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in the past

Not as epic and huge as the first game, Subnautica: Below Zero takes its exploration and mysteries into a smaller, more compact and slightly blander world. The winning formula that made the original so special is still there, but it's not quite as... magic.

The story, however, is one area of the game that is much improved over Subnautica. I felt compelled to keep going, to find out what happens next. I got more invested in the characters this time around and had a great time seeing how everything panned out.

l had an amazing time with this game, but it just wasn't as breathtaking as the first one. Still highly recommended, though.

More like Subnautica 1.5 rather than a full sequel.

Só joguei o inicio, pretendo dar outra chance algum dia.

Yes it has some issues, but there’s so much I love about it. The OG is in my top 5 games ever and I was so happy to return the world of 4546B. I love the additions to the base building, the beautiful environment, the new fauna and flora, new biomes, new vehicles, and new leviathans. Unlike some people, I don’t mind the smaller environment and land areas. I think that it fit the icy environment and was an interesting addition. So much of the world was beautiful and the biomes all are. I absolutely love the Lilypad area and the starter area. The Seatruck is great for this and I had a blast using it and thought it was really cool. Being able to switch between modules based on what I was doing was fun. The leviathans are all super cool, unique, and interesting. I didn’t really mind that BZ isn’t as scary, it was still definitely tense in a lot of parts. All of the lore added was really interesting and added a lot to the world building and I didn’t mind ALAN or having a talking protagonist much. Overall it was so great returning to the world and I can’t wait for Subnautica 3

Below Zero é um jogo decente; no entanto, não consegue ser tão envolvente quanto seu antecessor.

Acredito que a equipe de desenvolvimento tenha perdido um dos aspectos mais importantes ao expandir o universo de Subnautica: o elemento do desconhecido. O medo presente no primeiro jogo não é tão impactante em Below Zero, e há uma certa perda de foco ao incluir uma área fora da água com jogabilidade desafiadora e pouco fluida, onde locais básicos e cruciais são difíceis e/ou pouco intuitivos de encontrar. Os biomas não conseguem ser tão envolventes como antes; eles são mais suaves e não apresentam a mesma riqueza visual do primeiro jogo.

Apesar desses pontos notáveis, o jogo ainda é divertido e agradável de jogar, com uma narrativa interessante. Curiosamente, o personagem secundário se destaca como mais cativante e emocionante do que o protagonista. Além disso, a história se entrelaça de maneira excelente com o primeiro jogo, fornecendo explicações até mesmo sobre a famosa Dead Zone que intrigou a comunidade.

Em resumo, eu recomendaria Below Zero, mas daria uma recomendação ainda mais forte para seu antecessor. É uma experiência leve, visualmente atraente e divertida que vale a pena explorar.

It´s like a DLC but separate and expensive, if you don´t like AL AN oh boy you will NOT like this game

Me prendeu pelas 20 horas que joguei, é bem menor que o primeiro, mas ainda muito vasto de conteúdo, com a parte terrestre muito mais bem feita.
Pra mim o ponto mais forte do jogo é obviamente a exploração aquática. Ele da um pouco menos de medo, então fica gostosinho de explorar, ainda mais com o novo veículo que também é uma das melhores adições ao jogo.

Pontos fortes
++ Exploração
++ Estilo de arte, gráficos e ambientação
+ Trilha sonora
+ Reformulação das fases terrestres
++ Muito conteúdo de qualidade
++ Ritmo (cabe ao player ditar o ritmo, e termina exatamente quando tem que terminar.)
+ Novo veículo

Pontos neutros (depende do gosto)
+- História
+- Terror reduzido e criaturas menos aterrorizantes
+- Partes terrestres

Pontos negativos
- Level design não-intuitivo (certas partes dependem muito de guia online)

Gostou do primeiro jogo? Vai sem medo nesse, muito bom.

ice worm i love you :)<3 (same review as the first: this game but it is HORRIBLE for my motion sickness </3 someday.....someday ill finish it.)

mismo problema que subnautica, en un momento desbloqueas todo y te piden que busques en un rincon del mapa una cosa especifica, que no tenes ni idea donde va a estar. ya estuve 3 horas en el primero haciendolo, se lo dejo a otro. lo de explorar con el frio esta bueno

A step back from the original, but still great. Didn't enjoy the above-ground stuff anywhere near as much.

