Reviews from

in the past

pra uma dlc standalone era legal

almost as short as the fucking rreboot

The worst finale I've ever experienced; it's so short that by the time you launch the game, it's already finished.

this game was hard asf even if it wasnt that good.

joguei o jogo inteiro com o sentimento que eu estava jogando uma dlc e não um jogo completo
curtinho e sem enrolação, assim como o IV consegue ser divertido

despite my rating, i think people are too harsh on this. many many people expected a full game out of this even though its clearly not the intention (though the price could be a little lower maybe). as an extension of saints row 4, it works pretty well, but its got a pretty large amount of issues.

the biggest issue being that the main quests here are the side quests from saints row 4, but with the rewards taken out. it is pure pure busy work and it gets mind-numbing fast. though there are 4th wall jokes about this in the game so? i guess its ok? i dunno. maybe could've used at least one or two missions that arent the final one, but whatever. most of the game is built around beating it, and then going back to get the 100%, which isnt terrible but if you aren't there to 100% it, then you get an experience thats roughly 3-4 hours long. my 100% save file (its at 99% but let's pretend its 100) rounded out at 20 hours which is much better for the price point of this game. also not having your player character here sucks big balls, playable or not. the story here is kinda okay, they at least said "fuck it we're gonna have as much fun with it as we can", but i dunno. maybe im still salty about saints row 4 a little bit. the choose your own ending is nice though

the positives here though, are pretty good: the new worldspace is small, but feels a bit busier than steelport, and the new flying system (which kicks 4s gliding system out of the water btw) is a LOT of fun once you fully upgrade it. powers are more or less the same here, with telekinesis being completely ripped for summon (thank god) and buff getting a big ol nerf (the worst part). stomp and blast are pretty much the same. the weapon selection in this game is on the stronger side however, especially thanks to the seven deadly sin weapons. they're all so much fun and i wish we'd gotten the concept of some kinda "super weapons" a bit sooner, especially in 4.

still, if you're playing through the series, this one is worth a play (if you get it on sale). you can knock this out in an afternoon and probably feel content, as long as you set your expectations accordingly.

DLC Standalone: Gat Out of Hell
Não vou escrever uma análise separada para ela, apesar de ser um jogo "separado". É outro mapa, umas atividades e armas diferentes e alguns poderes diferentes (aqui sim você pode voar). Mas a base, gameplay e personagens é praticamente o mesmo do IV. A premissa aqui é que o protagonista do IV é sequestrado pelo Diabo e 2 personagens aliados nossos vão ao resgate (Gat e Kinzie).

É uma DLC bem rapidinha em questão de história. Também é engraçada e você encontra personagens como Shakespeare e Conde Vlad. O mapa é menor mas, por mais que seja um pouco contraditório, é um pouco mais diverso porque é dividido em 4 regiões bem distintas uma das outras.

It's just... whatever. I have no idea who they made this game for. The story is over within 3 hours of playtime. I literally 100% the game in 10 hours, well, I WOULD, if there wasn't an achievement for playing 20 hours straight and one for playing 3 hours of coop. I ain't doin' all that shit for god damn Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, goes double for coop, it would be beyond embarrassing to ask one of my friends to play this with me for 3 hours, so I just used a 3rd party software to give myself the achievements, I deserve them after playing this for 10 hours. Once you are done with most of the fun activities like Insurance Fraud and the fly-racing minigame, you realize just how empty this game is, because everything else is combat-realted, and the combat is just ass. You have 4 powers: the fun one (stomp), the why would I use this I can just shoot them (the energy ball thingy), the imps (fucking worthless), and THE POWER THAT COMPLETLY FREEZES ENEMIES 10 METERS AWAY FROM YOU. The last one also works on "bosses" except the final one, so you can literally just stand next to the toughest enemies in the game and unload into their heads whatever you want. Nothing in this game is a threat to you, the demons, the lava, the cars, literally nothing. On top of that are the controls that are at best fine, and at worst superbly frustrating. Just... why play this? WHY DID I PLAY THIS? I don't know, I'm probably going to forget all of this in 2 weeks, but I will never forget that this is where Saint's Row went to die.

Could have been a dlc to SRIV, y'know

Carismático reciclaje, breve y divertido. No se puede pretender mucho de esto, pero aún así tiene aspectos interesantes, especialmente en lo que respecta a la mecánica de vuelo.

Most mediocre and unsuccessful game of the series. Gameplay and story were really bad. Even if you don't play it, you won't lose anything. They buried the Saints Row series in the grave with this game.

Johnny wrecked havoc in hell itself and never left.

so short but wings are fun

The flying mechanics are really great. This may be a budget package but everything about it is plenty solid - if they had made this a full scope SR game it probably would have done well.

It is so lazy that it feels offensive

That stinging feeling when you realize there's not much actual game in this game, just repeatable activities designed to (eventually) progress the plot.

