Reviews from

in the past

When you're thirsty for Resident Evil as a young PS1 owner, you'll play anything.

its honestly not that bad if you play it less like a light gun game and more like your traditional classic resident evil if it was a first person shooter
its not that good either though

Truly miserable game. Some of the worst animation ever pressed to disc. The controls just scream "we wanted to make this a lightgun title but ran out of time and/or money"—there is really just no excuse for an FPS from 2000 to play like this. PS1 DOOM, while flawed, is entirely playable and it came out five years earlier on the same hardware.

In spite of itself, it does manage to actually have atmosphere in some areas. Most of it owes a debt of gratitude to recycled RE2 assets. This is spoiled every thirty seconds, though, by what I am confident calling the worst videogame voice acting of the last 25 years. The protagonist sounds like a dopey cartoon beaver trying to find his car keys.

Menos mal que no dura más de dos horas

An awful game but 10/10 recommend playing just for the memes

Not a masterpiece nor a classic by any means, but pretty fun RE spin-off, especially with a GunCon (or a Wiimote used as such in my case).

Writing and voice acting are bad, but hilarious in a RE1 way. The overall story concept is unironically cool for a horror though, I would like to see it done right in a proper remake.

The controls are clunky by today's standards, but manageable if you're generally used to retro games. The biggest issue is the lack of saves and limited continues - the game is short, yet still takes up to 3 hours if you don't rush, read files and watch cutscenes.
However, it lets you save your weapons and files between attempts - either after successful playthroughs or Game Overs. And there is a reason to replay the game - at many points you can take alternate paths and find specific files and weapons on each, I think it's pretty cool.

Although Resident Evil Survivor has nothing to offer the average modern gamer, it might be interesting for PS1 enthusiasts or Resident Evil completionists.

Meh, a franchise as awesome as this one did not need a game such as this (the controls, the gameplay,... not really good).

i took me months to find a working light gun to play this game and it turned out to be meh, i like the setting, but that's it

ooooooohohoho this is dogshit. this protag is how ethan winters haters must see ethan and it's excruciating, although the awful cutscenes are really the only thing about this that makes it worth playing. Clunky, slow and worthless, and the few original environments it could come up with would've been better used in a real RE game instead of whatever this is. But it's canon so i had to play it!!!!!!!! Bring on dead aim yeah woooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A solid enough shooter that has a few unique ideas like branching paths that give you different guns with each play through, but the controls are the main thing that holds it back (why the fuck can’t I look up?) The fact you can beat each run in under two hours makes it a lot easier to recommend, since even with its problems it doesn’t outstay its welcome. That and the classic RE shitty voice acting makes the story hilarious to go through.

Esse foi o primeiro Resident Evil que joguei na vida e fazia muitos anos que não jogava ele de novo. O jogo continua divertidamente ruim, cheio de paradas bizarras, mas é extremamente recomendável pra qualquer fã de RE.

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A disappointing twist that takes away all the fun and nuance of the story just to give the protagonist a happy ending, the game would be much more interesting if it maintained the proposal of controlling a character who’s a bad person in a city of sons of bitches, but unfortunately it didn't happen.

And the final boss fight is anticlimactic.

A game ahead of its time:
-All brown and gray, looks like from the ps3 generation, ugly as fuck
- Launched broken and needed a patch (but there was no patch yet lol)
Enemies just don't damage if you don't look directly at them.
Zombies = high school classmates you pretend not to see when you run into them at the mall.

Yeah, this ain't it chief. Terrible controls, a very dumb storyline, and confounding gameplay decisions make this game just a chore to play.
I played for two hours straight trying to find a save spot so I could go to bed, only to find out you can't save in this game. You have to play through the entire game in one sitting. I don't know whose idea that was, but I hate it. I ended up just closing the game and going and watching a playthrough on youtube of someone who knew what they were doing, because I wasn't going to sit for six hours trying to fumble through it on my own.
I honestly don't even remember anything about the characters and I just played it, that's how boring they are. This is definitely not one in the series you need to bother going back and visiting.

Vale la pena por lo menos jugarlo una vez ! Un mini resident evil en primera persona , con elementos clásicos de los primeros 3 titulos de la saga .
Se tiene que terminar en una sesión ya que no hay save ni password, haciendo esto la experiencia suvirvor mas tensionante.

Not as bad as I was led to believe, but still absolutely one of the worst RE titles. It has baffling controls that work just fine but definitely demonstrate that, even in 2000, we were still figuring out first person shooters.

The acting and story are campy and one-dimensional, even by RE standards, and the game is just long enough to make sure you don't seek a replay. But it carries the thrill of a lightgun game! Even if that is all it carries.

La historia tenía potencial, el gunplay es muy malo, ya había mucho mejores de el mismo subgénero. Mucho reciclaje de modelados del RE2 evidencia la falta de ganas, para sacar un par de ventas nomás. Una pena, si lo hacían bien podría haber salido un buen spin-off. Aún asi me gustaría mucho un remake o reimaginación, tiene un par de escenarios copados.

No veo la hora de que salga el remake fan con cámaras fijas, respetando el estilo noventero. Garpa para eso, no para la cámara en primera persona.

Injustiçado talvez...? mas não tive paciência de zerar kkkkkkk

As I sit here and think back as to what really to say about this game I come to the realisation that this game is SO bad and such a insult to the RE series that it goes from pathetic to funny! This game is like The Room or the Ed Wood of RE games with terrible coding, writing and even voice acting that makes the first game sound great!

In this game you play as some guy who, after having a fight with someone in a helicopter, crashes down and ends up suffering from amnesia, but recovering quickly enough to start killing approaching zombies who all drop a form of loot. Due to the way this game is designed, there are no "Puzzles" to figure out beyond merely grab item, use item in the obvious place and then get a key to advance to the next area.

The translation is pretty terribly translated, giving me flashbacks to Castlevania 2, even though I played that game long after this! They seem to mix up what they mean in their terms and I am both confused and concerned about what the notes were alluding to. First they said about how they had imported boys for their experiments, but then they also said they took them to the nightclub in town to give them a sense of freedom and I guessed they were trying to say teenager/young adult from the age of one or two of them, but the translation makes it sound like they're significantly younger!

It's difficult to give an exact breakdown of the story as it changes depending on the choices you make at the beginning and I ended up fighting off Umbrella tactical agents, but you do get a different situation depending on your choices and where you go.

I use of assets from the first two RE games is very insulting in this game since in many cases they don't work, like AVGN experienced with the spiders or they transform Mr. X, the terrifying stalking horror in the second game, into a slightly bullet-spongy enemy who dies after you shoot him enough times, but there's many more where he came from!

It's so bad that it has to be seen and laughed at to be believed! The last game on the PS1, making that great system not go out with a bang but a wet fart.


I wanted to play this game, just out of interest, and I finished it in less than an hour and a half. Somehow has worse voice acting than the original Resident Evil. Every line has varying quality of echo, especially the little girl, whose voice actor recorded their lines in a cave. There is not much to this game. It's meant to be played with a light gun technically, which may be marginally more enjoyable than slowly scrolling left to right, unloading my infinite ammo into enemies. Speaking of left to right - it's frustrating how you can't look up or down, especially when everything is not exactly eye level with your character. If you're in the right position, you can just literally run past everything. Even the thousand Mr. Xs. The final boss has a creepy design, but it's annoying as hell. Overall, it's OK. Also my first thought when seeing his design was "Ethan?"

So this is a RE Lightgun game, except it's not because it's not designed like a lightgun game. It's literally the RE2 engine and enemies in first person and you hold the aim button to bring up a tiny reticle. Your pistol has unlimited bullets and can deal with 90% of the rooms you face. There's no exploration, no puzzles, no back tracking, and enemies respawn when re-entering a room. So there's actually no need to fight anything you come across.
The game's plot is laughable. It actually has a so bad it's good energy. The main character has amnesia, until he doesn't, and casually mentions he's Leon's best friend. His mission is to rescue 2 randomly British orphans voiced by the same person. The game has 3 voice actors that all sound like they recorded in separate warehouses.
I'd almost recommend it on that, but the last boss killed the ironic enjoyment. It eats all your good ammo before going into a 2nd, then 3rd phase. So you're down to the crappy pistol and have to spend the remainder dodging their attack, getting off 2 shots, and repeating. Half my playtime is on the final boss.
Also the game doesn't have saves, so you have to do it all in one sitting.
The only other notable oddity is that this games plot revolves around a secret Umbrella facility where they extract the adrenochrome out of childrens' brains to experiment with. Which is the thing Qanon Truthers believe Democrats do?

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Man this game is awful, it's just stupid how to story progresses and that they made this canon to the main story only because LEON FUCKING KENNEDY asked the main character, Arc Thompson, to investigate Sheena Island to find out what is Umbrella up to, i mean, it's dumb.
I gave it 2 stars only because the game is actually very short and i classify this as a good point.
Moral of the story don't touch this game.

Um jogo com história a parte da série original e até que boa, mas sua gameplay é muito chata e as vezes tediosa. quem gosta da franquia , pode ser que vá gostar. jogabilidade estilo 1º pessoa com comandos simples. gráficos pobres para seu tempo , até parecendo ''downgrade'' do seu antecessor.

Guilty pleasure game. This is like "The Room" of Resident Evil. Also, surprisingly deep with branching paths. You could easily get 12 unique playthroughs out of this piece of sh*t if you wanted to.