Reviews from

in the past

This will be one of the hottest takes I ever drop on the internet, but I just don't get the appeal. And I mean that about all of South Park, not just The Stick of Truth.

The Stick of Truth, to its credit, is genuinely a really fun turn-based RPG. And I'm sure for fans of the show it's perfect - because it feels like you're playing an episode of the show. I just don't really understand what's so appealing about that.

None of these characters are likable, its humor is incredibly childish, and when it's trying to be edgy and overly offensive, it just ends up being cringeworthy. It's not saying anything that wasn't said hundreds of times by "stand-up comedians" in the 2000s. None of the pop-culture references go beyond the surface level or have any meaningful commentary to them. This feels like it was written by an elementary school kid who watched South Park at an age where they shouldn't have, and entered an "edgy humor" phase they never grew out of.

It's a really ironic self-fulfilling prophecy.

But yeah, I just don't get it. When I was a kid and less "woke" I'm sure I would've found this hilarious - and I'd go back and punt that version of myself if I could.

Maybe I'll return to this someday, because again, it's genuinely fun and for those that this means something to, it's very faithful to the show. I had a blast being a menace to this town and looting everyone's drawers. But the source material just isn't for me, which means The Stick of Truth isn't, either. And that's okay.

Finalmente eu pude encontrar Jesus!

if butters has no fans, i'm dead

Muito legal, sem replayability e as classes são meio méh

The best part is when you get to Canada.

CARA que jogo funny
se vc gosta de d&d e south park IMPOSSIVEL nao gostar

Eu... virei fã de South Park.

One of my favorite games ever made. Not kidding. Goated.

Extremamente polêmico, mas muito divertido e você realmente se sente parte da série, bizarrice e loucura é o que não falta como os trechos dos gnomos ou o da nave alienígena

Apparently this is a game for the fans, but this game made me a fan.

Good bit of fun, with classic South Park humor.

I never thought something like a "South Park RPG" would work so well. Instant classic.

I loved South Park for quite awhile up until probably a year or two after this game came out. This game feels like you're playing the show, which is an often repeated point of praise, but it really does feel like that. The RPG elements feel a bit basic, but there is replay value with the different classes.

As Dunkey would say, this game makes you FEEL like you're in South Park. Honestly though, this feels like an extended episode South Park and full of Easter eggs for long time fans of the show. The combat is fun and complements the overall story well.

douchbag. idk what to say about this but it was pretty funny ofc, gameplay felt a little slow to me. besides that it was worth the play through.

Esse jogo é incrivelmente bom, ele funciona como um rpg e tem uma historia interessante com sacadas incríveis
Normalmente ele fica uns 22$ em promoção, então para mim vale apena pra caramba, você não vai se arrepender

Обожаю мультсериал. Игра по нему шедевральна. Obsidian Entertainment постаралась на славу, воссоздав легендарный "маленький городок в штате Колорадо" с его уникальной атмосферой, показав угарный сюжет, простую (в позитивном смысле этого слова) и удобную боевую систему, локализацию на русском языке в виде субтитров (что и хорошо, поскольку оригинальная озвучка идентична озвучке в мультике).
Посчитав все плюсы и плюсы, прихожу к однозначному выводу: МАСТ ХЕВ.

A lot of the gameplay aspect are tedious, the menu system sucks, and the fart mechanics are really shitty. I like South Park in doses and for the most part this game is pretty funny. Some jokes don’t hold up but this game is very creative and has a ton of Iove put into it

Solid turn based RPG with a lot of love and care for fans of the show. Laugh out loud funny like few games really are.

juegazo, banqué una banda, re divertido, bastante más desarrollado de lo q pensé
en algunos momentos capaz se me hizo un cacho aburrido, pero la verdad q juegazo
lo único es q sacar el platino es un dolor de huevos, te tenés q romper el orto o usar al culia de steam de los autoguardados y algunas guías

Beyond just being on par with South Park's funniest episodes, it also is a really fun RPG. Remember those RPGs that disable all status effects on late-game enemies? Yeah this game doesn't do that. The game is easy because of it, sure, but god is it just satisfying to play being able to actually use all of your tools in an RPG for once.
I did sadly have to shelve it due to an issue on PC where button-mashing is infinitely harder at higher framerates, which resulted in me being unable to get past the... Randy getting anally probed scene. I've seen him getting probed too much. I don't want to anymore.

One of the best rpgs I've ever played. and the best paper mario game

Un juego que me saco muchas risas, no entendí muchas referencias porque nunca he visto la serie pero buen juego y entretenido

A simplistic turn-based RPG elevated by an outrageous script that left me actually crying from laughter on one occasion.

É South Park RPG (da Obsidian pós New Vegas), tu esperava que fosse ruim? Nem ferrando, um RPG simples, mas extremamente fiel ao desenho, com vários momentos de vergonha alheia e piadas bem feitas. Ainda pretende rejogar ele no Xbox One, ótimo jogo

I love south park, I think its one of the best comedy shows and this game is a perfect adaptation. It feels as if your just playing as a character in a south park episode. The characters all act exactly like they do in the show and the game is full of memorable cameos. The gameplay isn't the strongest but I still enjoyed most battles and I like how you battle with an ally. Overall this game is just a solid fun game and the sequel has been on my backlog for ages. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #39