Reviews from

in the past

It was alright time. I personally would get bored in the middle of my runs.

Best FPS final boss I've fought

Lots of fun with this one! Didn't exactly see much reason to keep playing it after beating it a couple times though, but for those first however many runs it took to get there, I had quite the blast.

Gunplay and movement is fun, progression systems are pretty interesting with how you unlock new paths and permanent gadgets. Looks pretty good.

Some situations can get a bit too hectic, especially with weapons that ask to be in closer ranges, and you can sometimes feel screwed by not being able to see stuff because of the fps viewpoint.

Pretty enjoyable game overall, it does exactly what it says on the can, and does it quite well.

A very solid fps game that becomes completely tedious by the end. Way too little variation in my opinion and I think the gadgets being permanent always on upgrades ruins any difficulty you can have. By the time I finished my first run I felt really satisfied but felt no desire to keep running the game. Still I think the gameplay is really fun and engineer is best class.

The rogue-like/lite genre has quickly become my favorite over time. My gateway being Risk of Rain 2, which has stayed at the top and will presumably stay that way. So, when I heard about a funky little FPS robot rogue-lite game with overwhelmingly positive reviews, it naturally peaked my interest.

I bought it, played it, "finished" it, and I was not disappointed. The game offers six different classes with one primary ability and a secondary, along with upgrades for said abilities; and in rogue-like/lite fashion, the game will start off semi-slow but will increase quickly with more upgrades. Movement is a big part of the game as it is a movement shooter, and the number one rule of movement shooters is DO NOT STAND STILL! It is self-explanatory why you shouldn't. The movement could have gone harder, though; Roboquest only has guardrails to boost your speed and double jumping. Just a minor complaint from my end. Your biggest enemy will be the RNG, which is a prominent mechanic in rogue-likes. It usually spices up the gameplay and is what makes it replayable. The only RNG in this game that can make or break your run is what weapons you get. Now, I am sure all of the weapons can be used in an effective manner; however, the weapons I am not good with are objectively the bad ones.

Lastly, there is a story; without going into spoilers, it's... Okay? It's nothing thought-provoking, although with the rampant talk and rise of AI, it did come out at a fitting time. Also, f#ck AI art.

Solid game that like every other roguelike gets boring after a some runs and mastery of the basics.

Solid rogue-lite. I was expecting something Borderlands-y, but i was pleasantly surprised by how, instead, it's way more of a fast movement-oriented game.

My only nitpick so far is that the unique skills available to most of the classes seem to only offer additional offensive tools, rather than providing other kinds of support. I always end up using the starting class, because its shield ability feels like it actually increases my general agency on the play. While I rarely feel like I need Other ways to deal damage to enemies.

Art and sound direction are amazing, the gameplay and movement is kinetic and extremely addicting. An exceptionally fun rogue-lite that feels amazing to just move and shoot in.

The story is a little barebones but it wasn't what I was interested in this title at all, and its made up for with its cute cutscenes and exceptional character designs.

Mechanically the game has a little to be desired when it comes to run to run variance, some classes feel exceptionally overpowered and by contrast others feel weak. But most runs boil down to chasing a certain set of core upgrades and the most expression comes from what gun you are using to finish with.

Picked up on gamepass after being bored and wanting to try games out. Robot roguelike sounded interesting so I gave it a shot. This game feels like so many rougelikes in 1 massive game. It has a massive array of guns with different abilities like Dead Cells, it has the speed of combat like Hades and has a very nice overrall design. Also the speed that you can get while figjting is so much fun and kind of feels like Doom eternal in a way. Only issues I have is the rift is a bit ridiculous without the Ranger class and also Chapter 3 minibosses are EXTREMELY brutal.

this is the SHIT, man

rogue-like etc wait till you unlock this/that NAH; you can absolutely pop off in this game, right from the jump

phenomenal account of movement, weapon feel, and enemy/level design that absolutely slaps.

there is a proper skill ceiling in this thing i can't wait to see how freaky it gets

jetback is busted and kinda betrays a lot of movement and level design challenges

i hope more folks discover Robo Quest. RyseUp you made a banger if you're reading this i love you

Not finished yet but insanely fun, the combat is really good, the classes seem pretty
mechanically deep, and the perks plus weapons allow for some cool ass builds. The story
isn't great (at least so far) but the gameplay carries it really hard. The puzzles are not the
best and it definitely feels like your progress plateus super hard like 7 hours in, there's also
a bunch of unlockables that you can find that you don't get to use for a while and late game
areas that need unlockables without any clear way of telling you how to get them or even
where to look.

