Reviews from

in the past

Viva la banda sonora de este simulador de Rumanía.

Better character creation than baldurs gate 3

A great Wii platformer, very underlooked. Filled with charm everywhere.

everything in this movie seems like it would taste like the best peace of meat youve ever eaten

These guys are fucking annoying it's the minions on steroids but it works here this a hood classic a true hidden gem on the Wii.

This is just one of those games you had to grow up with to appreciate I’m sorry to say. It’s a stupid fucking masterpiece.

Definitely the most polished and playable rabbids game i've played thus far. Not saying much, but it's true. The game is a sorta top down actiony game where your goal is to collect a bunch of crap to build a giant pile to the moon. No jumping, so it's not really a platformer, but also not a lot of combat, so its not a super actiony game. Kinda interesting in that regard i guess. I will say though that theres a lot of visual polish put into this game, especially with its animations, so honestly I can respect this one more than most other rabbids games in that it feels like there was actually some semblance of passion and heart put into this one, not unlike the same praises that get spoken about the much later-released mario rabbids. Definitely not something for a more serious gamer to get invested in, but if you are either a casual gamer or a kid theres plenty here to enjoy. This is an actually good rabbids game.

I will go back and play through this again one day. Had so much fun with this back in the day.

"For Once, It's Fun"

This game should have been a LOT shorter. When you look at the whole package, you have a relatively decent platformer with a bit of goofiness and charm dashed in. However, those first few hours slowly ramp up into a truly good experience, and if this weren't Ubisoft making the game (always known for making properly paced videogames), this would have been pretty good. Instead, this one exists as one of the few enjoyable "Rabbids" games, though it's still a flawed experience.

The game doesn't have much of a story, and the humor is juvenile and mainly slapstick in nature. Some of the jokes/situations were funny, but it wore really thin over the course of the entire game. This is mainly because locations are repeated with different levels showing alternate stories in each location. If each location only had one level, I think they would have been more memorable. I enjoyed the fact that they went in a goofy direction though and didn't just rely on them being solely annoying.

Despite this, there is fun to be had. I liked the concept of kidnapping a diseased patient and using their sickness to "boost" between platforms, the idea of causing a farmer to crash his truck while stealing his cow, and the fact that the Rabbids, at one point, commit terrorism in order to steal a jet engine off of a plane MID-FLIGHT. This stuff was pretty golden and reminded me of older cartoons like "Tom & Jerry" and "Looney Tunes".

The gameplay is fairly simple, with you controlling a pair of Rabbids in a shopping cart as they go around collecting "stuff" for their "ladder to the moon". You have a boost (charged by drifting) and a "Bwaaa" (force attack) used for making jumps or destroying obstacles. These worked well for the most part, but there were many times, especially late-game, where the boost wouldn't trigger properly and would cause me to miss a jump and have to re-do sections again and again.

I also disliked that when you failed certain sections, you would lose all of the materials you collected prior to the checkpoint you respawn at. This means that for some levels, if you die, you have to repeat the whole level if you want to get a semi-decent score. The game is pretty casual despite this, so this feels like a design error more than anything.

Replaying this again with a working Wii controller, I have to say that it still can control a bit finnicky. Movement doesn't feel as tight as you'd like it to be, but at least I didn't encounter the glitch where I couldn't stop using the "Bwaaa" move like before. I also had to emulate this one, and that version is kind of a mess still despite "Dolphin" emulator being updated to run most games well. This led to missing textures and moments where I would glitch through the level (always during an elevator transition). It sucks that this version is in this condition since most people will likely play it via this method in the future.

I didn't expect to like this one, but I did. This is probably the best that Ubisoft can do when it comes to using the "Rabbids" in a standalone game, since they tend to make their games far too long. Still, I actually found these things charming and funny, which I had believed to be impossible.

Final Verdict: 6/10 (Above Average)

este juego es impresionante, todo bien, la muscia increible, si eres un chaval de 13 años probablemente este sea tu peak videojuegos de juegos pegi 12

I hate that this is actually good.

went home to yo mamas house

Rabbids go to your moms house

the second most exciting thing you can do with a wii mote

way more fun then expected going in! Genuine blast from start to finish! For sure wanna play again in the future!

this game was so stupid and fun when i was younger, a true gem from wii

Wait, it's not just Mario Party rip off? And it's... actually kind of fun? What the fuck?!

Don't remember much of it since I was so young when I played. But I remember having a love/hate relationship with this game. I love the rabbids and the goofy story. I loved going through the game from start to finish. But I remember hating the controls. I cant remember why but I hated the controls and got so angry every time I died in the game too. But that's mostly because I had mega anger issues as a child.

Katamari nur mit Rayman Charakteren und einem Einkaufswagen in der Hauptrolle

Best Rabbids game, interesting spin on Katamari

Na also Ubisoft, ihr könnt doch was gutes mit den Rabbids anfangen. Es ist nicht die beste Videospielerfahrung, aber trotzdem ein konstant solider Qualitätsstandard.

In a surprising move, Ubisoft took steps to freshen up their Rabbids characters with an entirely different genre of game- a unique collect-a-thon adventure in which the Rabbids try to build a massive pile of stuff on their way to the moon.

Freed from the clutches of mini game compilations, Rabbids Go Home feels like such a breath of fresh air and for a while is a genuinely fun adventure. Running amok and wreaking havoc in these levels is so much fun and the Rabbids slapstick charm is on full display.

After a while, levels start to repeat and the gameplay grows stale. This game definitely overstays its welcome before it’s through, and the repetition holds back an otherwise unique experience. Still, those first few hours are such a blast and it’s definitely one of the best Rabbids offerings out there.

Objetivamente el mejor juego de la historia.