Reviews from

in the past

Eu fui muito duro com você… se não fosse o sistema de progressão com certeza esse jogo seria muito mais valorizado, porque ele realmente é bom. Se você abandonou ou só pulou, dê uma chance a esse jogo, alguém me disse a mesma coisa (Valeu Nier), eu fui re-jogar, e agradeço, ótimo jogo de verdade. Caso precise, use o Cheat Engine e seja feliz

Inclusive uma das OSTs desse jogo virou uma das minhas favoritas da franquia: Trrns Beat

Fun game with absolutely ridiculous and shitty RNG
catchy music
very cute girls and art

don't feel bad if you want to cheat

it's a creative expansion to the title, using rng/lottery as a way to attack but it can get really annoying at times. that's the main reason why i can't like the game too much

the art is cute and charming for the rance series, some of the music is fun too. albeit it doesn't fit the rance series personally.

the gameplay is fucking atrocious but storywise it was fucking funny and i enjoyed it

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Rance TRICKS Bird into staying in Genbu Castle. Leaving Bird to be stuck in there until someone swaps with him. EVEN THOUGH Rizna and Kagekatsu were the ones who got Rizna out, and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS GAME! This game is when the Bird torture porn started to become a regular staple in Rance games and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all.

All Bird wanted to do is enjoy one woman to himself. But that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives in the Continent near Rance and Sill.

returns to the series roots but instead of having dog shit combat/exploration it's more like playing a mildly influenceable board game. biggest downside is that it's genuinely impossible past a certain point if you don't steadily level up; best to just normal-spin your way through everything

bird plays a key role so it's worth experiencing for that alone. we love psychological torment

Story is nice.
But fuck them' RNG rolls

Decent "game". The writing in this one is so over the top even for Rance standards that it enhances an otherwise subpar experience gameplay-wise, the silliness of the dialogues got me laughing a lot and even the story in its simplicity is decent and a return to the first Rance games self-contained stories. Just to be clear I used the term "gameplay", but the reality is that this game has none of that. 5D totally ignores the fact that until this game, and even after it from what I saw of VI, the Rance series offered some challenges to the player. I don't see anyone struggling with this one because the only skill required is spinning a wheel, setting up your party equip, and praying. So yea I wouldn't call this one a "good game" but despite that, despite failing to be a "good game" it doesn't fail in being a good experience overall. Also I can't be mad at the game that introduces Copandon and Rizna.

Única coisa boa desse jogo é o final fofo com a Sill

ainda assim é melhor que o 4.1 e 4.2

Honestly, I think this game gets a bit of a bad rap, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. Due to an extremely rocky production cycle, the scope of this game was cut significantly. The gameplay ultimately boils down to a shitload of RNG that you have some influence over. Autosaves are pretty generous, so you shouldn't have trouble beating the game.

The saving grace is the always-hilarious writing of this series. That alone makes this game worth playing. Rance will never not be entertaining.

For a more detailed critique, watch this video -

rizna cute also just get lucky idiots

This is just dumb fun with a fantastic soundtrack. Not much to say.

Purely random, but the fact how abusable it is makes up for it, making the gameplay loop engaging in it's own strange way. It's a dumb game, but it's also a fun dumb game.
Also, you get to cuck Bird again, so what's not to love about it?

Nah who let TADA cook with this whacky ass gameplay. Story pretty good as per usual tho.

one star goes to the OST, the other is 'cause i got to bully bird again

Amazing game, just don't be a 大凶 and you'll be fine.

Seemingly an RNGfest but you have more control than you think. Would be highly repayable if not for the godawful adventure game segments. Very funny.

Cool story and characters, but the gameplay is just AWFUL

I hate the gameplay too much,I had to restart the game 23 times because I suck at video games.

this game is just a huge elaborate shitpost

Honestly, not that bad. Is this game an unending RNG spam simulator? Yes, very much so. But given a bit of perseverance and possibly some outside help it's not really painful in any way; it's a brisk game with a short runtime that keeps the gears in your head turning, and the RNG acts more as a spice than a wall or a serious obstacle for the most part. If you want an epic traditional RPG then yeah, you're better off playing Rance VI, but if you're okay with a game that pushes the envelope and tries for more experimental design, this is a thoroughly entertaining time.

Install Rance 5D.
Open Rance 5D.
Close Rance 5D.

Playing this game is what being a uni student feels like

Hilariously stupid gampeplay, at least it's short.

"I began to get a feeling... of being the only sane man in a nut house. It doesn't make you feel superior but depressed and scared, because there is no one you can contact."
— Will Dennison, And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, by William S. Burroughs