Simplesmente um roguelike extremamente gostoso de se progredir, classes divertidas, mapas e artes excepcionais, tem MUITO carinho envolvido nesse jogo, junto com muita personalidade e uma soundtrack fora de si. É um dos roguelikes fps que eu mais recomendaria para alguém que ta em busca de algo nesse estilo.

Roboquest does everything it needs to do. Incredibly fast pace, fluidity, a plethora of unique weapons, great economy and progression system, good performance and graphics, and most of all one of the most satisfying and fun shooters I have ever played.

Sometimes, you stumble onto a game that just feels right. Roboquest is one of them. It is never frustrating, never unclear, never just works. The only thing I didn't like that much was the music because of repetitiveness, but other than that, I have literally zero criticisms.

I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys first person shooters, shoot-em-ups, or roguelites. Even more so if you have a friend to play with!

If Borderlands and Doom had a kid it would be something like this

Pretty alright roguelite, big variety of weapons and they're all pretty cool. The level-up perks are cool, but the other ones seem to be mostly stat boosts. Pretty difficult as well, almost feels a bit unfair imo. I played on standard.

"Lots of fun with this one! Didn't exactly see much reason to keep playing it after beating it a couple times though, but for those first however many runs it took to get there, I had quite the blast."

Concordo com essa review do BlackDino, muito divertido mas enjoa rápido, e podia ter mais variedade de inimigo e builds.

Really fun little Roguelike. Looking forward to new content

Trying to beat Normal with Elementalist for the last month practically but It's just not to be. I did it on Easy instead and at least also got the S achievement. Maybe I will try Normal with Recon or Engi, cause this game seems to really punish close quarters combat even with armor and health buffs

Cool FPS. Cannot find a sex mod, but it's fine I still enjoyed it.

Um dos melhores roguelites/likes, o combate e a movimentação são uma delicinha, e tem uma boa variedade nas runs, com muitas armas e características que diferenciam cada jogada, além das classe que apesar de na base ser o mesmo gameplay, faz mudar um pouco o pensamento de como agir no jogo, chegar ao final em si pode levar um tempo já que o jogo tem um progressão de upgrade entre runs, algo para limitar sua progressão e expandir o jogo aos poucos, mas não faz mal já que de longe a coisa que mais me fez apreciar roboquest são os pequenos mistérios que o jogo não para de te jogar em você, uma porta que precisa de uma chave ou senha, um robô pedindo um item, algo suspeito no mapa, nunca algo de explodir cabeça, coisas simples, mas sempre algo para ficar de olho no futuro, um próximo objetivo, além de só ir mais longe, mesmo não conseguindo chegar no fim sempre vai ter algo para completar, bom de mais esse aqui, recomendadíssimo.

i ended up being VERY surprised by this game! i'm not a huge shooter fan, and i've had a bit of burnout in the roguelite genre for the past couple years, but somehow this ended up hooking me like crazy!

visually i love it, absolutely nails the cel shaded style and has a ton of really fun visual flair! things like little onomatopoeia being next to the gun as you shoot or reload is very charming, enemies stand out visually pretty well (although when there's a fuck ton in some rooms it can be pretty overwhelming) and attacks are pretty visually clear. there's cute little robots/friends that are super charming as well. the whole style is so sick and appealing it's hard to not just appreciate it. the music was fine, but i ended up just playing some of my own music that kinda dominated the music while i got into a flowstate so i don't have a very strong opinion on it. the sound design is amazing though, the guns sound really satisfying and the little pings for getting critical hits were always a treat!

