Reviews from

in the past

I almost feel like Ubisoft wanted this game to fail with how much they delayed it and when they actually released it. Must be because this series isn't so easy to chug out annually because the developers actually care about what they're making.

A genuinely fun 2D platformer with some cool ideas. It's available on consoles that aren't the Wii U, though, so play this one ANYWHERE ELSE!

The best that Rayman ever was, or ever will be. Tight, fluid platforming , and gorgeous visuals. It even contains a buttload of levels from Origins!

A fantastic and varied platformer with infinite content if you let it take hold of you. The single player content is already excellent with a lengthy main mode and extra levels from Origins on top of it. The other portion of the game is the online challenges where you compete in random generated content for the top ranking. On the vita, the competition is fierce and it can be difficult to get a platinum if you try to get it legit. The vita version is a great port btw. Either way, don’t miss out on this if you enjoy the genre.

Dissapointing. Origins better.

muito foda, só fiquei perdido na ultima fase de musica

I love the modern Rayman games so god damn much, wow. Rayman Legends has not aged a single day in the last ten years. It still looks absolutely stunning and its controls are the most satisfying out of any 2D platformer I have ever played.

And the levels, my GOD THE LEVELS. Rayman Legends goes absolutely bonkers with all of its ideas and I love it. As a result, it's both fun in single- and multiplayer. Usually, platformers can get really annoying in multiplayer (looking at you, NSMB), but Legends is fun no matter how you play it.

Possibly the only gripe I have with Rayman Legends and the reason as to why I prefer Origins by just a tiny bit is that it kind of doesn't feel like an adventure and more like a level pack. The whole thing of the hub world being a gallery and level themes being all over the place with little cohesion makes it feel a bit artificial. Idk, I prefer the epic adventure vibe of Origins. But that's a tiny nitpick, Rayman Legends is still one of the best 2D platformers ever made in my opinion.

Legends definitely has a more consistent flow of difficulty when compared to Origins, but also feels a lot easier overall. I’m also not a huge fan of the Murphy levels. But it’s still a great game with it still containing most of Origin’s strengths.

A flawed sequel that, while ambitious, misses the mark quite a bit. Still, the main gameplay is still as fun as before, as are most levels. In fact, they're actually more inspired this time, and there's more side stuff too. However, the game's main new gimmick, Murphy, is awful. There's way too many touch screen only Murphy levels where you don't get to platform yourself. Also, worlds are gated by Teensies from the start, meaning you can't just blast through stages first time anymore. Alas.

Basically Crash bandicoot and Sonic combined.