Reviews from

in the past

Not particularly great, and I had to convince a friend to play the game with me and idle their PS4 for three hours or so in order to platinum the game. They felt dirty about having that trophy on their system, but I just really wanted to be done with the game and delete it. It's not exactly a bad's just mediocre and I can't even customize my own character.

dlc for a game that's already a glorified dlc as is. terribly bland and boring as shit

It was textbook definition "okay". It's got the amusing saints row writing, boring as hell missions, pretty uninteresting world. It's only worth playing if you finished IV and want a little more. And then again, it's just okay

Gat out of Hell ist ein faules Addon eines faulen Addons. Wenn dich schon in Saints Row IV die recyclete Map die einzig und allein aus sammelbaren Objekten und Activities bestand gestört hat, wirst du Gat out of Hell umso mehr hassen. Diesmal wurden nämlich die Missionen die das ganze Activity und Objekte grinden aufgelockert haben auch noch gestrichen und man macht bis zum Ende nichts anderes. Die meisten Fähigkeiten sind immer noch useless und alles spielt sich irgendwie viel zu schwammig und undurchdacht. Zumindest macht das Fliegen spaß sobald man es aufgelevelt hat und man hat die Hölle die dieses Grindfest ist relativ zügig in 3-4h überstanden.

Der Coop macht das Spiel zumindest etwas zügiger und erträglicher, wenn es einen nicht alle 20 Minuten oder beim Starten der Fraud Activity disconnected.

It's a promising premise with a dissapointing everything else. The fun Saints Row mechanics are there, but Gat Out of Hell doesn't really build on that

Somehow not as wierd as the base game. Also they wrote themselves into a corner with the ending

One of those games where you just wonder why they made it in the first place. Was cool to play as Johnny, but he feels pretty lifeless at times and everything else the game offers is near identical to SR4. Felt like a cheap cash grab.

tan malo que hasta mola jugarlo

Last achievement I needed glitched which I'll never forgive.

Putting that aside, kinda feels like a goofy B-side tour of Saints Row IV. The activities and gameplay feel more Ubisoft-y than ever, which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing.

Upon completing the fourth game I found myself wondering just what could possibly be next for the 3rd Street Saints. After kicking butt in space, the final frontier, I struggled to see anywhere else developer Volition could take the beloved gangsters turned superheroes. Apparently there was still one place for them to go; hell.

Given that this is a standalone expansion rather than the next full-fledged entry, it's missing some of the series most notable features. Mainly, character creation and traditional story missions. You play as fan favorite characters Johnny Gat and Kinzie Kensington. Progression through the brief narrative stages requires completing side-activities scattered throughout the new open-world setting. With the writing having taken something of a hit, Gat Out of Hell is more about the gameplay. You get some new powers and weapons at your disposal (most of which feel exactly like the old ones), but real star of the show is the new flight ability. It takes a while to get used to flying through the air. It wasn't until a handful of upgrades later that I really started to enjoy soaring across the city. Given the nature of the last Saints Row game I was surprised to find it a system that had some restrictions. Even after fully upgrading my angelic appendages I found myself yearning for the game-breaking freedom of Saints Row 4 when it came to taking to the skies.

This really is just more of the same. The chaotic, destructive action is still a blast and the loop of completion and growth is just as satisfying and addicting as ever. There's nothing quite like watching yourself turn into a unstoppable powerhouse. The new underworld setting is very creative and visually distinct. Aside from being a cool visual aesthetic, hell also gives you plenty of room to stretch your newly acquired wings. Numerous collectibles are scattered across this fire and brimstone version of Steelport that will test your flight capabilities. The game is completely devoid of challenge. With the main campaign being so short, the life of the experience comes from the surprising amount of side-activities and achievements.

