this is what video games exist for

This game has very clear passion behind its creation, especially in its level design. It's clearly made with the philosophy of "I have this base idea for a game and will make every possible level idea that I have and put it in the game" and I love it for it. The type of game I would like to make.

You are the pong ball, and you want to escape. qomp is a superb game. A 90 minute, one-button platformer that - despite its limited control scheme - manages to be an exciting and mechanically satisfying action platformer for its full duration thanks to exceptional level design. 100% worth playing.

fun game :D. short playtime but its worth it

Very simple one button game that somehow keeps reinventing the game mechanics every chance it has.

thoroughly enjoying this new wave of platformers like qomp and ynglet that are very unabashed about flipping the incredibly stale genre on its head. it's refreshing to seem a game like this that constantly reinvents its core mechanics every 10-20 minutes, plus this is only 90 minutes so i can definitely see myself replaying it in the future

Pequeña cosa que dura una hora y media pero que cada segundo derrocha originalidad y buenas ideas.

Una pequeña sopresa de "plataformas" buscando la libertad y con unos niveles muy cuidados junto a unos bosses muy originales con un control que es literalmente un boton.


normalize short games like this one, great experience with length and price comparable to a movie theater excursion

Short, simple and really clever in how it recontextualizes iconic symbols and ideas to play with them in new ways, to then transform that even further just when you're about to get comfortable.

Genuinely endearing little puzzle game with the perfect blend of planning and reaction in its puzzle design.

In an hour and fifteen minutes, this game takes the core one button concept in a variety of different directions without really exploring any of them. Sometimes it plays like a meta joke on video game iconography, other times it's a surprisingly regular ol' platformer with tricky obstacles and locked doors etc. In the end it's... a missed opportunity?

A genuine effort that wins you over by being good and earnest. More than simply the 1 button game.

The narrative ideation gives it so much soul and along with the audio and visual art elevates it far beyond a gimmicky limitation.
Puzzles are great and varied, and not to forget well layered which gives the game great mileage out of a few elements. The mechanical and visual design is straightforward and translates well into being simple to understand and fun to play with. You've got boss fights and they're great.

A sub 2-hour elegant game. Recommending it couldn't be easier.

A pretty novel use of a one-button game.
The levels were well designed with generous checkpoints, and each introduced a new mechanic or a new twist on existing mechanics.
The boss fights were good, but it wouldn't have hurt to have more variety.
A short game with no fluff or collectibles and doesn't overstay its welcome.

aquelas pessoas que por medo da criatividade compartilham do sentimento de que "a cortina é azul porque ela é azul" e brincam que o leitor pretensioso vai ver pong como uma alegoria à guerra fria têm pesadelos com esse jogo todas as noites, acordam suadas, sem entender o porquê

Tío, después de Uncharted 2 esto ha sido un soplo de aire fresco!


Man, after Uncharted this is a breath of fresh air!

Really clever 1 button adventure game, unique concept with cool mechanics and good level design - really enjoyed but can’t rate it any higher than this bc it was too short and the ending was pretty weird and not great

Really nice game. an interesting selection of mechanics all taking on the basic idea of pong.

¿Que le pasaria a la pelota del pong si consiguiera escapar del juego? Pues que se encontraria con un corto, divertido e ingenioso juego de puzzles que basa su control en un único botón.

Simpatico, ma calmiamoci tutti.

No venía buscando nada, y me fui con uno de los mejores juegos del año.

- Es un derroche constante de nuevas ideas.
- Los "bosses" son tan ingeniosos que da verdadera pena que sean tan pocos.
- Su control es preciso y milimétrico pese a controlarse con un único botón.

- No siempre queda del todo claro hacia qué dirección va a cambiar la "bola".
- Algunas de sus ideas no se explotan todo lo que podrían.
- Aunque se preste a ser un juego corto, quizás se queda DEMASIADO corto.

qomp sells itself PONG by way of Frog Fractions, and the beginning and end deliver on that cute subversive meta-concept, but it's the hour of frustratingly stiff and repetitive puzzle solving in the middle that stops it from being anything I can personally recommend.