Reviews from

in the past

One of my favourite "casual" games.

Muito bom pra passar o tempo!! Acho que a conquista mais difícil que tem é de SpeedRun mas sabendo um pouco do game se torna fácil!! Muito bom

The children yearn for the mines.

Confesso que esperava mais, tem boas ideias, mas achei incrivelmente repetitivo e em muitos momentos chato e frustrante. O que ajuda é ele não ser muito longo, no geral saí bem decepcionado apesar de não achá-lo ruim.

This game feels like the natural evolution of Dig Dug, and a less-punishing version of Spelunky. Digging through this game's underground is so fun and relaxing, I don't know how to explain it. It's just a really fun game to turn on, load up your inventory, and stop playing. I played it on some Nintendo console years back, and I still remember how much fun I had back then, even. Super glad I decided to get this game again.

It was a very fun game, solid mechanics..reminded me of Miniclip games :D

fun mining resource gathering game! i went too long since I played it before logging it so I don't really remember my specific thoughts but I've played thru this one a few times before and I always have a good time

Meh, it's fine. I only finished it because i was on my "finish every game you start" phase.

Não foi nada demais, mas com certeza valeu apena gastar meus 2 contos nisso. Um metroidvania divertido, fácil de se encontrar a progressão e com o tempo certo pra acabar.

Narrative: 5 - Gameplay: 5 - Visuals: 5 - Soundtrack: 4 - Time: 3
Stars: 4.5

Sin más, mi queja principal solía ser que el juego estuviera aleatorizado pero en verdad es que ni me gusta siquiera. No es malo, tho, todo va como debería de ir y es cortito, pero no clica conmigo.

Pretty good but the sequel is so much better in every single way.

way better than i thought it would be

+ Really unique concept for a metroidvania
+ Some good potential for speedrunning
+ Atmosphere, aesthetic and music are all on point
+ Pretty good story for a small indie game, and the cliffhanger leads well to the sequel
+ Fun and memorable characters
+ Excellent and reliable autosave system
+ Unlike its sequel, ores are a bit more randomly generated which makes subsequent playthroughs subtly different

- Apart from the aforementioned, there isn't much interesting to say about replaying the game
- Quite short and is dragged a bit by sections where you have to manually climb back up the mines to empty out your inventory
- Due to the game being short, the upgrade system feels a bit wasted since you get quite a lot of extra money just in case you die and lose resources
- Extremely small hubworld/open-air region
- Final boss' origins aren't ever really properly explained
- Unless you're really a fan of the franchise, there's really no reason to come back to this game as its direct sequel does practically everything better. If you want to try Steamworld in general, Dig 2 and/or Heist are the best games to do that!

Très sympa et addictif. Long comme il faut

This is easily one of the best games on the 3DS eShop. I love the way it mixes a Metroidvania and roguelike, and I don't even like roguelikes. The gameplay loop of this game is really neat, and then the story was really awesome with the way it becomes what it wasn't at the beginning.

It’s decent. I think I made a mistake by playing 2 first. Compared to 2, this one feels less polished and less intriguing.
Still, I enjoyed my time with Steamworld Dig. There needs to be a third installment.

Stellar vibe, and such interesting worldbuilding. The gameplay leaves a bit to be desired, though. Maybe it's better if you don't play through it start-to-finish in one go, but I definitely found the loop a bit stale around the halfway mark. Even still, it's a solid game, and I'm very excited to see how the sequel expands on it.

It's actually impressive that this much backtracking can be as fun! It's still backtracking though.

Didn't finish it, gets very repetitive after a while but simple and fun nontheless. Got it for like 1 euro, worth it!

Short and sweet. Nice gameplay loop. Controls feel good, maybe the walking and running are just a little bit slow. Satifying backtracking. Cool miner cowboy robot. Solid all-around.

It’s a metriodvania-esc game. I think it’s well paced and occasionally I replay this. Very charming willd west steampunk style.

fun gameplay loop and decently challenging

this game is surprisingly really fun it's insane how fun this gameplay loop is

You can really see the seed that generated the greatness that the sequel is, even in the simpler format of the original steamworld dig is still such a cozy and fun time that is worth all the timing diggin every last mineral possible in this game.

Simple, divertido, colorido y bastante tranquilo. Necesitaba algo así ahora mismo

Fun little gem of a game. There's not much story and the game is short, but that's okay because it would have lost it's appeal if it had been much longer. I mean, all you really do is dig in order to find gems and orbs to help power up for the final boss fight, which is the only boss fight in the game. My only real issue with the game is the controls are a bit sloppy.