While missing a few of my favorite features, I still found Gat Out of Hell to be a worthy way to return to the world of Saints Row. Things are just as crazy, absurd, and funny as ever. It's just not as fleshed out as my previous excursions with the series. As long as you don't go in expecting Saints Row V you should be fine. This an expansion that continues the gameplay experience from IV. It also serves as something of an epilogue to our adventures with these characters in ways I won't spoil. Suffice to say if you want to have just a little more fun with Volition's wacky gangster series and won't mind the nontraditional approach, then this is a must play.


"Man, we fucked up killing Gat, let's bring him back and give him like wings and he's in hell and he sings a musical with the devils daughter."

it was fun to play as johnny, and to see him again. the whole idea was great but its kinda short

Shockingly poor, to the point that it makes 4 feel worse by association. The decision to have the story automatically progress constantly seems like a bizarre one until you realise that it does so because there's nothing else there.

At this point, even the writers don't know what do anymore, awww fuck it put them in hell we already did space

Enjoativo, n dá pra jogar mais q 2h por dia disso. Mas se você jogar 1h por dia, diverte muito.

One of the weirdest yet most forgettable games I've ever completed in my life. I remember more what was talked about on Discord with my friend than anything in game. It killed time, I suppose? Still don't know if it's uninspired or just poorly done, because it should be a memorable experience by just how wacky the universe is.

I went into this experience fully expecting to hate it, based on the dumpster fire that was Saints Row IV. While I didn't love Gat Out of Hell, I can't exactly say that I hated it either.

Unfortunately that just leaves us in the middle ground of an ultimately forgettable game that I can tell will leave no lasting impact on me. This game is simultaneously laden with fan service, and yet also doesn't seem to understand why the Saints Row franchise has fans in the first place.

The flying mechanics are probably the stand out of the entire game, they are genuinely some of the best flight mechanics I've experienced in a video game, and it is really telling that Deep Silver clearly want to be making a different type of game entirely. So why do they continue to desecrate the good name of Saints Row when they're so obviously disinterested in the series?

Saints Row IV was a glorified DLC of The Third, which essentially makes Gat Out of Hell a glorified DLC of a glorified DLC. Gat Out of Hell also suffers an exacerbated issue that has plagued Saints Row for the last 3 instalments wherein many of the 'missions' are actually just optional open world activities. This issue has been growing with each instalment since Saints Row The Third and it has never been more apparent than with GOoH; you could likely count on one hand the amount of missions there are that are anything more than just an activity. Gat Out of Hell consequently can be summarised as an open world activity collection/flight simulator.

Yet another of the many issues that plague GOoH is the sheer repetitiveness of the gameplay, with challenges and achievements both geared towards performing the same actions tens and hundreds of times. This artificial stretching of the gameplay time leads to such severe tedium that I would be impressed by anybody with the patience to master this game 100%, achievements and all.

This has the potential to be a pretty okay game, which already isn't saying much - and additionally this is definitely not a true Saints Row game, which makes the disappointment so much worse. However, thanks to Games with Gold on Xbox, I got this game for free so I won't complain that much....y'know...apart from 90% of this review.

Stars two great characters, Johnny and Kinzie, both have funny dialogue and the game allows you to switch between who you are playing as by going to your home base. Flying is enjoyable and works well, the game has some fun new powers and weapons to use.

There is very little content with almost no time given to the Devil or his daughter. Vlad, Shakespeare, Blackbeard, and DeWynter sisters are in the game but contribute almost nothing and have only a few lines of dialogue and audio diaries to find. Activities are the same as the last game or just involve the new flying feature.

I really want an entire game dedicated to these two characters instead of a small expansion. There is so little content that I can only recommend it to people who love both Johnny and Kinzie. There is an enjoyable musical number towards the end of the game though.

They really missed the opportunity to make The Blood 106.66 FM the only radio station available in hell

About as loose a story you can get and almost the same as SR:4 mechanically, good for some dumb fun though.

I miss the simple days so fuckin' bad.

christ alive this felt like dlc that somehow escaped low orbit of it's mother game. are you fucking kidding me there's NO fucking music? like sure haha your fucking musical number was hilarious WHERE'S THE RADIO. WHERE IS IT.