A very welcome and enjoyable game for the Saints Row series, however the problem I and many people have is you don't get to play as your custom character plus you barely get any lines in it. Most of it is either Gat or Kinzie. However it's still very enjoyable with enough weapons for lots of fun and hilarious and devastating powers to make the game endlessly fun like summoning demons.

The main story was a lot of fun, but felt a little short to me and the boss battle was more bullet-sponge and less legitimately difficult unlike Saints Row 4. The ending it took me a while as I had to buy up HP upgrades and so on, but it did not feel so impressive, but I do love how the option to do the ending is still there because you have a choice of multiple endings, all very interesting and quite funny, like finding a new earth to inhabit, that is already inhabited by violent psychotic creatures and would make a very interesting SR game if they took it from the several islands to a FULL world map. That would be incredible, as well as building up human society and having each place protected.

I'd certainly recommend this game to all fans of SR.

Awful controls and a story that I just couldn't connect with.

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The underwhelming end to Saints Row

Gat Out of Hell is a Saints Row 4 spin off, originally planned as a DLC for Saints Row 4 and was then turned into a stand along game, ironically SR4 also did something similar. It was meant to be a dlc for SR3 but ended up as a full-on sequel. Unfortunately, both of these games don't truly feel like sequels and more like DLC spin offs of their predecessors. I guess the big question is, is Gat Out of Hell worth your time? Is it even interesting? Well that all depends on you, if you loved saints row as a whole and enjoyed 1-4 or just saints row 4 then yeah you'll probably like this game but if you don't then yeah, probably not.

GOOH plays pretty much the same way as Saints Row 4 does with minor changes and improvements. This time around you get to fly with wings instead of gliding and it's much more fun to use once you get the hang of it. All the open world shooter and superpowers featured in SR4 are all present here but reskinned and yeah, I think the magic version of everything looks way cooler for sure. Since you play as johnny gat and Kinzie there isn't much character customization to be had. A lot of the core gameplay is the same, you collect spirit orbs instead of data, you slowly try to take over hell and piss off Satan and doing so gives you allies and progresses the story. There are only like 6 or 7 main missions so a vast majority of what you are doing is clearing the map and man this map does have some cool areas but also some annoying ones. The whole idea of police or Zinyac enemies rushing you for committing crimes is basically the same here, but you get demons instead. Every activity you complete, and every interaction is meant to push the "piss off Satan Meter" farther so it's kinda all about causing chaos, which is fun.

There are some returning faces in this game which is always cool to see and some very funny cutscenes. Graphically it’s just like saints row 3 and 4 and I personally didn't see any improvement there. The music and voice acting are alright, and the story is kinda lame, I guess it's entertaining and funny at least. When this first came out, I was pretty excited to play it as I thought the idea was kinda cool, but I actually got so bored with it I put it down and a few years later came back and restarted it all over again.

Story: (SOME SPOILERS) Basically this game is about Johnny Gat and Kinzie going to hell to save the boss from marrying Satan's daughter. There isn't much more to it than that. The different endings are all crazy different and I think only one of them is canon and it leaves off the saints in a new reality similar to that of Agents of Mayhem which is where this franchise ended up dying before it got rebooted and well, we all know where that ended up.... Considering this game is the true ending to this franchise it’s kinda sad we ended up here. Don't get me wrong this concept is cool as a dlc or whatever but it feels like Volition, Deep Silver or whoever, got lazy with Saints row and every project after saints row 3 is just an unfinished DLC. I'm not saying they aren't fun or cool games or that they don't put effort in at all, in certain aspects they certainly do. I think the idea of saints row gets lost somewhere in the middle here and everything after saints row 3 should have become its own franchise because I don’t think the original fans of 1 and 2 really wanted any of this. I tried my best to enjoy it all as a fan of the original and the new direction 3 started but it’s hard to sit comfortably with a franchise that seems like every game has been an identity crisis since it started when I think somewhere between SR2 and 3 they had already found it.

Anyways I wouldn't pay full price for this if you can avoid it. It's still a glitchy mess just like every other saints row and crashed on me a few times and like I said the story is mediocre at best. The best thing this game has going for it is if you liked saints row 4 and wanted more of that gameplay but with a hell skin on it and a wacky map.

A bit better than Saints Row IV. Being able to play as Johnny and Kinzie is a neat concept, and the amount of musical numbers is something I wasn't prepared for but definitely welcomed. Fun time.

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Jesus Christ. This game is not good. It can be fun, but by no means is it good. The worst part is: the story could have been amazing. It seems to me as if Volition and High Voltage Software wanted to make a new game series but could be arsed writing new characters. The game is extremely buggy and is boring after the first few minutes. You don't need to follow the story as to progress you need to cause "Mayhem" which can be done through the story or just killing waves of demons. This would have been good as a DLC. But its copy and paste that's been thrown at wall to see what sticks. Bad game.

Nothing more can be said about this game than an add-on to Saints Row 4, the story side itself is cool, the musical scene is very cool, I wish the game was kept like this throughout. Well worth playing as a dlc, but the gameplay itself is just Saints Row 4 but in hell

Really didn't like this. I had to force myself to complete it.