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Um jogão! Mistura soulslike com metroidvania e vc tem Salt and Sanctuary, que tem um combate q vc precisa gerenciar estamina e se curar com itens, um mapa muito bem conectado com atalhos e back tracking. Arte bem única mas peca um pouco na trilha sonora visto que 99% do Bosses tem a mesma OST. Recomendo demais!
Obs: zerei com 15h

This game actually has coop somehow so the developers can Salt my Sanctuary any time.

Great game, specially in co-op.

lo recomiendo para fans del souls like y del metroidvania (aunque se asemeja más al primero)
está muy bien

a história é bizarra se você for atrás, o jogo em si é MUITO louco e as boss fights são únicas, cada uma tendo uma mecânica diferente.
sinceridade, daqui uns anos vou jogar de novo fazendo desafios. recomendo muito

Esse jogo meu deixou MUITO em dúvida de qual nota eu daria pra ele, mas acho que essa é uma sólida nota pra ele.
Esse jogo é um dos casos que eu voltei a ter uma paixão descomunal por ele, por ter parado um tempo e voltado bons meses depois, e tinha esquecido o quanto era BOM jogar ele.

A ideia de ser um Soulslike 2D incrivelmente ficou muito boa, obviamente n com todos os elementos de um soulslike, mas grande parte das coisas estão presentes, e esse jogo conseguiu fazer isso de uma foma maravilhosa. O gráfico dele, e da Ska Studio em geral, funcionou muito bem pra temátioca do jogo, com desde cavaleiros bem armadurados a montrengos que dão medo de fato se você vê pelas primeiras vezes. Algumas partes são de fato aterrorizantes, a tensão de você adentrar uma área nova, sem saber o que de fato te aguarda, o tamanho do lugar e as criatudras de lá, dão uma ambientação muito pica, puta que pariu.

A customização desse jogo não é também nivel Dark Souls, MAS não é ruim, tem uma boa variedade de coisas, classes bem interessantes, o sistemas das crenças tambem é muito foda, esse jogo me instigou a procurar MUITO sobre ele, tentar saber a história, fazer as coisas especificas dele, e depois da minha 2° gameplay e quase platinando o jogo, ainda tem coisa que eu quero fazer, e o fator replay dele é algo que sempre pega meu coração, pra ele ter um lugarzinho guardado pra ele lá.

A musica e os efeitos sonoros também são muito bons, realmente te dão um sentimento de tensão e terror em algumas partes, ou te dá aquela determinação de matar aquele boss que você já tá puto de morrer pra ele. Entretanto, a falta de VARIEDADE de músicas é um ponto que , me deixa meio meh em relação a ele, ja que todos os bosses(se n me engano em excessão do final) possuem a mesma música, então acho que essa é a unica crítica que eu devo dar a musica do jogo.

E as mecânicas e jogabilidade do jogo, eu acho elas bem funcionais e gostosas de se usar, gosto da variedade de estilos que cada arma proporciona vc jogar e a variedade delas, como citei anteriormente. No entanto tem alguns pontos bastente negativos, como algumas hitboxes serem EXTREMAMENTE imprecisas em algumas partes, e como algumas mecânicas simplesmente NÃO são apresentadas, o que por mais que n seja um problema em todas as classes, alguns desses realmente interferem na gameplay, quando você não sabe nem da existência deles, além de um pouco de falta de consistencia em algumas outras que fazem você morrer sem ao menos saber como.

Over all, é um jogo maravilhoso, me diverti, passei raiva, tensão, morri muito kkk, mas foi uma ótima expêriencia, e tô no rumo de platinar ele, mas isso é cena pro futuro.

platinado com sucesso, jogão

I find it deeply ironic how Salt & Sanctuary takes so much inspiration from dungeon synth and black metal aesthetics because of how I treat these genres. On one hand, it looks and sounds like a world from which I came into this nonsense and now all I'm doing is desperately missing it, but on another? It's all the same messy soundscapes where I can't tell one track from another and one artist from another. All originality of your average black metal album cover, but maybe you love these covers as much as I do?