It not only made justice to the groundbraking game that came before it, but also added to it where it needed: company.

There is only one thing this game got going for it which are its visuals. Apart from that it's like they had no idea what made the first subnautica when creating this sequel.

Ended out of the nowhere, with an unsatisfying ending to boot. I really don't know the deal with the subnautica devs actively not doing the things people have begged them to do (like doing more horror stuff) and instead trying stuff that is weird, janky and doesn't really work with the game's strengths.

I've somehow missed one achievement and it will forever haunt me.

Idk man, it doesn't hit as hard as the original

Que jogo bom!

Uma ótima sequência do grande Subnautica. Below Zero traz uma dificuldade a mais quando te coloca pra sobreviver num planeta com temperatura negativa, o lugar mais apavorante, enorme e desconhecido se torna o único seguro contra o frio extremo do planeta.

Ele traz novas mecânicas e adaptações do que faltou no seu antecessor, como o display de fabricação de itens, módulos novos dos veículos, novas estruturas para construir, etc.

Mesmo assim, não inova muito desde o primeiro, diria até que é basicamente a gameplay do primeiro mas com algumas coisas a mais. Isso não faz do jogo ruim, até porque Subnautica em si é maravilhoso e gostoso demais de jogar, chega a viciar. Acontece que a gente espera mais de uma sequência do que teve nesse jogo.

Sobre a fauna, bom, ela se mostra uma boa adaptação pras novas condições climáticas do planeta, mas comparado ao primeiro dá pra perceber que faltou criatividade e inovação, principalmente nos leviatãs. No primeiro jogo, a gente tinha o Reaper, Ghost e o Sea Dragon como leviatãs mais perigosos, mas em Below Zero temos apenas dois (na água) que são agressivos sendo que um deles é o que dá um pouco mais de trabalho. E digo mais, com o módulo de escape de choque no Seatruck basicamente ficam obsoletos, só uma coisa no caminho, e não um inimigo que você tem que se preocupar ou ter medo como no primeiro jogo.

Outra coisa que me incomodou é o tamanho do mapa, não sei se é impressão por conta das geleiras, icebergs (sem nada pra explorar) e ilhas mas achei o mapa bem pequeno com relativamente poucas coisas pra ver. No primeiro jogo tinha várias partes da Aurora pelo mapa pra entrar e acho que dava pra descer até uns 1800 metros abaixo do nível do mar, mas nesse eu fui até os 1000 e se pá nem isso. Os biomas também não são muito interessantes, mas eu gostei dos visuais de cada um. Apesar disso tudo, as partes nas ilhas são bem legais de explorar, menos aquela parte.

Enfim, um bom jogo, é Subnautica né, pra mim faltou um pouco mas mesmo assim me diverti muito. A história é bem interessante e gostei que incrementaram uma dublagem dos personagens e diálogos. Realmente vale a pena, o final é bem legal mas comparando ao primeiro talvez você tenha a mesma opinião que eu (de gente chata).

Compre, recomendado, não fica enrolando não, só vai amigos.

Smaller, less interesting story and far easier but great visuals, soundtrack and environments. Still fun.