gameplay wise this genuinely might be some of my favorite gunplay and movement in a shooter i've played! especially once you get more gadgets and movement items it really opens up and feels a ton of fun to explore the verticality of some areas and just zoom around! most guns were very fun and satisfying, but obviously i had a few that really stuck with me. i always lean towards like fast shooting smgs/assault rifles and they're all pretty solid here, i also like the big beams/explosion weapons. i didn't click super hard with the snipers/shotguns/melee weapons especially the shotguns/melee weapons the later areas didn't feel designed around those particularly well even if they were pretty fun just cause of the damage you take and the extra health not really balancing that out well enough in my experience. the enemies had decent enough variety, and there's a surprising amount of bosses and none of them were bad either! the final boss was a bit of a difficulty spike compared to the rest but it felt real satifsying to finally beat it. speaking of difficulty, it is a roguelite so the early game feels pretty rough and throwing yourself at a wall. once you get a few areas in you just take so much damage from any little hit because of the lack of upgrades that it's pretty frustrating to get too deep in runs. it's hard to criticize that too much since it's a roguelite and that's often common but less so than something like hades or gungeon which feel like the you can make significant progress with just learning and getting better. but since it's 3d it's so much more common to have things behind you or out of sight that shoot you and just absolutely demolish you that it can feel more impossible and frustrating early game.

i also find the permanent upgrades at the to be a bit inconsequential and boring, just small percent changes/more options at shops/etc which obviously in the grand scheme are helpful but don't really feel like things i'm excited to buy and look forward to getting. the upgrades in the actual runs though have a lot of synergies and build potential and help making runs interesting! i do think like most of these games you'll find a couple upgrades you like and will grab almost everything time but it's still fun experimenting with very different ones. the only ones i thought were lame were the "corrupted" augments, they usually come with a downside and to be fair i didn't experiment with them a ton but the downside almost never seemed worth it so i just skipped them. i don't think any class is straight up bad, but i did much prefer recon, elementalist, and commando. they had the most fun syngeries to me and i'm a more offense orriented guy in these types of games and they facilitate that the most.

multiplayer is really fun plus too, the using health to revive each other gimmick can be a little frustrating (there is an item that fixes that though) and it was a ton of fun exploring the world and discovering data logs, secret areas, and finishing quests and finding new gadgets together. i was surprised at how many secrets and little bits of permanent progression there was, like the power gems and new paths, felt super fun to discover that stuff and feel the effects of it the rest of the time after not just in that one run.

again, this game was a huge surprise for me! it looked fun and i knew i'd enjoy it fine enough, it's why i played it in the first place. that being said, i was not expecting to love my time as much as i did! i have a couple small problems i detailed but the joy of the movement and gunplay and the rush of beating the game for the first time makes those not a big deal whatsoever to me, highly recommend this one! even moreso if you have a buddy to run through it with.

Bom pra caramba, pode ter gente que não vá gostar porque não tem tanta diferenciação por run a longo prazo, porém tudo no jogo é satisfatório

FPS Roguelike parecido com Gunfire Reborn. No início (colocando no hard, pq sou desses) achei muito dificil, com muitos ataques inimigos que pareciam ser inescapáveis. Com o tempo e alguns upgrades, porém, compreendi melhor o combate e considero excelente.

O jogo me prendeu por alguns dias, e mesmo vencendo (abrindo dificuldades ainda maiores), eu fiquei tentado a continuar jogando. Ainda existem alguns itens que para pegar precisa descobrir alguns segredos, e deixariam o jogo mais fácil. Esse sistema de segredos é bem legal, já que o jogo te leva a explorar, algo bem diferente de outros roguelikes desse estilo.

A arte do jogo em geral é mais bonita e convidativa do que Gunfire Reborn, e os ataques inimigos são bem criativos. A quantidade de armas é muito boa. O maior problema pra mim é que as classes são relativamente parecidas entre si e algumas delas eu não achei interessante de jogar.

É um jogo legal coop, mas não jogaria sozinho.

I need to get into this game since it finally relased

Playing since Early Access, and still loving it. Sad that is max. 2 players, but the gunplay is cool, gameplay in general is perfect, bossfights are really fun, a lot of variety of weapons, nice progression. Yeah, buy it.

A DAMNED fun little rogue-like shooter with solid mechanics, gameplay is fluid and not janky. Shmovement is great, gunplay is great, and offers a pretty significant challenge in the upper levels of difficulty. Replayability is at an all time high with this one.