As a game, it only made me think that there can really only be one Dark Souls, and even that's more than enough -- and the novelty of 2D only downplays the best parts about it. Maybe my motor awareness is just this weak, but I could never understand how rolling past bosses works, as well as what's with these iframes and collision boxes -- it's anything but intuitive. Maybe, this is why all the bosses felt either like one trick pushovers or RNG abuse moments for me. Now, my spatial awareness is objectively better, but here, the map feels unreasonably vast and convoluted -- and, paradoxically, it being 2D makes it harder to memorise (unlike DS1 or Bloodborne where I can draw maps of almost any location from the top of my head). Most of the time shortcuts don't work as intended because you don't even understand or need those places you're brought to, since the Guides are so abundant that warping is essentially no problem here. I even wonder, why not make warping an option if you're going to put separate Guide statues lying on the ground right outside the sanctuaries anyway?

I don't want to be way too demanding with a game made essentially by two people, but the thought-out design is another core point of a soulslike -- these games need resources. The level of production is already outstanding for two people, but I couldn't see consistent calculation in what the game was trying to give me. The way too uneven bosses, the route to the final boss which unironically made me learn how to cheat in games -- these are still flaws in the game, which is already heavily compromised with taking this many inspiration from Dark Souls. (Although -- why not? S&S has enough of its own, and if Siam Lake looks just a bit too much like Ash Lake, how come then Ash Lake was already in Nausicaa? And I won't even begin with Berserk.)

What I'm trying to say is that when you arrive from the Undead Parrish to the Firelink Shrine via some unassuming elevator, it does work, but it only works once. A lot of such traditions we now consider essential parts of a soulslike don't really hold that well -- and S&S has an excuse, being one of the oldest in the genre. The tradition of random, easily missable character quests, dare I say, has already been obsolete in DS1 and had to go, but back then, at least it was a novelty. All of these tiresome devices of shredding the story into small, immemorable occasions -- seeing them the first time is novel, but everyone's going to google everything anyway. Maybe it works for keeping the community alive, and maybe it justifies the dried-out experience every story becomes when made into a soulslike, but the more of these artful, atmospheric worlds turn into a mish-mash of evil bosses and nonchalant dudes scattered throughout the map, the sadder it makes me personally.

But maybe, sparseness and wicked cosiness are much less out of place in this particular story than I imagine them to be, after all. Because in its own way, S&S is very cosy indeed -- apart from being so well-known in its mechanics and purpose right from the start, it also has one of the cosiest hub soundtracks I've heard, and besides, even The Lighthouse (2018) or The Terror (2018) or Edgar Poe's stories aren't without their comfortable moments as well. Even if the powers of nature are so vile, and men can be so cruel, it shouldn't be like this all the time. And the "sanctuary" part here is quite stressed -- you have to rely on other lost sailors to navigate, get equipped, or learn. Even if they don't share your beliefs, there are only so many of you on this island, and someone has to make a weapon to kill a god, or bake bread.

And the ethereal loneliness is another strength of the game. It's very deprived of colours or clarity, here, you can't clearly see the environment, the characters, or even their faces. It's like Ligotti's stories or the works of Alfred Kubin: the lack of data is another factor of the uncanny on its own. These Gothic visuals, eaten by the post-processing as if by salt, are very successful when you pass through narrow cave corridors, lonely shores, or rotting woods. Together with grungy background tracks, the visual design captures the liminality and otherworldliness even better than the newer Fromsoftware games, cluttered with assets and looking a bit like dollhouses at times. The game doesn't even have a certain hub, where you could feel somewhat homely for a moment.

Ironically, it also echoes the black metal subculture conceptually, apart from the clear visual references. Albeit morbid, black metal offers its own kind of brotherhood and enlightenment, an alternative answer. An inversion of what doesn't work for everyone (speaking of inversion, I could really use more upside-down sections on the levels, they look so cool and are so confusing). That's why, flawed and clearly derivative, S&S certainly has its own purpose of existence. Say, for me, the unique grotesque ghostliness of this piece is certainly dearer than the polished Hollow Knight, the vivid Blasphemous, or even the exquisite Ender Lilies. Probably, this is why I'd be so eager to have a normal story delivered about this world.

Hmm... It's a mixed bag of salt. It's unique, and fun for the most part. But you gonna die more to random bs than the actual bosses. Lots of unnecessary platforming. Runbacks take more time than the actual fights. The skill tree is boring.
It's made by 2 people, but so as other games that are better.
It was worth my time, but it's an easy to forget game.


A lore é fodinha, tirando isso, acho que a execução aqui é o ponto mais fraco de tudo, mas dou valor, afinal me diverti um tanto.

It's literally Dark Souls but in a 2D metroidvania and that's pretty fucking rad.

Not without its healthy level of bullshit.

One of the ugliest games ive ever played. All the pain and frustration of dark souls with none of the fun or rewards (or 3rd dimension)

After MONTHS of watching it from afar on PlayStation waiting for it to arrive on PC, on launch day I bought it without thinking about it. Curious move to launch it not long after the release of Dark Souls 3 as it is a very Souls/Bloodborne-inspired title.

While the game is inspired by the Soulsborne series, A LOT of mechanics are left unexplained and added in the most frustrating way.
The level-up works through skill trees, but they are very confusing and low-key repetitive in the type of abilities you can unlock. You can't level up HP they increase automatically, which leads to being two-hit killed by every boss.
Fall damage is very inconsistent making it frustrating when death is the result of a fall that looked completely safe.

The level design is quite admirable, well interconnected and it’s nice coming back to previous maps with crazy shortcuts. The enemies are unique and it's fun to try various ways to kill or overcome them. The thing I liked the most was the inclusion of typical platformer mechanics like double jumping or wall-jumping, which makes everything extra fun, and with the level design almost Metroidvania-like, adds a reason for backtracking!
The only bad thing about exploration was the soundtrack with what felt like only 2 tracks, one for exploration and one for the boss fights for most of the game.

The boss fights are somewhat nice, but not very interesting and a bit unbalanced. With each hit taken, the life bar decreases until it reaches half – like in Dark Souls 2 - and decreasing the minimum possible life results in being one-hit killed. The most frustrating thing is that the health bar goes lower even when using a shield with 100% defense to the damage you're taking!
Difficulty is an important key in these titles, and boss fights should teach you something with each death leading to victory, and here I didn't have this feeling, on the contrary, they made me want to rush the kill as fast as possible. I often felt pushed towards entering the arena and being done as fast as possible before taking damage lowering my health to half. I even ended up trying to shield as little as possible, or the health bar would be lowered anyway.
My build was shield and sword too...
In the words of the great Kennedy Davenport: "f*ck my drag", I guess.
I dwell on this a lot because most bosses are quite simple, with few moves for the whole fight, and while there is nothing wrong with that, I should not be punished for my build choices.
Last but not least, when rolling, unless performed right next to the boss, won't let you go behind the boss, and most attacks have just enough attack frames that although your roll might be perfect, it’ll still come through and damage you lowering the damn health bar.
So I can't dodge, nor shield.

As one of the first attempts at making a 2D souls-like, although with some successes, devs also failed at making some of the mechanics fun instead of just frustrating. I’m sure that if I had chosen to do a ranged build instead of sword and shield, which the game was clearly not thought for, would have made it more fun for me in particular.
And years after, I had this confirmed by many friends who loved the game...they also had ranged builds.


This is a well-made game. A 2D Souls like. Some people love it, others hate it. I enjoyed it for what it is. Although it was trying way too hard to be mysterious in my opinion. Just tell the damn story if you have one... And if you don't just write something simple and focus on the gameplay. That's what we're here for anyway. You're not Miyazaki.

Gameplay is good though. If you like souls, and you like 2D, you're going to have fun Gitting Gud with this one.

Salt and Santuary
Desenvolvedor: Ska Studios
Publisher: Ska Studios

Imaginem dark souls de forma simplificada e em duas dimensões, é o que se encontrará em Salt and Santuary.

As similares estão presentes ao longo de todo o jogo: no design da UI, no sistema de aquisição e perda de recursos, nos santuários de save com respawn dos inimigos, nos consumíveis, nas bossfights, no modo de contar a história, etc.

Entretanto, ao mesmo tempo em que se baseia no estilo dos souls, também possui certa identidade, e tudo é implementado de forma que se encaixa na temática apresentada.

A gameplay é boa e responsiva, bem divertida dentro do limite que o 2D possibilita. A travessia é a melhor parte: através das marcas, o player vai liberando novas fórmulas de trafegar pelo mapa - que são bem divertidas, por sinal -, o que libera novas áreas e amplia a possibilidade de exploração.