Scary game. Love the designs and drinking fish

Good little expansion to Subnautica, short and sometimes contradicting story though

Quase tão bom quanto o primeiro

Um jogo incrível, talvez inferior à seu jogo anterior, porém bem diferente, uma outra história é contada, outros meios de sobrevivência são utilizados, outros empecilhos acontecem, um jogo sensacional. Na minha opinião pecaram um pouco na história em relação ao primeiro Subnautica, porém tem um belo desfecho. Palmas para essas obras primas

Es un poco más pequeño que el anterior quitando así un poco de exploración pero a cambio de una historia que vale la pena y es interesante dejando un final increíble. Solo por la narrativa es mejor que la primera entrega.

Rating: Good/Great
Really great standalone expansion. Improves on a lot from Subnautica but also is a much smaller game. The air bladder going from being basically useless in the first game to an essential item early-mid game item in Below Zero is one of the best examples of the improvements this game makes. Base building is also expanded upon and I love the new additions, the majority of my playtime was spent perfecting my base and I might continue tweaking it even after finishing the game. This game is also incredibly buggy which is strange because it was in early access and a lot of this bugs are pretty noticeable.
This one is far more story driven and the game doesn't really justify this direction. I thought the story in the first game was far more compelling on top of it having a silent protagonist. The mystery this game sets up with your sister is pretty anti-climactic, and the mystery involving what happened to the precursor race ends the game on a cliffhanger ending. I hate cliffhanger endings.
This game has some incredibly frustrating sections like the part with the Ice Worm and Shadow Leviathans.
The end game area is the worst part of the game which is incredibly disappointing considering the best part of the first game was preparing and making the trip to the final area; it really felt like an adventure. The final area in this game is easily accessible and not nearly as visually interesting as the Ghost Forest from the first game and the last little section that houses the Fabricator Base is basically the same thing but instead of the crystals being blue they are now red.
I encountered a particularly infuriating moment when I arrived at the Fabricator Base only to find out that I had to go back to the surface and gather materials all over the map and then make the trip all the way back down just so I could finish the game. On top of that, for some reason you aren't allowed to take your Prawn Suit inside the facility which means I had to keep it parked outside. In my absence, the Shadow Leviathan outside destroyed it which meant I had to swim all the way back to my Seatruck. At that point I just used console commands to teleport all the materials I needed into my inventory and then teleport myself back into my Seatruck. I don't understand how something like this could get past play testing, especially when the Subnatuica team takes player feedback extremely seriously.
One final note is that I thought the temperature mechanic was pretty shallow. It's really just the same thing as an oxygen meter for land, only it depletes faster when there is bad weather which might I add is constant. The storms are extremely low visibility, which is awesome, but it wears out its welcome when they roll in every six minutes. It's really strange that you can't get cold when you are in the water, and the temperature makes no sense either. Apparently 6 degrees Celsius is enough to give you hypothermia on land but 1 degree Celsius at the bottom of the ocean is nice and toasty.
As glaring as the issues are, they don't last very long. It's not as good as the first game but it is still worth playing. I had fun with it, but I hope the team moves on from Subnautica before the formula gets too stale.

messes up the mechanics of the original subnautica. the whole argument that its not scary anymore is tired since its horror was clearly a byproduct of what the team was trying to make with its desolate survival and exploratory focus. Instead there are too many issues with how the game runs that it becomes hard to realize this was built from the previous game. Enemies seem to have two states either chilling there after just spawning and then whenever you are within eyesight (even if they weren't looking at you in the first place) beelining it straight for you. The cat and mouse game is gone now replaced with feral animals and the equivalents of an abusive zookeeper's stun rod. Add on to this the snowfox which seems super cool in concept but basically functions as well as any vehicle from Death Stranding. (as an aside I've never had to replace any of my vehicles across both games save for having to built 4 snowfoxes. one was my fault and carelessly crashing into things but two of them just phased through the floor after I placed them down. made the last couple hours very tedious)

It's difficult to justify a game being a sequel, when some of the core elements of the predecessor are missing - namely the horror.
Once again, I immensely enjoyed my time underwater, discovering the brilliantly designed flora and fauna of an alien world, this time speeding through the mediocre land segments.