O jogo possui um elemento de RPG fantástico, com um modo criativo de upgrade e desbloqueio de novas armas/armaduras. A quantidade de itens e variedade de inimigos impressiona.

O jogo, entretanto, peca um pouco no balanceamento. Não há nenhum boss realmente difícil, o que prejudica o senso de magnitude. É divertido mas a experiência não é recompensadora como um verdadeiro souls. Em termos de mobs normais, também são poucos os que oferecem desafio, alguns até tem mecânicas interessantes, mas via de regra é bastante simples de lidar. A gravidade, muita das vezes, é o maior inimigo, tendo em vista que o jogo se utiliza bastante de pulos entre plataformas.

Em resumo, é um jogo indie com bastante foco no gameplay, que, embora provavelmente não vá te marcar pra vida, irá proporcionar diversas horas de entretenimento.

A fairly overrated soulslike. I suppose it doesn't help that I don't enjoy 2D action games, but the dark atmosphere really pulled me in. After hearing about how good of a take on Souls this was, I decided to finally play it through.

However I swear I died far more to fall damage than I ever did to the bosses, which really isn't enjoyable at all. There are waaay too many leaps of faith you need to take here, and the complete lack of a map system doesn't do the game any favors at all.

That being said I enjoyed the world and the lore, but the gameplay is seriously lacking. In boss fights it essentially boils down to Dodge left, then right and attack until you win. Honestly pretty disappointing overall.

Dark Souls 2D mt massa, mas é desbalanceado pkrai

The first Soulslike that somewhat understood what makes Souls so interesting - not just the gameplay, but also the unique storytelling and deep worldbuilding. It also had some cool ideas of its own, such as reversing gravity, and the 2D style was something special. The art style for the character models took some getting used to but I liked it, very nice game.

this game is fucking horrible. it's not a good soulslike, and not a good metroidvania. the artstyle sucks, and enemies suck, the game sucks

jogaço, muito divertido, basicamente um Dark Souls 2D. Pode ser facil para quem joga souls normalmente, tanto que eu matei metade dos bosses do jogo tudo de primeira. O diferencial dele é o coop local, é o único jogo souls que eu vejo tendo um multiplayer local, bom demais.

fun dark souls clone albeit not as difficult. the lore is very cool and the sphere gridesque system allows for a lot of customization options. some of the platforming sections are really annoying to get through.

uma das minhas primeiras experiências com jogos do tipo souls, é praticamente dark souls 2D a arte desse jogo é muito bem trabalhada. show de bola!

eu chamaria de medíocre se eu não levasse em conta o contexto do game, ser um soulslike 2D e indie traz a maior parte dos problemas, principalmente no aspecto de plataforma e combate.
os bosses são extremamente fáceis para veteranos de souls, tanto que eu matei grande parte de primeira, com exceção de algums poucos mas que também não duraram muito.
no entanto eu aplaudo os sistemas e mecânicas que o jogo oferece pois são ideias interessantes, alguns melhores outros piores mas ainda sim o difere de outros souls.

em suma, é um bom jogo – mas não é nenhuma obra prima –, apenas bom. você vai se divertir mas não sairá do jogo pensando que é equiparável aos outros do mesmo gênero.

Tried this out. Pretty much just 2D dark souls but without any of the depth. combat feels wooden and unbalanced. I believe there are a lot better 2D soulslikes like Blasphemous or Hollow Knight that do combat more competently

É um jogo feio, mecânicamente falho, e com diversas escolhas de design péssimas. Claramente tenta ser uma versão 2D de Dark Souls, e por isso acaba conseguindo criar um sistema de combate interessante, com peso. Mas as hitbox ruins, sistema de esquiva dos inimigos torna mais frustrante e chato.

Além de falhar ao tentar imitar Dark Souls, pega as piores partes, que as sequências de Dark Souls já deixaram pra trás, e as utiliza em sua versão fraca, como a distância entre save points e chefes, a falta de informação sobre as mecânicas de jogo, etc.

Parei de jogar após vencer uns 2 ou 3 chefes. Todos mecanicamente simples e demorados.

I like what this is trying to be but I’m just not digging the art style and the overall gameplay feels too stiff for me.